
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Kingston Board of Trustees met March 6

Village of Kingston Board of Trustees met March 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


President Lynch led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: President John Lynch and Trustees Frank Altmaier, Dale Coughran, Joe Hengels, and Steve Van Buren


Others in Attendance: Clerk Sandie Maahs, Treasurer Jeni Dynek, Village Attorney Kevin Buick, Police Chief Gerald Taft, and Engineer Scott Marquardt


Trustee Altmaier asked DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission Update be added.


a. Approval of Minutes from February 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting

Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve the February 20, 2023 Regular Board Minutes. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following voice vote: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren Nays: 0


No public present.


a. Police Department

b. Village Attorney

c. Public Works

d. Village Engineer

e. Village Treasurer/Village Clerk


a. Discussion on Property Maintenance (Updates and issues)

b. Discussion on Windhaven Subdivision Flooding/DNR Status

Engineer Marquardt will follow up with DNR.

c. Discussion on draft Ordinance Amending Chapter 74, “Traffic and Vehicles,” and Chapter 86, “Zoning,” in the Kingston Municipal Code

d. Discussion on leaf burning

President Lynch has received one email in which the resident didn’t have a problem with the burning as long it was not allowed to smolder.

e. Discussion and possible approval of purchase of generators from Finney's Electric

President Lynch discussed the process of using the funds from DeKalb County to cover the cost of the generators and should know more later in the month. The Board discussed the quotes and reusing of the older generators.


a. Discussion and possible approval of Warrant List for Items Over $500.00 dated March 6, 2023

Trustee Coughran made a Motion to Approve Warrant List for Items Over $500.00 dated March 6, 2023. Trustee Hengels seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren Nays: 0

b. Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. 23-01 - A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Closed Session Tapes

Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve Resolution No. 23-01 - A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Closed Session Tapes. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren

Nays: 0

c. Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. 23-02 - A Resolution Approving and Reviewing Executive Session Meeting Minutes

The Board will discuss after closed session.

d. Appointment of Representative and/or Alternate to the DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission

After discussion, President Lynch recommended the appointment of Trustee Altmaier as the Village’s representative at the DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission and Trustee Hengels as the alternate representative at the DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission. Trustee Coughran made a Motion to Confirm the Appointments. Trustee Van Buren seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren

Nays: 0

e. Discussion on draft Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 (Alcoholic Beverages) to Add a New Class F Liquor License Classification in the Kingston Municipal Code

Treasurer Dynek reviewed a proposed business looking to be in Kingston and the need for a new liquor license classification for a special event venue. The Board discussed the classification of liquor licenses and asked for more information be presented on the business establishment asking for the license classification.

f. Discussion with HR Green on water/sewer study

Engineer Marquardt reviewed a spreadsheet of possible water and sewer projects for the next five fiscal years and costs. The Board discussed required projects, possible projects that may not proceed, grants and loans available, and water rate increases to cover costs.

DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission Update

Trustee Altmaier shared that there was a DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission meeting on February 23, 2023, in which they reviewed new Illinois laws and had a presentation on population shifts/development. The next meeting is June 22, 2023.

Chief Taft, Treasurer Dynek, and Engineer Marquardt left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.


Trustee Hengels made a Motion to go into Closed Session under 2(c)(21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote at 8:40 p.m.:

Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren

Nays: 0

The Board reconvened open session at 8:46 p.m.

Trustee Altmaier made a Motion to Approve Resolution No. 23-02 - A Resolution Approving and Reviewing Executive Session Meeting Minutes. Trustee Van Buren seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:

Ayes: 4 - Trustees Altmaier, Coughran, Hengels, Van Buren

Nays: 0


Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Adjourn. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the unanimous voice vote of those present at 8:47 p.m.