City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Council met Dec. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:53 PM. Roll call was taken:
Present: Mayor Latham, Clerk Ii, Aldermen Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Killey, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant , Robinson & Whitecotton
Quorum established
Also Present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, City Treasurer Schwemlein, Chief Bianchi & EMA Ciciora
Absent: Building Official Steffens
Mayor Latham:
1. Debt Limit Discussion: In preparation on the wastewater treatment plant funding, Mayor Latham advised that the Council needs to consider the City’s debt limit. Debt limit is defined as the maximum the City can borrow based on the City’s overall assessed value meaning there is a limit on the City’s debt. The public safety building has sales tax revenue pledged against the incurred bond debt and sales tax revenue was also pledged for the WWTP (wastewater treatment plant). IEPA has approved up to $18 million for the WWTP. The Mayor cautioned that the Council needs to be mindful of and not overextend by committing to new debt including affordable payments. The Council will need to review sewer reserve funds and revenues versus expenses. Sewer rates were raised recently, and may need to be increased again along with water rates to fund the City’s infrastructure.
2. Update on Leaf & Brush Pickup: The leaf and brush pickup program has ended for the season. The City was plagued with heavy winds and damage to equipment by a brick and debris in a leaf pile. The street department was commended on their perseverance and commitment to the community noting many times they were out around 5 AM and after dusk, working until 7-8 PM.
3. Discussion on Snow Routes: Snow routes have been designated and will become effective with a minimum 2-inch snowfall. Snow routes are designated main routes within the community, such as Main Street.
Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: Attorney Gottschalk advised she is still working on the Adjudication IGS (Intergovernmental Agreement).
City Clerk Ii
1. FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Monthly Report: Clerk Ii provided a detailed spreadsheet depicting 2022 FOIA requests that included number of manhours and copies provided. Mayor Latham would like to see additional information reflecting actual manhour costs incurred for each FOIA request.
2. April, 2023 Election Update: Monday, December 12th, is the first day that candidates can turn in their nominating petitions for the April, 2023 election. She advised that the required Economic Interest Statement must be filed at the County and nominating petition packets can be accepted until December 19th, the final filing date.
City Treasurer Schwemlein reported that she rolled over a one-year CD at 3.85%. Another CD will mature in May, 2023.
City Administrator Penman
1. Tri-County Kiwanis Bench Donation: Chief Administrator Penman thanked the Tri County Kiwanis for the donation of an outdoor bench designed by recyclables.
2. Late Fees for Water / Sewer Discussion: Highlights of the proposed restructuring of the late charges imposed and collected on water bills included increasing the late charge from $10/quarter to $20 /quarter or 20%, whichever is higher, and increasing shutoff cost from $30 to $50.00. An amnesty program would immediately go into effect until March 1st without additional costs incurred providing the delinquent account is brought current. Council will review the distributed proposal for approval at the next meeting in December.
City Department Reports:
EMA Director Ciciora: No report
Chief Bianchi: No report
Engineering: No report
Aldermen Reports: Alderman Fritsch expressed desire that the City seek out and provide information to residents on agencies available to assist with water bill payments.
Announcement: Mayor Latham announced that KKCOM (Kane / Kendall County of Mayors) has excess project funding available the City may qualify for Main Street and Knights Road projects. He also reported that FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) retro salaries will be completed this month.
Audience Comments: None
Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson to adjourn the Committee-of the-Whole council meeting at 8:26 PM. Motion carried unanimously on voice vote.