
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb city council takes steps against the city clerk to censure him


Bill Nicklas, city manager of DeKalb | LinkedIn

Bill Nicklas, city manager of DeKalb | LinkedIn

At its Jan. 9 meeting, the DeKalb city council unanimously voted to pass a resolution of censureship against city clerk Sasha Cohen due to the abandonment of his duties since he was sworn into office in 2021. 

Cohen has missed seven of the 19 city council meetings in 2021 after he was sworn in, and in 2022 he was absent for 23 out of the 26 meetings. 

He left early from meetings he attended in December. 

There was no explanation for the majority of his absences despite questioning.

City manager Bill Nicklas explained some of the background, saying that this censureship showed council’s lack of trust in Cohen’s ability and willingness to do his sworn duty.

“I just think it's illogical,” Nicklas said. “I may be wrong in this, but I think it's illogical for any employer, and in this case, the people of the City of DeKalb to trust that this person has their best interest, to trust that this person is acting in a professional manner. ... So the evidence is deep and strong that this person has not any interest in serving the public that he swore to faithfully serve during his tenure, hence the idea of a censure. So a censure is a statement of this body that you don't approve of this, that you find this to be so extraordinary in its lack of respect for the people to be served, that this person should not be recognized as the one you trust to record the proceedings of these meetings.”

 Cohen defended himself in the public comment section of the meeting, saying that there was explanation for his absences and he had warned council when he'd be absent. He claimed that he is asserting his role of city clerk and will continue to do so. 

The city council had appointed, in his absence, executive assistant Ruth Scott to the position of recording secretary to attend to the duties of clerk in meetings and recording the minutes. She has served the council in this time period. 

Censureship would allocate the authority of the city clerk “at all times” to Scott, allowing her to step in without prior authorization from Cohen.

In other business, council discussed having renovations done for buildings at 330 Grove St. and 217 South Fourth St.

The board will meet again at 6 p.m. on Monday in the DeKalb Public Library’s Yusunas meeting room at 309 Oak St.