
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Dekalb Airport Advisory Board met Sept. 26

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City of Dekalb Airport Advisory Board met Sept. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Airport Advisory Board of the City of DeKalb, Illinois, held a regular meeting on September 26, 2023, at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport, 3232 Pleasant Street, DeKalb, Illinois, in the West Community Hangar.

Vice-Chair Bernard Pupino called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL

Vice-Chair Bernard Pupino called the roll, and the following members of the Airport Advisory Board were present; Paul Borek, Scott Carlson, Matt Duffy, Bernard Pupino/ Vice-Chair, and James Rhoades. Also present was City Manager Bill Nicklas, Council Liaison Mike Verbic, and Interim Airport Manager Andy Raih.


Scott Carlson moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Paul Borek. Motion passed by a majority voice vote of those present.


Matt Duffy moved to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2023, meeting; seconded by James Rhoades. Motion passed by a majority voice vote of those present.


City Manager Bill Nicklas welcomed Council Liaison Mike Verbic to the Board. Bill Nicklas spoke briefly on the pending retirement of Paul Borek and if the Airport Board would like to continue having DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation (DCEDC) representation on the Advisory Board. Mark Williams has been announced as Paul’s replacement as President of DCEDC.

Paul Borek discussed enjoying his work on the Airport Advisory Board and felt that the airport has great potential for the community. He also agreed that Mark Williams would be an asset to the Board in the future.

City Manager Nicklas updated the board that Andy Raih would fill in as interim airport manager while the City of DeKalb pursues a replacement. He also indicated that board member Scott Carlson would help as needed as well.

Assistive services, including hearing assistance devices, available upon request.

Bill Nicklas updated the board on the City Councils approval to extend an agreement with Sunvest Solar at the regular City Council meeting on 09/25/2023. The extension was needed as the state had not yet approved Sunvest Solar’s plan as there were not enough open slots for development statewide. Sunvest appears to be on top of the list for 2024 approvals. Board member James Rhoades asked what the timeframe from approval from the State to fully operational was. Bill Nicklas informed that it is roughly a three-year implementation period.


1. DeKalb Solar

2. DKB-5063 Rehabilitate Runway 9/27

Andy Raih gave an update on project DKB-5063. The City of DeKalb recently received a project acceptance packet for signatures to proceed with the project. The project is on track to be completed in 2024.


1. Airport Manager Search

Andy Raih updated the board on the recruitment process for a new Airport Manager. At the time of the meeting there were 13 applicants for the position.

2. T-hangar Vacancy Update

Andy Raih updated the board on T-hangar vacancies. A community hangar tenant will be moving into E4-1 and a new community hangar tenant will be arriving in early October. Andy Raih proposed a question to the board regarding offering empty hangars to the current tenants first, if no-one on the field wishes to move hangars external waiting list requests will be pursued. Scott Carlson agreed with the idea and mentioned that our on-field tenants should be given first option. Vice-Chair Bernard Pupino was also open to the idea. James Rhoades agreed to moving tenants first in the case of available hangars. Council Liaison Mike Verbic questioned if the airport had a referral reward for tenants that refer an outside pilot to locate at the airport. Andy Raih explained not to his knowledge and due to occupancy rates being high it may not be needed but could be explored in the future.


James Rhoades moved to adjourn, the motion was seconded by Scott Carlson and motion passed by a majority voice of those present.
