
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County E-911 Board met June 14

DeKalb County E-911 Board met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Leverton called the meeting to order at 3:01pm

a. Board Members Present: Bomar, Byrd, Johnson, Thomas, Willis, Winters, and Leverton.

b. Board Members Absent: McAllister, Plote

c. Guests Present: Sean Woyna, DeKalb Police Dept; Don Faulhaber, DeKalb Fire Dept; Lt. Joe Rood, DeKalb Sheriff’s Office.

d. Also Present: Becky Springer, DeKalb County Treasurer; Heather Butler, 9-1-1 Coordinator.

2. Agenda

a. Chairman Leverton asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion was made by Byrd and seconded by Bomar to approve the agenda. The motion passed.

3. Approval of the Minutes:

a. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 10th, 2023, was made by Thomas and seconded by Byrd. The motion passed.

4. Public Comment- Woyna wishes everyone a Happy Flag Day.

5. Treasurer’s Report

a. Monthly Treasurer’s Report

i. April report presented and discussed. Springer also reported the audit is not done yet. A motion to approve May 2023 monthly report made by Thomas and seconded by Winters. Motion passed.

b. Approval of Bills

Bills Paid in June 2022

Vendor                          Invoice Amount

CentralSquare                      $5,200.00

First National Bank              $2,105.50

J&K Communications      $129,515.00

NG-911 Inc.                         $7,680.00

Voiance                                   $158.13

Frontier                                $3,980.17

Heather Butler                          $51.87

Total June Bills                $148,690.67

A motion to pay the June bills was made by Byrd, seconded by Winters. A roll call vote was taken; Bomar – Y, Byrd – Y, Johnson- Y, Thomas – Y, Willis – Y, Winters – Y, Leverton - Y.

Motion passed.

6. Strategic Planning Committee –

a. Leverton shared an updated draft and reviewed the items. Narrative of the draft plan to be done yet.

b. Draft of a strategic plan overview listing ETSB’s core responsibilities, mission, and areas of focus also shared. Also share this same info as a public facing style document.

c. Leverton and Butler discussed and shared the updating of the bylaws and MOU. Updating both provides a good structure for the ETSB.

d. Leverton reviewed some of the updates to the By-laws already completed. Will be asking State administrator for feedback as well.

7. Radio Report

a. Leverton advised the city has been on the system for a while now, all is good.

b. Rood advised they have signed off on the project management part, they are now under warranty. Also advised the console update is complete.

8. Grant Status -

a. Butler reported that all checks have been received and grants are closed out.

9. NG911 Update –

a. Butler advised we are fully migrated onto the NG system, still waiting on Frontier to disconnect the old CAMA trunks.

b. NINGA as a whole is 68% complete.

c. Testing is being done with the NNI which will connect us with the other ESInets, issue found that they are looking into.

10. Legislation –

a. Butler advised she sent out a summary of the changes to the ETSA legislation. Passed both houses, has not been sent to the Governor for signature yet.

b. CESSA – legislation passed extending date to July 2024. There is a push for funding to help PSAPs with integrated protocols with CAD. Meeting later this month with PSAP representatives and our region co-chair to discuss risk matrix.

11. Participating Agency Request- None

a. Update on DeKalb Fire station alerting – components being installed, J&K to do radio side of things next month.

12. Coordinator’s Report –

a. Butler advised she will be gone along with others at the NENA conference next week. Thanked the board for supporting high conference attendance.

b. PowerPhone integration is moving forward, scheduling install to servers.

c. RapidSOS Premium should start moving forward not that we have Solacom on board with doing what is needed on their end.

d. Butler advised she will be taking time off following the NENA conference, will be out of the office.

13. Old Business- NONE

14. New Businessa. Leverton advised we will have a new board member from Sandwich next month.

15. ADJOURNMENT- Byrd moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Bomar.

The meeting adjourned at 3:48pm.
