
DeKalb Times

Thursday, February 20, 2025

City of Dekalb Transit Site Selection Committee met Sept. 22

City of Dekalb Transit Site Selection Committee met Sept. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

A. Roll Call: Mr. Gill called the meeting to order at 3:38 PM. Committee member present: Gill, Smith, Webb, Irving, Groce, Duffy. Others present: City Manager Bill Nicklas and Transit Manager Mike Neuenkirchen

B. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Irving, 2nd by Duff, voice vote. All Aye, no Nays, motion passes.

C. Approval of February 17, 2022, Meeting Minutes: Motion by Webb, 2nd by Groce, voice vote. All Aye, no Nays, motion passes.

D. Public Participation: City Manager Nicklas thanked the committee for their work and stated he was looking forward to seeing the Transit Facility project move forward.

E. Reports: None

F. Old Business: None.

G. New Business:

1. Discuss the Results of the Site Selection Report provided by Stantec, date 9/6/22: i. Gill reviewed Stantec Site Selection scoring. Dresser Rd. site scored highest with 83.40, followed by Barber Greene with 72.40 and West Lincoln Highway with 72.00.

ii. Committee help discussion on findings. Groce suggested prioritizing the scoring summary in presentation to City Council. Webb asked whether nearby residents would have an opportunity to provide input on the site. Gill responded that the public would have an opportunity to provide comment when the site recommendation is presented to City Council. Smith stated that ownership of the site is important, since negotiating a sale price on property is complicated when using grant funds and can delay the project. Webb stated he felt it is important that the project move forward quickly.

2. Adopt and Advance to the City Council the Committee’s Site Selection Recommendation:

i. Gill asked for a motion and second to open discussion on this item. Motion by Groce, Second by Duffy. Voice Vote. All Aye, no Nay, motion passes

ii. Resolution: The Transit Site Selection Committee unanimously recommends the DeKalb City Council select the Dresser Rd. site, as identified in the September 6th study performed by Stantec, to locate and construct a new Transit Maintenance and Operations Facility and advises advancement of such without delay. Motion by Webb, 2nd by Groce to adopt the resolution. All Aye, no Nay, motion passes.

H. Adjourn:

1. Motion by Irving, 2nd by Webb to adjourn. Voice vote. All Aye, no Nay, motion passes. Committee adjourned at 4:00 PM.
