
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met June 5

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met June 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Comments from Audience

V. Approval of Meeting Minutes

VI. Approval of Warrant

VII. Reports.

1. Police Report

2. Public Works Report

3. Committee Reports

VIII. Unfinished Business

IX. New Business

1. Discussion/Approval of Application for Payment No. 1 and Final to Martin & Company for Brennan Drive Public Works Lot Paving

2. Discussion/Approval of Village of Kirkland Tree Planting Permit

3. Update on Tree Prices from St. Aubin Nursery

4. Discussion/Approval of Resolution 2023-02 / Requesting Illinois Route 72 be closed for Hiawatha CUSD #426 Homecoming Parade

5. Discussion/Approval of Kirkland Lions Club 4th of July Fireworks Donation

6. Discussion of Water Meter Replacements

7. Discussion/Approval of Purchase of Pump for 4th Street Lift Station

8. Discussion/Approval of Purchase and Installation of Influent Service Pump for Wastewater Treatment Plant

9. Discussion of Disc Golf Equipment in Pioneer Park

10. Recognition of Chief Davenport for completion of Police Staff and Command Course

X. Executive Session

XI. Adjournment
