
DeKalb Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Oct. 6

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Oct. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order: Chairman Plote called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm

1. Roll Call

Committee members present were Mr. Deutsch, Ms. Emmer, Vice Chair Luebke, Mr. Osland, Mr. Reid and Ms. Willis, with Ms. Richardson, Support Services Manager also present. The County Engineer, Mr. Schwartz attended by Zoom.

2. Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the October 6, 2022 agenda made by Ms. Emmer; seconded by Vice Chair Luebke; Motion approved unanimously.

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Regular Meeting – September 1, 2022

b. Special Meeting – September 28, 2022

Motion to approve the September 1st & 28th meeting minutes made by Ms. Willis; seconded by Ms. Emmer; Motion approved unanimously.

4. Public Comments

No public comments.

5. Filling of Department Staff Vacancy

County Engineer Schwartz reported the Highway Department currently has several vacancies including: Highway Maintainer, Engineering Technician, Bridge Engineering Technician, & MPO Coordinator/Planner (DSATS). Each year the Department adds more workload to improve services to the public and we need to fill the vacancies to continue that trend. The funding for the positions is already included in the budget. Consensus of the Committee is to continue the process to fill vacancies.

6. Resolution #2022-224; Supplemental Engineering Agreement for CH5 (Glidden Road) and Baseline Road intersection

County Engineer Schwartz recommended approval of awarding the Resolution presented of a supplemental Engineering Agreement for Phase I and II Engineering Services associated with the intersection design for safety improvement of CH5 (Glidden Road) and Baseline Road in the Road District of Kingston, DeKalb County, project designated as Section Number 20-00272-00-SP, not to exceed $110,000.00 for services provided by the Engineering Firm of Hutchison Engineering, Inc., from Jacksonville, Illinois. The County recently received word it will receive $656,100 from a federal safety grant to improve the intersection. Motion to approve the Resolution #2022-224 made by Mr. Luebke; seconded by Mr. Deutsch; Motion approved unanimously

7. Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Plote asked County Engineer Schwartz to comment on the Suydam Road HMA paving spots appearing in a small stretch of the project. Mr. Schwartz explained the spots are pieces of asphalt from the compaction roller and it is a short-term superficial affect. The spots will disappear over time and have no negative impact on the road. Mr. Schwartz also commented on the use of thermoplastic pavement markings currently being used. As the Department transitions to a different style of snow plow blade, we are finding the thermoplastic lines are getting worn thin earlier. The Department will be moving away from thermoplastic striping specifications and returning to paint usage.

8. County Engineer’s Comments

a. Monthly Update on Projects

Highlights from the Transportation Improvement Progress were reviewed.

-North First paving is 100% complete, this brings this to be an 80,000 pound road.

-Peace Road Bridge widening continues to move forward, the ESR request was approved.

-Perry Road Bridge moving along to replace in 2023.

-Plank Road Study for the area Lindgren Road to east of Lukens Road is almost ready for a public comment forum. While we have received biological approval for the area, the cultural approval, specifically archeology approval, is still under review at the State.

-Rollo Road culvert project is on track for a spring 2023 letting.

-Suydam Road HMA paving can report 100% complete.

b. Legislative Update

No new updates on State and/or Federal Bills, more activity anticipated after Elections.

c. DSATS Update

The consulting firm, ARA, recently finished their work to complete a Pavement Condition Study that is paid for using all federal and state funds, no local dollars. This is being performed on all roads and streets in the DeKalb-Sycamore-Cortland area.

d. Other Miscellaneous Updates

Mr. Schwartz was attending the Highway Committee by Zoom due to being at a County Engineers’ Conference in East Peoria.

9. Old Business


10. New Business

Mr. Reid inquired if the Coltonville Bridge Project went through the Environmental Survey steps that Mr. Schwartz explained Plank Road Study is undergoing. Mr. Schwartz explained yes it did as any project using State or Federal dollars require an Environmental Survey Request which includes both biological & cultural studies.

11. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Luebke; seconded by Ms. Willis; Motion approved unanimously, adjourning the meeting at 6:41 pm.
