
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Sycamore City Council met April 17

City of Sycamore City Council met April 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Braser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Alderpersons present were David Stouffer, Alan Bauer, Nancy Copple, Jeff Fischer, Josh Huseman, and Pete Paulsen. Alderperson Chuck Stowe arrived at 6:01 pm after roll call. Alderperson Virginia Sherrod was absent. Attorney Keith Foster was also present.

INVOCATION led by Alderperson Nancy Copple

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderperson Nancy Copple



Alderperson Copple motioned to approve the agenda and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.



A. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of April 3, 2023.


Alderperson Stouffer motioned to approve the Regular City Council Meeting of April 3, 2023, and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0. B. Payment of the Bills for April 17, 2023, in the amount of $976,044.20.


Alderperson Bauer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Alderperson Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


A. Interim Chief Bart Gilmore to the Sycamore Fire Pension Board


Alderperson Stowe motioned to confirm the appointment and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


A. A Proclamation Declaring April 28, 2023 as Arbor Day in the City of Sycamore, Illinois.

B. A Presentation by Chris Mayer and Arney Silvestri of 421 California Partners, LLC.

Arney Silvestri gave Power Point presentation on the proposed Special Use for a craft grow facility at 421 North California St.

When Alderman Stouffer asked if a security person would be there 24/7, Arney said no but the facility will be completely alarmed which is monitored by the Illinois State Police.

When Alderman Fisher asked about the square footage and if this is a standalone building, Arney said it is attached with a cinder block wall between tenants. The 25,000 square feet is the complete building, the five thousand square feet is the flowering rooms which is what the craft growers’ licenses allows. There will be vegetative rooms and other rooms with plants that don’t yet have THC but the State doesn’t count those.

Alderperson Copple confirmed that there will be 40-50 employees that must be 21 years old or older.

Alderman Fishcer asked where the other locations are that the petitioner has built and Arney said Holdbrook MA, East St. Louis, MO, and Shiloh, AZ.

Alderman Stouffter asked what being a good neighbor looks like, how long before the business will show revenue and the timeframe it takes to give back to the city and Arney said they are giving back 1% to the city police and fire department. He said it will take six to 12 months as they also look to working with NIU and Kishwaukee College.



Finance – Alan Bauer – no report

Public Safety – Pete Paulsen – no report

Public Works – Chuck Stowe – no report



A. Ordinance 2022.29 – An Ordinance Approving a Final Plat of Krpan’s Parkside Estates Unit Four Resubdivision of Lots 221, 222 and 223. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall that this is for a resubdivision to build a single-family home. This has been reviewed by Community Development and there are no issues. This will expand the lots, vacate easements, and create new ones. This also passed unanimously at the 4-10-23 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.


Alderperson Fischer motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2022.29 and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderperson Fischer motioned to approve Ordinance 2022.29 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.

B. Ordinance 2022.30 – An Ordinance Approving Amendments to Article 1.3, “Definitions,” Article 4.3, “Special Uses,” Article 5.2, “Conditions of Use,” and Article 5.3, “Permitted Uses,” of the Sycamore Unified Development Ordinance, Adopted May 1, 2005, in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

Valerie Stallworth, 218 North Avenue, Sycamore, wants Sycamore to continue to thrive but done in the proper manner and said that they are not afraid of the business that is proposed, they just don’t want it in their neighborhood. She stated that the distances from this proposed business to the following: 549 feet from the Israel Church of God, 617 feet from the Opportunity House, 1506 feet from Sycamore 427 Administration Building, 1887 feet Cornerstone Christian School with preschool, and 2476 feet from the Federated Church with preschool. She asked the council to look to the future of Sycamore.

Kathy Sarzyenski, 309 South California Street, asked how this Special Use permit will impact our community with environmental impact, logistics, and safety. The laws are constantly changing and said there is a current bill to pass several amendments including the starting square footage for starting plant rooms grew from 3,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet which used to be the maximum but is proposed for 56,000 square feet. It would raise the number of craft growing licenses that one could hold from three to 10 and remove the language from prohibiting craft growers from being located withing 1,500 feet of each other. It also stipulates that taxes would not be assessed against or collected for the first two years. She said that there is a definite perceived fear and asked how this will benefit the community and other businesses and asked how the community events will be impacted.

Vernon Alexander, 251 Lucas Street, said that the two other growers in Rockford and Elgin are in industrial areas. Removing the language of craft growers being within 1,500 feet of each other so that doesn’t stop another one from being in the same vicinity. This is fast moving and wants their voices to be heard and keep Sycamore where Life Offers More.

Keith Simms, 1120 Bailey Road, said that the Israel of God Church has been in Sycamore for 115 years, building and cultivating the area and the community. They are a church for everyone and support everyone. With bus stops in the area, they cannot build a community on the foundation of drugs and alcohol. They do not want to have it there and said it’s not an issue until there’s an issue.

Darby Dwyer, 1611 John Street, business owner and tenant at the location, said that the tenant moving out is a plastics recycling plant who burn plastic to recycle it and not an indoor controlled environmental agriculture facility. She is concerned about the health and safety of her workers and said that this is not going to affect the children or the community. This is not a safety concern as it is a tightly secured facility with state mandates.

Alderperson Copple said that she received seven calls pro and 17 calls and 7 emails con. People in Sycamore are telling her they do not want it.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to waive the First Reading for Ordinance 2022.30 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to approve Ordinance 2022.30 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.

Alderman Stowe said in looking at the craft grower and cultivation center, he motions to amend it to add the same paragraph for cultivation center in section 4.3.4 C 4 c section 2 for craft growers that should be located a minimum of 2,500 feet from all property lines in all directions of any pre-existing public or private preschool, elementary or secondary school, day care center, day care home, group day care home or part-day childcare facility or an area zoned for residential use. Alderman Stouffer seconded the motion.

Alderman Huseman confirmed that the amendment to the motion means that the craft grower will have the same setback requirements as the cultivation center.

Alderman Stowe confirmed and said with all the regulations coming from the state, as a Home Rule community, unless the state prohibits, specifically, they should be able to do this.

The City Manager explained that as a consequence of doing this the next item would be null and void because this would make them out of compliance with the code. He is not saying to do one way or the other, just explaining the consequence. He added that this was brought up at the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) meeting and was voted down by a vote of 7-2.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the amendment to the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, and Huseman voted aye while Alderman Paulsen voted nay. Motion carried 6-1.

Alderman Stowe said that he brought up odors at the PZC meeting and said he thinks that at these distances, it will be alright and said that odors are covered thoroughly in the Unified Development Ordinance.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, and Huseman voted aye while Alderperson Paulsen voted nay. Motion carried 6-1.

C. Ordinance 2022.31 – An Ordinance Approving a Request from Chris Mayer and Arney Silvestri of 421 California Partners, LLC, for a Special Use Permit to Operate as a Cannabis – Craft Grower at 421 N. California Street in Sycamore, Illinois (PIN 06-32-126-002). First and Second Reading.

D. Ordinance 2022.32 – An Ordinance Approving Amendments to Article 1.3, “Definitions,” and Article 4.3, “Special Uses,” of the Sycamore Unified Development Ordinance, Adopted May 1, 2005, in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is a cleanup of definitions for Tobacco as noted in the agenda. From the PZC meeting, some definitions for smoking were removed because it included cannabis and new language for a Special Use for tobacco and related products in C-2, Central Business District and for permitting them in C-3, Highway Business District were added.


Alderperson Copple motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2022.32 and Alderperson Fisher seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderperson Copple motioned to approve Ordinance 2022.32 and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.

E. Ordinance 2022.33 – An Ordinance Concerning the Adoption of the Combined Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 2023B in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is the First Reading for the 2023B budget which is from May 1st to December 31st. The Second Reading and Public Hearing will be on May 1st. He reviewed the six objectives from the agenda. He gave recognition to Assistant Finance Director Kristian Dominguez for bringing his experience to this and to Finance Director Brien Martin as there were a lot of changes in getting all this together. He thanked everyone for helping with this.

Alderman Fischer said he appreciated all the collaboration between the Finance team and all the department heads as he had a few inquiries asking if this is really done and he assured those folks that it is done now more than it ever was.

F. Ordinance 2022.34 – An Ordinance Amending Title 3, “Business and License Regulations,” Chapter 2, “Liquor Control,” Section 3-1-6, “Classification of Licenses; Fees; Hours and Days,” in the Sycamore City Code. First and Second Reading.

Mayor Braser said that this change would be updating the Class M Tasting Room for Class D license holders and expanding the room size.


Alderperson Copple motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2022.34 and Alderperson Fisher seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderperson Stowe motioned to approve Ordinance 2022.34 and Alderperson Huseman seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


A. Resolution No. 935 – A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a License Agreement with Sycamore BP, LLC, for the Installation of Monitoring Wells within the Public Right-of-Way.

City Manager Michael Hall said this is straight forward to get our permission for installation of Monitoring Wells within the Public Right-of-Way.


Alderperson Bauer made a motion to approve Resolution 935 and Alderperson Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


A. Consideration of an Agreement with 421 California Partners, LLC for a Percentage of its Revenues to Support the Sycamore Police and Fire Departments.

B. Consideration of a Recommendation from Public Works to Enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Trotter and Associates Inc. to Complete Construction Engineering for the Proposed 2023 Watermain Improvements.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is to enter into an agreement with Trotter & Associates for Construction Engineering for the proposed 2023 Watermain Improvements.


Alderperson Stowe made a motion to approve the Consideration for Trotter and Associates and Alderperson Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.

C. Consideration to Award a Contract for the Retrofitting of Streetlight Fixtures on Prairie Drive with Swedberg Electric in an Amount Not to Exceed $51,071.00

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is a project for switching to LED lights. There is a rebate initiative through ComEd for $22,540 so the effective cost is $28,531. They are looking to not exceed $51,071 to replace 56 streetlights with LED fixtures.


Alderperson Fischer made a motion to approve the Consideration for Swedberg Electric for $51,071.00 and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Stouffer, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Fischer, Huseman, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.





Alderperson Huseman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. and Alderperson Stouffer seconded the motion. VOICE VOTE

Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.
