
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Sept. 7

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Sept. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chair Deutsch called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. and Ms. Richardson called the roll. Committee members present were Chair Deutsch, Ms. Emmer, Mr. Haier, Vice Chair Luebke, Mr. Marcinkowski and Ms. Willis. Ms. Ilenikhena was absent. The County Engineer Mr. Schwartz, Support Services Manager Ms. Richardson, and one County Board member were also in attendance.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the September 7, 2023 Agenda made by Haier; seconded by Willis; Motion carried by voice vote.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the August 3, 2023 regular Meeting Minutes made by Emmer; seconded by Marcinkowski; Motion carried by voice vote.

Public Comments

County Board member Roy Plote addressed the committee with his and his constituent’s concerns of issues in the southern portion of the County. 1) Resident driveway water pooling along Perry Road; 2) IDOT’s Rt 23/ Rt 34 detour route could use more advance signage and to avoid people turning around in residents’ driveways; 3) South County Line Road of Victor Township: can GPS be informed to re route different roads; 4) Rt 23 & Suydam tree blocks site distance, can the state do anything more to assist; 5) Suydam Road mowing done east of Rt 23, when will west of Rt 23 be done?

Resolution R2023-080 – A Resolution for a Jurisdictional Transfer of 0.41 mile of Stone Quarry Road to Franklin Road District

This resolution is to enter into an agreement with Franklin Road District to permanently transfer jurisdiction of Stone Quarry Road from the north edge of pavement of Cherry Valley Road to the county line between Boone County and DeKalb County, in its entirety, a distance of 2,157 feet (0.41 miles) and be permanently removed from the county Highway System.

It was moved by Emmer, seconded by Luebke, and was approved by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending their approval.

Resolution R2023-081 – A Resolution Entering into a Supplemental Engineering Agreement with Willett Hoffmann & Associates for Somonauk Road Culvert Replacements Section Number 19- 00268-00-BR

This resolution is to approve a supplemental Engineering Agreement with Willett Hoffmann & Associates to provide engineering services associated with adding to the original scope of the project proposed with Resolution R2019-63. This project was put on hold for multiple years, a culvert added to the project, and the specifications need to be updated for a 2024 letting. This supplemental agreement is necessary to update the contract value. Supplemental services not to exceed $26,576.25.

It was moved by Haier, seconded by Willis and was approved by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending their approval.

Resolution R2023-082 – A Resolution Pledging Financial Commitment and Support for the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School Program for Plank Road Intersection Improvement

This resolution is to provide the necessary documentation to pledge financial commitment and support to accompany the IDOT’s Safe Route to School Program Grant application. This grant would provide 100% of the construction and construction engineering costs for pedestrians at the Plank Road and Lindgren Road intersection improvement.

Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that part of the Plank Road Study is to review the alignment corridor including the Lindgren intersection. One of the favorable options is for a roundabout, the QBS process for the design work will move forward in 2024. With the intersection improvement would also improve school traffic and include walkability. Currently neither neighborhood is connected by sidewalks on either side of the road. The design work and construction of the sidewalks are already planned for the project. This grant provides an external funding source for the work. The federal grant would not have a local match but pay 100%, thereby free up the 20% local match and the DSATS grant money to be used for other local projects. Committee members asked about the consideration of an over or underpass pedestrian tunnel crossing Plank Road. Mr. Schwartz stated the pedestrian construction will likely be coordinated with the intersection improvement.

It was moved by Marcinkowski, seconded by Luebke and was approved by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending their approval.

Resolution R2023-083 – A Resolution Entering into a Joint Funding Agreement for Construction Work with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) , State of Illinois.

This resolution is to enter into an agreement with the State of Illinois for the use of LBFP-Off System & TBP funds for the improvements to structure #019-5417 on Pritchard Road, Squaw Grove Road District, 0.8 mile northeast of Hinckley, DeKalb County.

It was moved by Marcinkowski, seconded by Willis and was approved by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending their approval.

Considerations/Discussion Items – None

Chair’s Comments – None

County Engineer’s Comments

∙ Other Miscellaneous Updates

Mr. Schwartz asked to start with this update first and answer the concerns brought up in public comments. He was not aware of any recent complaints with Perry Road driveway after the ditch was cleaned. Mr. Schwartz will contact IDOT and discuss the other concerns expressed at intersections and more advance notice signs for detour. Mr. Schwartz talked about recent crashes: for the fatal crash at Plank Rd & Lindgren Rd involving a delivery truck, the crash report is not available yet; at Suydam Rd & Rt 23, a driver pulled out from the stop sign in front of another vehicle for an unknown reason. The Highway Department looks into all possible safety countermeasures appropriate for the types of crash trends as the high crash locations. Regarding requests for traffic signals at the Peace Rd & Freed Rd intersection, that intersection currently does not meet the MUTCD manual’s warrants for the installation of traffic signals. It is probable to be warranted when Peace Road is widened to multiple lanes through the Freed Rd and Brickville Rd intersection. That work is likely about 5 years away. The Highway Dept had limited summer help this year but they have already left to go back to school. The department is short one fulltime maintainer but the interviews of candidates have already been completed to fill that vacancy. This fall, finishing another round of mowing and the restriping of the road is are underway.

∙ Monthly Update on Projects

-Mr. Schwartz went through several of the projects on the monthly Transportation Improvement Program, the items highlighted in red are those having updates.

-Item #3 Glidden Road Intersection at Baseline Road: Still on track for preliminary engineering done this winter. Goal will be for a spring letting to combine as one large project with the 2024 Glidden Road paving and safety shoulders project. This will bring our section of Glidden Rd to be an 80,000 pound road year-round.

-Item #6 Peace Road widening to Freed Road includes a bridge replacement and road widening north of Rt 64. The plans are moving forward in hopes for construction planned in 2024. 

-Item #7 Pearl Street Bridge is the Village of Kirkland’s project. A grant will pay 80% of the construction costs to replace the bridge while County federal bridge dollars will be used for preliminary engineering.

-Item #10 Plank Road Study & Improvements were discussed earlier in miscellaneous updates. 

-Item #16 The seal coat is complete. The fog coat portion over some of the newly seal coated roads needs to be completed.

-Item #17 One Road District HMA paving project needs to be completed.

∙ Legislative Update

Mr. Schwartz stated he is expecting federal water-related issues will come in the future based on rumors he has heard.

∙ DSATS Update

DSATS’s summer intern has completed his time with us, he did a great job and hope he will return next summer, as he continues his Urban Planning education.

Old Business - None

New Business – Annual Tour date

County Engineer gave several date options in September & October, settling on October 16th or 17th. Availability of bus will be verified with these possible dates.

Adjournment at 7:49 pm

Committee Action to Adjourn: Moved by Willis, seconded by Emmer; motion carried by voice vote.
