
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Executive Committee met Dec. 6

Webp 9

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Executive Committee met Dec. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Minutes from November 8, 2023

4. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

5. Ordinances

a. Ordinance O2023-26—An Ordinance Establishing an Oversight Board for the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center.

County Board Chair Willis requested an agenda item at the November 8th Committee of the Whole Meeting for discussion regarding the creation of an Oversight Board for the DCRNC. An action item was included on the Executive Committee agenda (Ordinance O2023-26). After discussion at both Committee of the Whole and Executive Committee, no action was taken as more discussion was needed.

The majority of the discussion focused on developing a mission statement, the make-up of the Oversight Board, and certain authority that is retained by the County Board. Based on the discussion, staff has created the following to help facilitate the continued discussion:

Mission Statement

The County Board discussion included the need for a mission statement to provide perspective as to the role of the Oversight Board. Taking into account the discussion staff offers the following as a starting point:

The Oversight Board serves within the authority granted by the County Board to ensure quality resident care while maintaining fiscal responsibility by supporting the DCRNC operations, providing focused oversight and expedited decision making, and making recommendations to the County Board.

Oversight Committee Members

The County Board discussed whether the Oversight Board should consist of eight or nine members and the appropriate mix of County Board Members, DCRNC residents and Members of the Public with specific qualifications. The language below aims at providing options to help continue to the discussion:

The Oversight Board shall consist of persons. Members shall be selected from DeKalb County residents who possess the ability to participate effectively in the discharge of the Oversight Board’s responsibilities. Specific expertise in the health care field, finance/accounting field, or legal field (generally, and in long-term care, specifically), are desirable, but not an exclusive, criterion for qualification as a member.

The make-up of the Oversight Board shall be as follows:

Option 1 (8 or 9)

(1) County Board Chair

(2) Member of HHS Committee, recommended by HHS vote to the County Board for approval

(3) Member of Finance & Administration Committee, recommended by F&A to the County Board for approval

(4) County Board Member at-large nominated by the Executive Committee to the County Board for approval

(5) One representative of DCRNC residents, chosen by resident council

(6) Members of the public, which may (but does not have to) include family of residents and/or persons with specific expertise in the health care field, finance/accounting field, or legal field. These positions shall be announced to the public, who will be invited to apply.

(7) Member of the Public

(8) Member of the Public

(9) Member of the Public (If nine members are selected)

Option 2 (8 or 9)

(1) County Board Chair

(2) Member of HHS Committee, recommended by HHS vote to the County Board for approval

(3) Member of Finance & Administration Committee, recommended by F&A to the County Board for approval

(4) Member of the Facilities and Technology Committee, recommended by the F&T to the County Board for approval

(5) One representative of DCRNC residents, chosen by resident council

(6) Members of the public, which may (but does not have to) include family of residents and/or persons with specific expertise in the health care field, finance/accounting field, or legal field. These positions shall be announced to the public, who will be invited to apply.

(7) Member of the Public

(8) Member of the Public

(9) Member of the Public (If nine members are selected)

Option 3 (8 or 9)

(1) County Board Chair

(2) Member of HHS Committee, recommended by HHS vote to the County Board for approval

(3) Member of Finance & Administration Committee, recommended by F&A to the County Board for approval

(4) Member of the Facilities and Technology Committee, recommended by the F&T to the County Board for approval

(5) County Board Member at-large nominated by the Executive Committee to the County Board for approval

(6) One representative of DCRNC residents, chosen by resident council

(7) Members of the public, which may (but does not have to) include family of residents and/or persons with specific expertise in the health care field, finance/accounting field, or legal field. These positions shall be announced to the public, who will be invited to apply.

(8) Member of the Public

(9) Member of the Public (If nine members are selected)

All committee members except for the Chair will be approved by the full county board.

Actions Requiring approval by the County Board

Actions initiated by the Oversight Board on the following matters can be authorized by and shall be effective only upon the prior written assent of a statutory majority of the DeKalb County Board:

1. The acquisition, purchase, sale, lease, transfer or encumbrance of any real estate or of any substantial part of other assets of the DCRNC,

2. Any increment or additions to the capital debt or to renegotiate, modify or otherwise change the existing capital debt obligations of the DCRNC,

3. Any borrowing not indicated in the capital or operating budgets of the DCRNC,

4. The adoption of the annual operating and capital budgets of the DCRNC or any changes thereto.

5. To approve expenditures as provided in these Bylaws.

6. All matters related to the appointment, compensation and employment status of the DCRNC Administrator.

7. To determine wages of all employees of the DCRNC.

8. Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreements.

9. The selection and award of any contracts for an outside Management Company (only in the event the Board determines to use a management company). If applicable, these contracts will be bid under Illinois Law and re-bid at least every four years.

10. To enter into or settle litigation.

The authority retained by the County Board suggested in items 5-10, above, are additions to those retained when the previous operating board was in place.

The Executive Committee agenda includes Ordinance O2023-26 which carries over from November in the event the County Board is prepared to take action. There is nothing that requires action if the County Board prefers to continue to discuss the creation of the Oversight Board.

6. Resolutions

a. Resolution R2023-115A—A Resolution Authorizing the Approval and Release of Certain Executive Session Meeting Minutes.

b. Resolution R2023-115B—A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Executive Session Verbatim Recordings.

The Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1, et seq. (the "OMA") requires all public bodies to periodically meet to review minutes of all closed meetings, make a determination as to whether said minutes still require confidential treatment, and report said determination in an open session. After reviewing the minutes of their closed meetings, the Executive Committee must make a determination as to need for confidentiality of said minutes, and report said determination pursuant to the provisions of these Resolutions.

At their November 8th meeting, the Executive Committee requested that Resolution R2023-115 be split into two Resolutions to separate the Authorizing the Approval and Release of Certain Executive Session Meeting Minutes and the Destruction of Certain Executive Session Verbatim Recordings.

c. Resolution R2023-119—A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Certificate of Need for Submission to Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board.

In April of 2017, the DeKalb County Board approved the Rehab & Nursing Center Expansion Project. Construction of the Rehab & Nursing Center Expansion Project ceased due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was further delayed by the planned sale of the DCRNC. The Certificate of Need application for the project was canceled during the sale process because the County could not have two open Certificates of Need applications.

The Business Plan from Jordan Healthcare that was approved by the County Board requires the completion of the Rehab & Nursing Center Expansion Project. In order to maintain the timeline for opening the expansion set forth in the Business Plan, the County will need to have the approval of the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board’s (IHFSRB) Certificate of Need (CON) process. Resolution R2023-119 authorizes the County Administrator to execute the Certificate of Need in order to complete the Rehab & Nursing Center Expansion Project.

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7. Approval of Appointments

Board of Health

• Rukisha Crawford reappointed for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2024.

• Mark Mattson reappointed for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2026.

• Michael Thornton appointed for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2026.

• Kimberly Heinisch appointed for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and expiring December 31, 2026.

8. Approval of the FY2024 Tentative Meeting Schedule

9. Approval County Board Meeting Agenda

10. Adjournment
