
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met July 17

Village of Kirkland Board of Trustees met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order - President Block called the Board of Trustee Regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

II. Roll call - Members answering present as follows: Trustee Michener, Trustee Chambers, Trustee Marshall. Trustee Benes, Trustee Fruit and Trustee Ziegler are absent.

** Trustee Benes joined the meeting at 7:05 P.M. **

III. Pledge of Allegiance - President Block led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Public Comments - Eric Pasko has some discussion about golf cart sticker renewal for his 2 X 4 John Deere Gator. Eric provided information on the Gator and its capabilities being similar to a Golf Cart. President Block will review the current ordinance with Attorney Stewart next month.

V. Approval of Meeting Minutes - President Block asked for a motion for the approval of Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2023. Trustee Chambers made a motion for the approval of Meeting Minutes from June 5, 2023 with a 2nd by Trustee Marshall. On a voice call vote all in favor. Motion carried.

VI. Approval of Warrant - President Block asked for a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $282,071.90. Trustee Chambers made a motion to approve the Warrant in the amount of $282,071.90, with a 2nd by Trustee Benes. On a roll call vote Trustees Chambers, Marshall, Michener, Benes and President Block voted yes. Trustee Fruit and Ziegler are absent. Motion carried.

VII. Reports -

a. Police Report - Chief Davenport gave his report for June 2023; see attached notes.

b. Public Works - Jim Stark gave his report for June 2023; see attached notes.

c. Committee Report-

1. Tree Committee - Trustee Benes shared that the Tree Committee has set up a Facebook page. Tree Permits are due July 31st, so more to come on applications next month.

VIII. Unfinished Business - None

IX. New Business -

a. Approval of Application for Payment No. 3 and Final to 2022 Village of Kirkland Roadway and Storm Sewer Project to Northern Illinois Service Co. - President Block asked for a motion for the approval for Payment No. 3 and Final to 2022 Village of Kirkland Roadway and Storm Sewer Project to Northern Illinois Service Co in the amount of $205,715.10. Trustee Chambers made a motion for approval of application for Payment No. 3 and Final to 2022 Village of Kirkland Roadway and Storm Sewer Project to Northern Illinois Service Co in the amount of $205,715.10, with a 2nd by Trustee Michener. On a roll call vote Trustees Marshall, Benes, Chambers, and President Block voted yes. Trustee Fruit and Ziegler are absent. Motion carried.

b. Approval of Village of Kirkland Funding for DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District Watershed Study for Central South Branch of the Kishwaukee River. (Includes Bull Run Creek Watershed) - President Block asked for a motion for the approval of Village of Kirkland Funding for DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation Funding District Watershed Study for Central South Branch of the Kishwaukee River. Trustee Chambers made a motion for the approval of Village of Kirkland Funding for DeKalb County Soil and Water Conservation District Watershed Study for Central South Branch of the Kishwaukee River in the amount of $1860.00, with a 2nd by Trustee Michener. On a roll call vote Trustee Michener, Benes, Chambers, Marshall and President Block voted yes. Trustee Fruit and Ziegler are absent. Motion carried.

X. Adjournment - At 7:45 P.M., President Block asked for a Motion to Adjourn. Trustee Chambers made the motion to adjourn, with a 2nd by Trustee Michener. On a voice call vote all in favor. Meeting adjourned.
