
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Genoa Plan Commission met June 22

City of Genoa Plan Commission met June 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comment for Items Not Listed on the Agenda

III. Approve minutes from the May 11, 2023 Plan Commission Meeting

IV. New Business

A. Public Hearing to consider a request by the IBEW Local 196 NECA Safety and Education Fund, as petitioner and property owner, for an amendment to Ordinances 2018-25 and 2019-02 and amending the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development for an additional training and storage building located at 515 Forest View Drive. The recommendation for the amendment to the Planned Unit Development as requested by the petitioner, is outlined further in the attached Project Review Report.

1. Open Public Hearing and Establish Quorum

2. Petitioner Comments

3. Staff Comments

4. Plan Commission Questions/Comments

5. Open the hearing for Public Comment

6. Public Comment

7. Close Public Comment

8. Plan Commission Deliberation and Motion on Petition

9. Close the Public Hearing

V. Old Business

VI. Announcement

VII. Adjournment 
