
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Nov. 21

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Nov. 21.

Board Members Present: Perry Maier, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn, Jennie Geltz, Robert Cook Board Members Absent: Meghan Cook, Jane Smith, Sue Plote, Laurie Emmer Other Persons Present: Desaree Sanders (NIU Student)

Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

1. Call to Order 

Dr. Stromborg called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Ms. Allen took attendance. Perry Maier, Marilyn Stromborg, Kristen Quinn, Jennie Geltz, and Robert Cook were present. There is a quorum for the meeting.

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

Dr. Stromborg led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Agenda 

Mr. Cook moved to approve the agenda seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

4. Minutes 

Mr. Maier moved to approve the minutes of the 10/17/2022 Board Meeting seconded by Mr. Cook. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 

5. Announcements 

Ms. Cada introduced our guest, Desaree Sanders. She is a Sophomore Public Health student at NIU looking to get more exposure in the field.

Ms. Cada announced that Ms. Laurie Emmer was not re-elected for her position and will no longer serve on our board.

6. Director’s Report 

Ms. Cada reported that the Richard J. Schluter award recipients, Trisha Alexander and Erin Eckhart, were about to complete courses to further their careers. The next round of applications will be set to send out in January.

Ms. Cada announced that the Northwestern Medicine PHP program at Fox pointe in Sycamore would open on 11/28/2022. Adolescents will be welcomed in March 2023. Once the programs are up and running, the Board will be invited to tour the facility with the hopes of holding a board meeting there.

Ms. Cada informed us that there was an inquiry if we had a Spanish translation for our resources. Ms. Cada will use an online Spanish translation service.

Ms. Cada announced that the Penguin Project would be having its play at NIU. She will send out an email with more details.

Ms. Allen announced that she was accepted to participate in an Intellectual/ Developmental Disabilities Leadership Institute. Ms. Allen is very excited to learn more about disabilities and become a more knowledgeable resource for the county.

Ms. Cada announced that the Board holiday party would be at Fatty’s on December 13th at 6:30 pm.

7. Community Input 


8. Finance Reports 

A. Monthly budget report: October 2022

Dr. Stromborg reviewed the monthly budget reports for November 2022.

B. Claims

November 2022 Claims were discussed.

Mr. Maier moved to approve the November 2022 agency claims in the amount of $237,627.30, seconded by Mr. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn -Yes, Ms. Geltz-Yes, Mr. Cook- Yes 

Ms. Quinn moved to approve the November 2022 office claims for $5,551.56 seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn - Yes, Ms. Geltz-Yes, Mr. Cook- Yes 

9. Executive Committee 

A. DCCMHB Strategic Planning status – Ms. Cada discussed that Focus Groups for the community would be held on Nov. 30th Currently, there are 16 people in each of the focus groups. Ms. Cada also reminded the board of the board workshop on Jan 31st, 2023, from 9-3 pm at the History Center. Everyone needs to be in attendance. Lastly, the Executive Committee Members will be interviewed on December 13th and should have received an email to get set up.

B. Angst Screening Recap – The Screening went well. Ms. Cada announced that there were about 50 people in attendance. A live stream option was included where community members could participate.

Closed Session (Exception (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees)

a. Annual Personnel Performance Review Discussion – TABLED TO JANUARY MEETING  

10. Finance Committee 

A. Annual Employee Performance Review Compensation -TABLED TO JANUARY MEETING 

B. Special Grant Program/Application Review – Applications were reviewed and discussed by the board

Mr. Maier moved to approve the One Time Special Grant for $268,000 237,635, seconded by Ms. Quinn. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Quinn -Yes, Ms. Geltz-Yes, Mr. Cook- Yes 

C. Financial Consultant Updates: Agency Audit– EAN & CACDC & Financial Tools – Ms. Cada discussed a financial tool that our consultant Betsy Hull uses that would help our agencies see their financial viability and would inform DCCMHB members about agency financial health.

D. GY2024 Application Changes and Grantmakers Workshop- Ms. Cada announced that the Grantmakers workshop would be held on December 6th at 9 am

E. Finance Committee Members and Chair – Ms. Cada discussed that due to our Finance Committee Chair being away during the winter, a member would need to be appointed during that time. Perry Maier agreed to volunteer to sit on the finance committee, and Meghan Cook will stand in for Chair during this time. Official appointment will need to be made by the President, Jane Smith.

11. Impact Committee - 


12. CEBIB Committee 

A. Data Analysis RFQ – Ms. Cada announced they are finalizing who will help with the report. NIU- CGS submitted a proposal that will be voted on at the following CEBIB Committee.

B. Next Meeting is December 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.

13. Old Business 

A. One-Year & Three-Year Plan update:

a. Ms. Cada announced that she and Sue Plote would be looking to hire a consultant to assist with their priority group.

14. New Business 


15. Adjournment 

a. Next meeting - No December Meeting

Next Meeting - January 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Agency Presentation: Epilepsy Advocacy Network

b. December Holiday Gathering – December 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at Fatty’s Bar & Grille.

Mr. Cook moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously with all in favor. 
