City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Oct. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 8:19 PM. Roll call was taken:
Present: Mayor Latham, Clerk Ii, Aldermen Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Killey, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton
Quorum established
Also Present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, City
Treasurer Schwemlein, Chief Bianchi & EMA Director Ciciora
Absent: Building Official Steffens
Mayor Latham:
1. Project Updates: The City experienced some water main breaks in the business district, and the City is unsure of the condition of the under pavement consisting of asphalt, brick, and cement. The City is attempting to find a company to repair the asphalt but this time of year, many asphalt plants are closing. Main and Railroad Streets (closed railroad crossing) is considered to be an emergency location, and the City is pushing to get the crossing open. Nicor is working on the Latham Street project pertaining to gas mains, and notice has been received from ComEd that they anticipate being in town on November 9th for some pole replacements. The Latham Street project will resume in the spring once ComEd completes their work in November. BNSF is also conducting crossing upgrades, closing crossings on an as-needed basis. Curt Dettmann (EEI) will be at next month’s council meeting to provide a year-end report on all ongoing projects. He will also be updating the Council on the Griswold Springs bidding from October 14th.
2. Potential Staffing Changes: A couple of departments have staffing positions that have become available. Mayor Latham felt this was an opportunity for Council’s input on staffing changes, and requested recommendations be forwarded to him for review in filling the vacancies.
3. Job Description – City Hall Help: The Mayor has received three job descriptions from Chief Bianchi for a records clerk, community relations coordinator, and a code enforcement official. Part-time help for City Hall has been incorporated in the Chief’s job descriptions. Mayor requested the Council to review the positions and evaluate the City’s resources to accommodate.
4. Water Late Charge Rate Increase: Alderwoman Erickson shared late charge costs for Genoa, DeKalb, Oswego & Hinckley. Those communities favored a percentage late charge as opposed to a flat rate. This information will be forwarded to the City Administrator for further investigation.
5. Committee / Commission Openings: The Mayor announced he has several openings on committees. Ideally the opening on the police commission should have a legal background as well as human resources. Prior law enforcement would be preferred but not required. There are two positions on the Citizens Advisory Committee. Requirements for all positions would be a resident of Sandwich. Mayor Latham reminded the Council that the Citizens Advisory Committee is responsible for the annual Taste of Sandwich.
6. Street Closure Request: Chamber of Commerce requested that Railroad Street be closed on Saturday, October 29th for their annual Halloween walk. Railroad Street would be closed between Wells Street and Pearl Street between 10:30 AM and 2 PM. There were no objections from the Council.
7. Dental Insurance: Mayor Latham said he has not yet reviewed the dental insurance cost increase. At a glance, it appears there will be a 6% increase in premiums. Council will approve at the next regular council meeting.
Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: Attorney Gottschalk reported that she has been working on numerous FOIA requests received by the City in the past two weeks.
City Clerk Ii advised that Ordinances 2022-18 and 2022-19 have been emailed to the Council, and will be placed on the November 7th agenda for approval. Both Ordinances are correcting scrivener’s errors in previous approved ordinances.
City Treasurer Schwemlein: No report
City Department Reports:
EMA Director Ciciora: Mayor Latham thanked Tom Ciciora in his promptness posting on the City’s website, including notices of cancellations.
Chief Bianchi explained the hiring lateral transfer and the public safety building generator issues including potential costs are being reviewed.
Engineering: No report
Aldermen Reports:
Alderman Fritsch inquired status of ADA ramp on Main & Railroad Streets. Response: Engineering firm is investigating.
Alderwoman Johnson questioned when leaf pickup with begin. Response: October 31st.
Alderman Kreinbrink provided an update on the sidewalk inventory project, and the purchase of iPads by the city for staff. He questioned if it is possible for the street department to conduct necessary tear out repairs at the Main Street watermain break site. He felt there could be a savings if city crews conducted some of the repairs. He added there were no updates from Allen Visual for the audio sound contract and will be contacting them.
Announcement: The Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their annual “Spooky Sandwitch” on October 29th between 12 – 2 PM. Alderwomen Erickson and Killey will represent the City by distributing candy.
Audience Comments: None
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Johnson to adjourn the Committee-of the-Whole council meeting at 8:51 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.