
DeKalb Times

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Village of Shabbona Board of Trustees met Sept. 25

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Village President - Don Goncher | Shaw Local

Village President - Don Goncher | Shaw Local

Village of Shabbona Board of Trustees met Sept. 25.

The Regular Meeting of the Shabbona Village Board was called to order by Village President Donald J. Goncher on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. in the meeting room at Village Hall, 206 S. Blackhawk Street, Shabbona IL. The following were present:












Donald J. Goncher


Marc Cinnamon


Cindy Barnes


Denny Sands


Jen Morrison


Allison Kidd



Keith Foster


David Simpson


Chastain &



Joy Fay

Public Works

Bud Forrer


Geoff Cooker


Roll Call Vote: Marc Cinnamon-aye, Allison Kidd Probst-aye, Denny Sands-aye, Joy Fay-aye, David Simpson-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye. 6 present.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Allison Kidd Probst motioned to approve the agenda, Geoff Cooker seconded. All in favor vote aye, motion carried.

CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE BOARD: Barry Greenwell – 106.5 W Comanche Ave: Barry received a letter about code violations and said they have every intention of taking care of all the issues. With regards to the property, he said it is not vacant, someone is there almost every day. He brought 3 copies of the property information from DeKalb County tax assessment – shows it is 2 sheds. Tom & Kent do work out of the building(s) doing small engine repair and such. They addressed issues a few months ago after talking to the mayor and then again after that. Did do some cleanup in building and around building. Working on fixing inside and outside and will be painting the building. Cleaned up weeds and cut brush—need to haul away some brush yet. Going to address rotted facia board and roof issues. Don said that last week, they talked and he said that the village may be interested in purchasing property so that public parking lot and pass-thru could be opened up. Don had said that he could offer $2500 as that is maximum he can do without board approval. The property is not for sale and they don’t wish to sell. Will be compliant with all concerns, maintenance issues have 90 days. Don said that building use as originally determined – buildings were originally built by railroad for maintenance buildings. When Greenwell’s got the building they did woodworking. The building is being used for small engine repair and it is their hobby shop. The Board will discuss and be in touch with the Greenwell’s.

ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION – VILLAGE INSURANCE: Brian Jorris of RMA presented to board their insurance offerings. RMA offers insurance to municipalities and their rates have been frozen for 4 years. As of 2023, there are 767 municipalities with RMA out of roughly 1290 municipalities in thestate. Average savings for municipalities is 36%, not for profit so just charge for what is needed, have 99% retention rate. $500 deductible for property and equipment. Public Official Bonds—there is no charge. General Liability has no deductible. Public Official Liability no deductible. Cyber Protection is an option $400/year, need depends on what we have that could be an issue. $500 auto damage claim deductible. When they take over insurance for a village any properties that are rolled over into policy and then they take pictures and measurements and come up with value for building but if costs more to repair a building they cover that additional cost. Coverage Overview: no coinsurance, General Liability coverage is much higher with RMA, Vehicles current cash value vs cost new on County Financial. Annual RMA coverage contribution $19,249. Prorated until 12/31/23 $5120. Then 1/1/2023 $19,249.00. Would not currently need Cyber Protection but can be added at any time if needed. Agreement and Ordinance would be needed to be approved.


A. VILLAGE ENGINEER: Curtis Cook—Aaron has resigned from Chastain & Associates. For now everything has passed off to Curtis and there is another municipal engineer that will help Curtis out. Curtis will provide Buddy with Operational Engineer contact – he will schedule a meeting to bring Operational Engineer out and meet with Buddy.


a. Apache Street waiting on IDOT approval of plans

b. Shabbona Water Project – addressing IDOT comments. IEPA loan agreement is ready to go in. Don will get easements signed this week.

B. MAINTENANCE REPORT-BUD FORRER: Been installing water meters and radios, will start leaf pick up in a couple weeks, big truck plow cylinder repaired, getting snow removal equipment ready to go. Well 6 working good, pick up check valve was changed and has been running over a week now without sand. Will be reading meters this week, got everything set up with Cindy this afternoon. Received email notice of operating permit approval for work done in 2021 – Chastain needs a copy of the letter/permit from IEPA when we receive paperwork.



2. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE-MARC CINNAMON: nothing to report, need to have committee meeting in November – Marc will confirm date, week of 11/10.

3. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE-ALLISON KIDD PROBST: Building Shabbona Together sub-committee has met with Engineer Stephanie Brown on Purdy Park plans. BST will be doing 50/50 raffle and will man popcorn table at Winter Festival.

a. CONSIDERATION/APPROVAL FOR VILLAGE TO PURCHASE TREES FOR PURDY PARK: BST would like to plant 22 trees along the southside of Purdy Park, trees will be Green Giant Arborvitae, very healthy and look beautiful, 10-11 feet tall about 4-5’ across base and will make beautiful screen on southside of park, tight and low maintenance and within 4 years will be touching and be a good screen, and cost is $5,500 for trees. David asked about water bags, Buddy said he has some flat ones, Marc said they are looking for a water truck to water them. They will be very tolerant to drought once rooted. Joy Fay motioned to purchase trees for $5,500 for Purdy Park, Geoff Cooker seconded. Roll Call Vote: Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, David Simpson-aye, Denny Sands-aye, Marc Cinnamon-aye, Joy Fay-aye, Goeff Cooker-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

4. PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE-DAVID SIMPSON: Working on Winter Festival - Next meeting Wednesday, October 4 @ 6pm in Village Hall. Geoff has a communications quote from Beck Tech for $14,000 with 10-year FCC license, repeater system with more coverage: 4 portable radios and 3 fixed units (fixed would go in vehicles). It is Motorola equipment. He is looking for a couple more quotes. He is also working on grants, there should be a homeland security grant for communication equipment as public works is integral in the event of an emergency. Tabled communications until October.

D. DEKALB COUNTY SHERIFF – reviewed Sheriff’s report for August 2023

E. ZONING BOARD: Dan Nolan, Zoning Board Chairperson, informed the Village Board about Zoning Board training that is available from Stephanie Brown from Chastain & Associates. The Zoning Board members are all interested in training and Dan is going to reach out to local municipalities to see if they have interest in the training. Training would be held on one weeknight or a Saturday for 3 hours. The cost is $500 and if it could be split with multiple municipalities it would be great, also could get sponsorship. F. VILLAGE CLERK

1. APPROVAL OF REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM AUGUST 28, 2023-Allison Kidd Probst motioned to approve the minutes of the Board Meeting from August 28, 2023, Joy Fay seconded. All in favor vote aye, motion carried.

2. ZONING: Board reviewed permits issued to date

3. HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREAT HOURS 2023: Based on Trunk or Treat and Haunted House hours, Jen asked the board to approve 4:30pm-7:00pm as Trick or Treat hours on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. Joy Fay motioned for Trick or Treat to be on October 31st from 4:30pm-7pm, David Simpson seconded. All in favor-aye, motion carried.


A. APPROVAL OF BILLS AND PAYROLL – David Simpson motioned to approve September 2023 bills and payroll, Joy Fay seconded. Roll Call Vote: Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, David Simpson-aye, Denny Sands aye, Marc Cinnamon-aye, Joy Fay-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

B. TREASURER’S REPORT – David Simpson motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Joy Fay seconded. Roll Call Vote: Joy Fay-aye, Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, Denny Sands-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye, David Simpson-aye, Marc Cinnamon-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

C. UTILITY BILLING: Ready to read meters, one meter from last quarter shut-off is still off and Cindy has been playing phone tag with Property Management company. Another resident that was late and not shut off will have shut off fees on their new bill.



a. 311 North Illini – roofing permit issued and supposed to be done by August 31 and next court date is 8/31. Home owner said she is working on other violations.

b. 304 W Navaho – waiting for contractor to start – Judge gave until October 2 to make progress – no permit for garage or any other work to address violations has been issued to date. B&F being directed to have citation issued and daily fines.

c. West Comanche – lawyer has entered on behalf of property owner’s daughter.

B. VACANT BUILDINGS/PROPERTY MAINTENANCE UPDATE: Board reviewed status of letters that went out on 9/11. 115-117 W Comanche Ave – has not picked up. 106.5 use of building does not meet commercial code. When the public parking lot is done, the dumpster will have pad and fence per ordinance. Marc said that 1/15th of property taxes and most of the buildings on the list we are getting $50 on average per year per building. A new Comprehensive plan was approved this year and it also works towards the betterment of the village. Most of Route 30 owners do not want to sell, which is a problem. Have already had inquiry about doing zoning variances for storage by one property owner.

C. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR ORDINANCE FEES & RATES: Geoff Cooker motioned to approve ordinance fees and rates as amended, David Simpson seconded. Roll Call Vote: Marc Cinnamon aye, Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, Denny Sands-aye, David Simpson-aye, Joy Fay-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

D. ITEP GRANT/DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Construction meeting was held two weeks ago with IDOT, Fehr Graham, Elliot and Wood, and other contractors. Utilities and surveys on North side of Route 30. Tentative start date October 2 and complete for Winter by November 1. Assured that nothing would be left a mess for winter when they stop in November. Doing one side completely at a time and starting at the West end of North side – Don will call Jason about what exactly they are doing and when businesses will be notified. Need to determine concrete color.

E. SHABBONA FIRE DEPARTMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT STATUS: Keith received amended agreement from Shabbona Fire Department attorney and is reviewing.


A. VILLAGE INSURANCE: IML RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION AND COUNTRY FINANCIAL INSURANCE RATES—CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VILLAGE INSURANCE PROVIDER: RMA will be $19,249 per year effective 9/26/2023. Country Financial Insurance would be $31119.05 for 2023. Both of these figures include the village bonds for Village President, Treasurer, and Clerk.

a. Joy Fay motioned to approve IML RMA as village insurance provider, Geoff Cooker seconded. Roll Call Vote: Marc Cinnamon-aye, Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, Denny Sands-aye, David Simpson aye, Joy Fay-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

b. Allison Kidd Probst motioned to approve Ordinance 2023-09-25 An Ordinance Approving Membership in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract, Geoff Cooker seconded. Roll Call Vote: Marc Cinnamon-aye, Allison Kidd-Probst-aye, Denny Sands-aye, David Simpson-aye, Joy Fay-aye, Geoff Cooker-aye. 6-0 Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Joy Fay motioned for adjournment at 8:36PM, Allison Kidd Probst seconded. All in favor vote aye, motion carried.
