
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Village of Somonauk Board met Jan. 11

Village of Somonauk Board met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Grandgeorge was absent. Trustee Eade called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Roll call was taken: Attending: Trustees: Eade, McMillen, Dockendorf, Diebold and Whiteaker. Conley -absent


Eade moved to approve the minutes from December 14, 2022 meeting. Trustee Diebold seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Eade-yes, Dockendorf-yes and McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes and Whiteaker-yes. Conley- Absent.

Motion Passed


Eade asked Morphey if there were any bill’s that were out of the normal on this month’s bill list. Morphey explained this month’s bill list was extremely low. There was nothing out of the normal. The Bill list was only $19,698.41.


Eade moved to approve the bill list for $19,698.41 Whiteaker seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Dockendorf- yes, Eade-yes, McMillen-yes, Whitaker- yes and Diebold- yes. Conley Absent.

Motion Passed


No communications

Report of Officers:


Chief King stated he had not much to report this month. He wanted to thank the Board for the Christmas bonus. The Village had been quiet over the Christmas holiday.

Water & Sewer:

Eipers reported he had three water main breaks: Gage St, Washington St., Dale St. He had also replaced a motor.

Streets and Alleys:

Muffler reported he had covered the main break on Dale St. over the weekend. Ordered and replaced some reflective signs. Took down Christmas decorations.

Reports of Committees:

Water & Sewer: Nothing to report

Finance: Nothing to Report

Laws & Ordinance: Morphey explained this was the first ordinance of the year. This lists the regular board meetings. There were asterisks next to a few which are subject to change. Some are days that Aaron is on shift, one is the Wednesday of the Fair.


Whiteaker moved to adopt Ordinance 23-01 Establishing Village of Somonauk Schedule of 2023 Regular Board Meetings. Dockendorf seconded the motion and the following Trustees voted: Eade-yes, Dockendorf-yes and McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes and Whiteaker-yes. Conley- Absent.

Motion Passed

Employee Relations:

King was asked to present the quote of the mobile radio. King explained that the county had been having problems with reception and had requested the municipalities purchase these mobile radios. King had put them in the budget with the intention of purchasing them one at a time. This is the third of the three requested. This is to be taken out of 01-21-830 Capital Outlay.


Diebold moved to purchase a P25 800 MHz Mobil Dash mount and accessories from J&K Communications, Inc. for the amount of $3174.22.The following Trustees voted: Eade-yes, Dockendorf-yes and McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes and Whiteaker-yes. Conley- Absent.

Motion Passed

Street & Alleys:

Morphey asked Muffler to explain the work on RT 34. He explained the light along RT 34 from Depot St to Green St. on the North side have been out for almost a year. He had worked with Ben in changing lights and checking fuses. He contacted Thorn Electric who was the company to install the lights originally. They were able to determine there was a line cut along the area where IDOT installed the new handicap area. He has a call into IDOT to see if they will pay for this. The cost is estimated to be $5500.00. If IDOT does not repair the area the Village will have to. Morphey would like a motion to approve spending the $5500.00 in case IDOT does not fix the line.


Eade moved to allocate $5500.00 to fix the broken line on Rt. 34 and Depot St. in the event that IDOT does not fix it. The following Trustees voted: Eade-yes, Dockendorf-yes and McMillen- yes, Diebold-yes and Whiteaker yes. Conley- Absent.

Motion Passed

Building and Grounds:

Nothing to report

Other Business: Eade asked if there was anyone else on ZOOM other than the Trustees. If so were there questions?

Morphey replied: No, no one else was on the zoom. Morphey asked for a motion to adjourn: McMillen moved to adjourn all others were aye.
