
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DeKalb County Facilities & Technology Committee met March 7

DeKalb County Facilities & Technology Committee met March 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call 

2. Approval of Agenda 

3. Approval of Minutes 

a. Minutes from January 3, 2023 

4. Public Comments 

Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their  choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for  public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total. 

5. Resolutions 

a. Resolution R2023-023—A Resolution Approving A Letter of Intent to Enter into a Land  Lease with U.S. Cellular for a Telecommunication Tower on 2,500 Square Feet on the  DeKalb County Highway Department Campus, DeKalb, Illinois. 

County Staff actively works to find ways to generate revenue from sources that offset the burden  on taxpayers. An opportunity has been identified to lease 2,500 square feet (50ft by 50ft) of  property on the DeKalb Highway Department Campus to U.S. Cellular so that they may install a  telecommunication tower. The Letter of Intent is the first step in the process, which allows  County Staff to further explore this opportunity. If this resolution were to pass, an executable  lease would be forthcoming. 

b. Resolution R2023-034—A Resolution Approving a Five-Year Extension of Life Safety  Inspection Services for the DeKalb County Jail from Johnson Controls. 

The proposed life safety contract includes a quarterly sprinkler inspection, annual testing of all  the heat and smoke detectors, and an annual inspection of the fire pump at the DeKalb County  Jail. This Proposal would extend the County’s current contract with Johnson Controls for five  years with a seven percent cost increase in the annual as represented below: 

The total proposed cost of the extension is $112,774.89 over the five-year term. The County  Board previously approved Resolution R2023-003 which approved a five-year contract for life  safety inspections at the Courthouse, Public Safety Building, Administration Building,  Legislative Center, Community Outreach Building, Health Department and Multi-Purpose  Room.  

6. Considerations 

a. Review of Ongoing County Maintenance Projects 

• Administration Building Lobby 

• Administration Building Employee Entrance/Restrooms 

• Courthouse Railings 

• Legislative Center Wall Removal 

• Parking Lot Improvements at COB 

• Projects Related to Sale of the DCRNC 

• Jail Recirculation Pumps 

7. Old Business 

8. New Business 

9. Adjournment
