
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met April 10

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met April 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, April 10, 2023, in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium in Sycamore, Illinois. Vice Chair Savannah Ilenikhena called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Those members present were Meryl Domina, Savannah Ilenikhena, Michelle Pickett, and Chris Porterfield. Chair Rukisha Crawford and Amber Quitno were absent. A quorum was established with four members present and two absent. Rukisha Crawford joined the meeting at 6:18 p.m. Deanna Cada, Executive Director of the DeKalb Mental Health Board, and one member of the general public were also present.


Chris Porterfield moved to approve the agenda as presented. Meryl Domina seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.


Chris Porterfield moved to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2023 committee meeting and Meryl Domina seconded the motion with the motion passing unanimously.


There were no public comments.


Deanna Cada, Executive Director of the DeKalb Mental Health Board provided a summary of the grant application review process and stated that this is the second and final committee meeting designated for applicant presentations.


Vice Chair Savannah Ilenikhena opened the Senior Tax Levy Hearings at 6:10 p.m.

Elder Care Services – Deanna Cada introduced Tara Russo, Executive Director of Elder Care Services of DeKalb County. Tara Russo presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $70,000. She reviewed that the grant funds would support direct service hours spent with clients to provide comprehensive services to keep clients safe, secure, and supported in the community.

Opportunity House – Deanna Cada introduced Thomas Matya, Executive Director of Opportunity House. Thomas Matya acknowledged co-presenters, Program Director Carol Parsons, and Human Resources Director Colleen Hussey-Anthony. Thomas Matya presented the organization’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $32,278. He reviewed that the funds would be used to provide habilitation services to clients with intellectual disabilities. Thomas Matya added that the services focus on assisting clients in acquiring, enhancing, and maintaining personal, social, educational, and vocational skills.

Hope Haven – Deanna Cada introduced Michael Whitehead, Dresser Court Project Coordinator. Michael Whitehead explained that Dresser Court provides permanent housing and on-site services for people with disabilities and for those with a history of chronic homelessness. He presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $26,624. He outlined that the funds would support case management to seniors living at Dresser Court.

Voluntary Action Center – Deanna Cada introduced Nate Kloster, Executive Director of the Voluntary Action Center. Nate Kloster acknowledged co-presenters, Ellen Rogers, Chief Development Officer and Leah Jordal, Grant Services Manager. Nate Kloster presented the center’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $227,000. He reviewed that the funds would provide nutrition and transportation services to older adults in DeKalb County.

Chair Rukisha Crawford closed the Senior Tax Levy Hearings at 7:10 p.m.

Committee members discussed the potential of utilizing fund balance dollars to increase the total grant award amount. The group agreed to prepare individual recommendations for the next committee meeting in May.

OLD BUSINESS – There were no Old Business items.

NEW BUSINESS - There were no New Business items.


It was moved by Savannah Ilenikhena and seconded by Michelle Pickett to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
