
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Dekalb City Council met Feb. 27

City of Dekalb City Council met Feb. 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:





1. DeKalb Public Library Annual Report.  



1. Appointment of Shaun Langley to the Citizens’ Environmental Commission for the  Completion of a Two-Year Term through December 31, 2024.  

2. Appointment of James Carlin of the DeKalb County Health Department as an Ex Officio Member of the Citizens’ Environmental Commission. 

3. Reappointment of Nick Newman to the Citizens’ Environmental Commission for the Completion of a Two-Year Term through December 31, 2024. 


1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 23, 2023. 


1. Accounts Payable and Payroll through February 27, 2023, in the Amount of $2,785,346.06.  

2. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report for January 2023. 

3. FY2022 Human Services Funding Fourth Quarter Report. 






1. Resolution 2023-022 Amending Resolution 2022-023 to Extend the Deadline for the Issuance of a Package Liquor License with Supplemental Drive-Through Licensure for Blue Ridge LLC – 1221, Located at 1221 W. Lincoln Highway. 

City Manager’s Summary: Petitioners Jeff Dobie and Jeff Richardson are requesting a further extension for the issuance of a bar liquor license supplemental to a video gaming establishment, a liquor license for a drive-through package liquor store, and a license for a video gaming establishment. This grouping of licenses and allowances was first authorized by the Council on a conditional basis on September 10, 2018 (Resolution 2018-124). Since then, the petitioners have received three Council extensions:

▪ On October 12, 2020, during the height of the COVID pandemic and the closure of liquor establishments across the state, the Council issued a one-year extension (Resolution 2020- 112).

▪ On August 23, 2021, the petitioners requested a further one-year extension to begin the development of their property at 1221 W. Lincoln Highway but did secure a rezoning of that property from the “GC” General Commercial District and “MFR2” Multi-Family Residential District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District (Ordinance 2021-032) along with a preliminary plan. The ordinance required the submittal of a final development plan and final plat prior to any building permit being issued. The ordinance also provided that the City Manager could extend the Council’s one-year time frame by six months once it expired. This administrative extension was granted by the City Manager.

▪ On February 28, 2022, as the City Manager’s six-month extension was about to expire, the petitioners (d/b/a Blue Ridge LLC) approached the Council for a “final” one-year extension. The Council granted a one-year extension for the issuance of a bar license and video gaming license (Resolution 2022-023 and Resolution 2022-024). At that time, Mayor Barnes  suggested, and the Council consensus concurred, that this would be the last extension unless substantial progress on the project had occurred. A final development plan, final plat, and building permit application were to be submitted. The petitioners pledged to start the project in the Spring of 2022 with completion in the Fall of 2022. At this time, no detailed building or engineering plans have been submitted for permit review.

Representing Blue Ridge LLC, Jeff Dobie has submitted a request to extend the grace period for an additional year to get a liquor and video gaming license for a proposed 6,090 square foot building (across from Fatty’s Pub & Grill) to contain a package liquor store (with drive through), a video gaming establishment, and related storage. City Council direction is requested. (click here for additional information)

2. Resolution 2023-023 Amending Resolution 2022-023 to Extend the Deadline for the Issuance of a Bar Liquor License with Supplemental Licensure for Video Gaming for Blue Ridge LLC – 1221, Located at 1221 W. Lincoln Highway. 

City Manager’s Summary: If the Council approves Resolution 2023-022, above, then it is recommended that the Council approve the attached resolution for video gaming for Blue Ridge LLC. If the Council does not approve Resolution 2023-022, then Council disapproval is recommended. City Council direction is requested. (click here for additional information) 

3. Resolution 2023-024 Authorizing the Purchase of a Phoenix G2 Station Alert System from US Digital Designs for the DeKalb Fire Department in an Amount Not to Exceed $124,557.80 Using Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Funding (Fund 130). 

City Manager’s Summary: As Fire Chief Mike Thomas writes in the attached memorandum, the current Fire Department station alert system is over 30 years old, and the Department has wrestled with a number of expensive maintenance issues with the current system in the past several years. A station alert system is the software and hardware that is responsible for Police dispatches to the Fire Department’s internal communication system once a 9-1-1 call is received. The hardware portion of the system consists of the components installed in each station. Such components include flush-mounted speakers with red/white LED rings, strobe lights, weatherproof speakers, doorbells, G-2 messenger signs, HDTV monitors, turn-out timers, etc.

In anticipation of the purchase of a replacement system up-to-date visual and audio signaling, the Fire Department evaluated four vendors. The US Digital Designs Phoenix G2 proposal met the Department’s specifications. The upgrade will improve system reliability including dispatch information, response times, station security, and notification. The FY2023 GEMT budget includes funding for a new alerting system involving the installation of components at all three City fire stations.

The proposed system includes lighting alerts and tone alerts that “ramp-up” as well as voice over-text technology, cell phone application alerts, and mapping. The Department is eager to provide display screens, “ticker” displays, smart-speakers, smart-lighting, and doorbell/cameras at each station.

The total cost for the lowest proposal is $177,732.38. The Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) will cover the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) portion, which is $53,175, as well as the CAD integration in the amount of $7,855. The City’s total cost for this system will not exceed $124,557.80, with the exception of the component installation.

The bids that were received are compared below:

US Digital Designs - Phoenix G2 System

Met Spec


Purvis Systems

Did not meet Spec


Motorola Inc. - MACH Alert

Bid Not Itemized



No Bid

No Bid

The 2023 GEMT Budget (130-00-00-86000) has sufficient dedicated funds for the City’s share of this important equipment purchase.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)  

4. Resolution 2023-025 Authorizing the Purchase of a Station Alert System with Component Installation for the DeKalb Fire Department in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,180 Using Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Funding (Fund 130). 

City Manager’s Summary: The installation of the new station alert system, if authorized by Council action on the previous resolution, requires certified installers for warranty purposes. The Fire Department solicited bids from the certified installers listed below:

Electrical Solutions Services LLC


DigiCom Installations, Inc.


Advanced Wiring Solutions


The Fire Department recommends the award of the installation contract to Electrical Solutions Services LLC to install the components for the station alert system using FY2023 GEMT (Fund 130) funds in an amount not to exceed $20,180.00. The total, not-to-exceed price for the acquisition of the components and their installation is $144,737.80.

City Council approval is recommended. With the generous support represented by the local ETSB grants, the GEMT account that funds the new station alert system will have additional monies in reserve for other Department capital needs. (click here for additional  information) 

5. Resolution 2023-026 Authorizing the Purchase of Two Ford F-150 Pickup Trucks for the Public Works Department through Morrow Brothers Ford in an Amount Not to Exceed $80,468. 

City Manager’s Summary: The City’s FY2023 Water Fund budget allocated capital funds for the two replacement pickups for the Utility Division of Public Works. The Utility Division is requesting authorization to purchase two Ford F-150 pickup trucks through Morrow Brothers Ford in an amount not to exceed $80,468. The vehicles will replace a 2003 Dodge Ram pickup truck and a 1997 GMC Sierra pickup truck, which will likely be sold at auction.

Morrow Brothers Ford of Greenfield, Illinois is listed in the Illinois State Purchasing Contract (Contract No. 21-416CMS-P-29479) and has provided a quote for the two vehicles (see attached exhibits). The approved FY2023 budget includes $120,000 under GL 620-00-00- 87000 (Vehicles) for the purchase of the two vehicles.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information) 




1. Ordinance 2023-012 Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow the Resubdivision of an “RC-1” Residential Conservation District Zoned Lot into Two Single-Family Attached Lots in Accordance with Chapter 23, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 5.03.06, and Approval of the Final Plat of the Burnoski Subdivision Located at 1104-1106 Lewis Street. 

City Manager’s Summary: As Planning Director Dan Olson writes in his background memorandum, the applicant, Samuel Burnoski, is requesting approval of a special use permit, variance, and an accompanying final plat to re-subdivide a two-family (duplex) lot at 1104- 1106 Lewis Street into two single-family-attached (zero-lot-line) lots. The property is zoned “RC-1” Residential Conservation District and is 8,493 square feet in area (.19 acres). The applicant proposes to resubdivide the property along the common wall of the existing two family (duplex) residential structure built in the mid 1970’s. The re-subdivision would create two lots, with one residential unit on each of the new lots. Lot 1 would be 3,397 square feet and Lot 2 would be 5,096 square feet. The resulting re-subdivision would allow each of the units and the lots on which they are located to be owned or sold in fee simple.

In the “RC-1” District, the Universal Development Ordinance (UDO), Article, has several criteria for the proposed type of re-subdivision. Each new lot must be at least 3,500 square feet and a minimum lot width of 25 feet is required. The interior lot line setback is removed to accommodate the new lot line going down the common wall. A declaration of cross easements and common wall agreement is also required which covers the maintenance, responsibilities, and liability of the common wall between the two units. The applicant has submitted a Shared Wall Agreement, which has been reviewed and approved by our City Attorney. The agreement will be recorded with the final plat.

The proposed Lot 2 meets the 25-foot minimum lot width and the 3,500 square-foot minimum lot size requirement. Lot 1 is 3,397 square feet, which is slightly under the 3,500 square foot minimum, therefore a variance was requested. The two-unit dwelling was not placed in the middle of the lot when it was constructed in the mid-1970’s and is located more on the western portion of the property. The possibility exists to make two lots of over 3,500 square feet, but the cleanest way to divide the lot is with one straight dividing line down the middle of the building (through the shared center wall).

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding the special use petition at their meeting on February 21, 2023. By a vote of 5-0, the Commission recommended City Council approval of a special use permit to allow the re-subdivision of a “RC-1” Residential Conservation Zoned Lot into Two Single-Family Attached Lots in accordance with Article 5.03.06 of the UDO for the property located at 1104-1106 Lewis Street. The Commission also recommended approval of the Final Plat of the new Burnoski Subdivision dated 1-25-23 and labeled as Exhibit A in the staff report subject to all staff comments being addressed prior to the recording the Plat.

On February 21, the Planning and Zoning Commission also approved a variance to Article of the UDO regarding the minimum lot size for Lot 1 as shown on the Final Plat of the Burnoski Subdivision labeled as Exhibit A in the staff report.

City Council approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation is requested. (click here for additional information)

2. Ordinance 2023-013 Authorizing the Northern Illinois University Annual Contribution for Integrated Transit Services. 

City Manager’s Summary: According to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the City of DeKalb and Northern Illinois University (NIU) for integrated transit services, NIU agreed to contribute a minimum of 40% of the total costs associated with fixed route transit expenses on an annual basis. For FY2023, January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, the anticipated NIU contribution amount is $2,066,768.

The anticipated total cost of consolidated transit services in FY2023 is $5,360,882 and includes all fixed route and paratransit services that are provided by Transdev. Based upon this total, the anticipated NIU contribution for FY2023 is $2,066,768.00

Public Transit Service Type 

Total Cost 

NIU Cost

Contracted Fixed Route w/Fuel



Contracted Paratransit Service w/Fuel



Contracted Elburn Bus Service w/Fuel



Contracted Park 88 Bus Service w/Fuel



Contracted Late Night Ride Service w/Fuel



Total Cost of Services 



Route 19, which operates to south DeKalb, Park 88, and Gurler Road, is meant to provide residents and students with access to employment and other available resources in an area of DeKalb that has limited public transit services. The Route 19 ridership consists primarily of residents of DeKalb; for this reason, NIU has agreed to provide a 20% local match.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information) 


1. Council Member Reports. 

2. City Manager Report. 



