
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Genoa Plan Commission met May 11

City of Genoa Plan Commission met May 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Members Present: 

Jennifer Barton  

Michael Cirone 

John Patella

Chris Riggs

Ron Sheehan

Brian Wallace

Members Absent: 

Mike Walsh



Cori Ritchie

Alyssa Seguss

I. Ron Sheahan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and roll call was taken.

Jennifer Barton Yes

Michael Cirone Yes

John Patella Yes

Chris Riggs Yes

Ron Sheehan Yes

Brian Wallace Yes

Mike Walsh Absent

Quorum Present

II. No Public Comment for items not listed on the agenda.

III. Michael Cirone made the motion to approve the minutes of the April 13th, 2023 meeting,

Jennifer Barton seconded.

Roll Call Vote:

Jennifer Barton Yes

Michael Cirone Yes

John Patella Yes

Chris Riggs Yes

Ron Sheehan Yes

Brian Wallace Yes

Mike Walsh Absent

Motion Passed

IV. New Business

A. Consider a request by Steven J. and Karen L. Dillett, as petitioners and property owners, for approval of Special Use Permit to allow for a multi-family use at 601 A&B West First Street and 205 Adams Street, PIN 0319305023.

1. Open Public Hearing and Establish Quorum:

The Public Hearing was opened and roll call was taken to establish a quorum.

Roll Call

Jennifer Barton Present

Michael Cirone Present

John Patella Present

Chris Riggs Present

Ron Sheehan Present

Brian Wallace Present

Mike Walsh Absent

Quorum Established

2. Petitioner Comments: None

3. Staff Comments

Staff explained that this request is “cleanup” a legal nonconforming use. The current property has contained 3 detached dwelling units and a detached garage for a number of years, which makes the use of the property multi-family, which the City requires a Special Use for. The property in question is up for sale and needs to be legal conforming to receive financing. Staff then outlined the Project Review report included in the packet.

4. Plan Commission Questions/Comments: None

5. Open the hearing for Public Comment:

6. Public Comments: None

7. Close Public Comment:

8. Plan Commission Deliberation and Motion on Petition:

Michael Cirone made the motion to approve with the following conditions the Special Use Permit for a 3-Unit Multi-Family Use at 601 A&B West First Street and 205 Adams Street, seconded by Chris Riggs.

1. Documents submitted for the May 11th Plan Commission meeting for consideration and approval by the City of Genoa include:

• Plat and Certificate of Survey dated January 24, 2002

• Site Plan / aerial view of the property, submitted for the May 11, 2023 Plan Commission Meeting

• Pictures of buildings (3) submitted for the May 11, 2023 Plan Commission Meeting

2. That a variance from the nonconforming lot dimensions and setbacks be granted for the subject property, however, the “nonconformity” cannot be increased.

3. The property may not contain more than 3-residential units.

4. Any lighting provided on the lot shall not violate the Unified Development Ordinance 5.4.10.

Roll Call Vote:

Jennifer Barton Yes

Michael Cirone Yes

John Patella Yes

Chris Riggs Yes

Ron Sheehan Yes

Brian Wallace Yes

Mike Walsh Absent

Motion Passed

9. Close the Public Hearing

B. Public Hearing for a request by Christina Krueger and Jeffrey Krueger, as petitioners and property owners, for the purpose of rezoning 120 Monroe Street from Central Business and Civic District to City Industrial and a Special Use Permit for Commercial Storage of Recreational Vehicles. The petitioners have also requested a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for 120 Monroe Street, South of the Canadian Pacific Railway (PIN 0319452009). This hearing has been postponed until a future date.

VII. Old Business – None

VIII. Announcements- City Administrator Seguss welcomed new Plan Commission members John Patella and Chris Riggs.

IX. Adjournment

Jennifer Barton made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Michael Cirone.

Roll Call Vote:

Jennifer Barton Yes

Michael Cirone Yes

John Patella Yes

Chris Riggs Yes

Ron Sheehan Yes

Brian Wallace Yes

Mike Walsh Absent

Motion Passed

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20.
