
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sycamore Beautification Committee met Dec. 12

City of Sycamore Beautification Committee met Dec. 12 

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


City Manager Michael Hall called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. In attendance were Jane Hove, John Hulseberg, Suzanne Lehto, and Alec Rossiter. Lyn Bute arrived at 12:20 pm after roll. Josh Huseman and Michelle Schulz were absent. Community Development Director John Sauter and Management Analyst Jessica Lingle were also present. City Manager Michael Hall asked for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair positions to conduct the meeting.


Suzanne Lehto made a motion to appoint Jane Hove as Chair and John Hulseberg as Vice Chair and John Husleberg seconded the motion.

Voice Vote 

City Manager Michael Hall called for a voice vote. All members present voted aye. 

Motion carried 4-0.

The meeting was turned over to Chair Jane Hove who asked for introductions. Approval of the Agenda 


John Hulseberg moved to approve the agenda and Suzanne Lehto seconded the motion. 

Voice Vote 

Chairperson Jane Hove called for a voice vote. All members present voted aye. 

Motion carried 4-0.

Audience to Visitors 

Ted Strack, 1370 Windfield Drive, who was not initially selected to the committee said that he hopes to be.


Action Items 

A. Consideration of Appointments to Chair and Vice Chair positions - above

B. Consideration of Committee meeting dates and times

Chair Jane Hove asked for discussion on dates and times.


John Hulseberg made a motion to adopt the proposed meeting schedule for 2023 in the Council Chambers and Jane Hove seconded the motion.

Voice Vote 

Chair Jane Hove called for a voice vote. All members present voted aye. 

Motion carried 4-0. 

C. Review of budget process

City Manager Michael Hall gave a brief history of the Architectural Review Committee, the $25,000 budget for Downtown Façade and Gateway Improvement Grants, and signage. The transition to the Beautification Committee has three things to consider when proposing projects: 

1. Codes, Ordinances, and Comprehensive Plan

2. Ongoing Maintenance

3. Budget

The budget which begins May 1st must be approved by the City Council. The committee can start getting volunteers, donations, etc. This is a recommending body so any projects must be presented and approved by the City Council. He anticipates the Façade Grant program remaining at a $25,000 budget.

Jane Hove asked if the committee would be soliciting donations or who would do that.

City Manager Michael Hall said it doesn’t have to be just his committee that it can be open to other ideas such as a church, non-profit, or club. He said the projects are not just limited to the downtown area and that the more people involved, the better.

D. Review of current Façade Grant program

City Manager Michael Hall said that this program does have restrictions and guidelines and that Community Director John Sauter would guide them through that. Any changes to those guidelines would have to go before the City Council for approval.

John Hulseberg confirmed that the Downtown Improvement Grant is the Façade program that has been in existence and asked if the Gateway is new. He confirmed that if it’s not new that the $25,000 budget is for both the Façade and Gateway Grants.

Director John Sauter said that the Gateway Grant program has been in existence but has rarely been used.

City Manager Michael Hall said that he would need to know a budget amount proposal by March 13th to see about putting it into the budget to be voted on.

Lyn Bute asked if his project of doing a snow sculpture in January could be included for funding.

There is nothing in the budget yet as it will come out May 1st after the budget process. John Hulseberg asked if this committee is bound by the Open Meetings Act.

City Manager Michael Hall said yes, you are formally a committee so they will have to meet in an official capacity.

There was conversation of three or more members meeting constitutes a meeting, about publishing meetings, having Special meetings, and who to communicate that to.

E. Generation and prioritization of initial Committee ideas

The Committee decided to meet for a Special Meeting to generate ideas on Tuesday, January 17th at 4 pm.



Suzanne Lehto made a motion to adjourn and John Hulseberg seconded the motion. 

Voice Vote 

Chairperson Jane Hove called for a voice vote. All members present voted aye. 

Motion carried 4-0.

The meeting was adjourned 12:29 p.m.
