
DeKalb Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Village of Hinckley Village Board met Sept. 26

Village of Hinckley Village Board met Sept. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Attorney Tait Lundgren at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following:

Present: Walter Rainford, Sarah Quirk, Russell Kula, and Mike Constant. Quorum Established. Absent: Michele Greene-Larsen and Steve Gayhart.

Trustee Quirk moved to appoint Trustee Kula as President Pro Tem. Trustee Constant seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Quirk-Aye, Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Also Present: Village Clerk Elizabeth Losiniecki, Deputy Clerk Kathy Michaels, Attorney Tait Lundgren, Treasurer Dave Maroo, Police Chief Gettemy, Ceneca Wagner, Dale Youngers, Brandon Kramer, and Members of the Public.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge to the flag was recited.

PUBLIC COMMENT on Agenda Items Scheduled for Action Only



• Agenda item for discussion/approval: September 12, 2022, Regular Board Meeting Minutes Trustee Constant moved to approve the minutes from September 12, 2022, and Trustee Quirk seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Quirk-Aye, Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Payment of Invoices Due

Trustee Rainford moved to approve the invoices and Trustee Quirk seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Quirk-Aye. Motion carried.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Chief Gettemy presented 3 Resource Bank Employees with an award and gift card for their quick thinking and response. They prevented an elderly person from losing a considerable amount of money from a telephone scam. Congratulations and great work.


No report.


No report.


• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Donation to DeKalb County Sheriff’s Auxiliary NTE $300.00

Village Clerk Losiniecki stated that the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Auxiliary provides traffic control for our 4th of July festival. She also stated the village has never donated to the Auxiliary. Chief Gettemy stated that they respond to emergency situations at the drop of the hat. Chief Gettemy stated he would like to increase the donation to $500.00. Trustee Quirk moved to table the discussion until the next Regular Board Meeting on October 10, 2022, and Trustee Constant seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Quirk-Aye, and Kula-Aye. Motion carried.

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Surplus Property Ordinance

Clerk Losiniecki stated that Ceneca is looking to get rid of the leaf vac. Ceneca stated that the DeKalb County Highway Department has shown interest in purchasing it. Trustee Kula wanted to reconfirm that we do not have a truck for the leaf blower which Ceneca confirmed. Ceneca stated that he would sell the leaf vac for between $6000 - $6500. Trustee Rainford moved to approve the sale of the leaf vac and Trustee Kula seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Constant-Aye, Quirk-Nay, Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye. Motion Failed.

Village Clerk Losiniecki stated that the Board could consider a blanket surplus property ordinance to get rid of items under a certain dollar amount. This would avoid having to involve the Board for small dollar value items. Clerk Losiniecki said it was just an idea to think about.


No report.


Treasurer Maroo stated that he attached the wrong top sheet to the Monthly Fund Balance Report. He then handed out the correct one. The Village received the final ARPA installment for $130,000.00. Water and Sewer is in the positive which is very good.



No Report.

Finance and Economic Development

No Report.

Public Safety

No Report.

Streets & Alleys

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Royal Estates Development Agreement Amendment

Attorney Lundgren presented the board with the updated Royal Estates Development Agreement. Trustee Constant was concerned regarding the number of extra trees that are not accounted for in the agreement. Attorney Lundgren stated they are committed to all 180 trees. Lundgren stated they can insert one sentence in the agreement and approve it with that change. Trustee Constant moved to approve the Royal Estates Development Agreement Amendment and Trustee Quirk seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Quirk-Aye, Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye. Motion carried.

Buildings, Grounds & Parks

• Agenda item for discussion/approval: Future Link IT Contract

Clerk Losiniecki stated that everyone has a copy of the contract in their folder. Clerk Losiniecki stated she listed the breakdown on the copies for charges. Total per month will be $1208.00 and a one-time fee of $657.00. Trustee Quirk moved to approve the Future Link IT Contract and Trustee Rainford seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kula-Aye, Rainford-Aye, Constant-Aye, Quirk-Aye. Motion carried.

Water & Sewer

No Report.


Steven Nehring from Hinckley Concrete spoke regarding his property at 540 W. Lincoln Ave. having been re-zoned to residential (in 2009). He would like it rezoned back to industrial. He does have a couple individuals interested in purchasing the business. Village Clerk Losiniecki and Attorney Lundgren suggested that he attend the Planning Commission Meeting on October 3rd.

Dave Maroo thanked Ceneca Wagner for his help with road closure signs for the Lions Club Car Show.




Trustee Quirk moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 pm and Trustee Constant seconded the motion. Voice vote: All in favor. Motion carried. The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on October 10, 2022.
