
DeKalb Times

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City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met Nov. 6


Planning & Zoning Commission | cityofdekalb.com

Planning & Zoning Commission | cityofdekalb.com

City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met Nov. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a meeting on November 6, 2023, in the Yusunas Meeting Room at the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St. DeKalb, Illinois. Chair Max Maxwell called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


Recording Secretary Stephanie Turner called the roll. Planning and Zoning Commission members present were: Steve Becker, Trixy O’Flaherty, Maria Pena-Graham, Shannon Stoker, Bill McMahon, and Chair Max Maxwell. Jerry Wright was absent. Planning Director Dan Olson was present representing the City of DeKalb.


Chair Maxwell asked for nominations for a Vice-Chairperson. Trixy O’Flaherty nominated Bill McMahon; Steve Becker seconded the nomination for Bill McMahon. There were no additional nominations.

A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Becker – Yes, Ms. O’Flaherty – Yes, Ms. Pena-Graham – Yes, Ms. Stoker – Yes, Mr. McMahon – Yes, Chair Maxwell – Yes. Mr. Wright was absent. Motion passed 6-0-1.

C. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Additions/Deletions)

Chair Maxwell requested a motion to approve the November 6, 2023, agenda as presented. Mr. Becker motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Stoker seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.


1. October 16, 2023 –Chair Maxwell requested a motion to approve the October 16, 2023, minutes as presented. Mr. McMahon motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

E. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Open Floor to Anyone Wishing to Speak on Record) None


1. Public Hearing – A petition by Valtricia Sherwood for approval of a variance to Article 7.06.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance to allow a 6-foot-high privacy fence in the front yard for the property located at 1015 Franklin Street.

Valtricia Sherwood, owner of the property at 1015 Franklin St., stated she recently installed a 6-foot-high privacy fence in her backyard and is requesting a variance to extend the 6-foot-high fence to a portion of her front yard. Ms. Sherwood said this would help beautify her yard and add privacy.

Planning Director Olson went through the Staff Report dated November 2, 2023, and described the variance is to allow a 6-foot-high privacy fence in a portion of the front yard. He noted the fence would transition down to 3 feet towards the front lot line He added the variance is needed due to 6-foot-high privacy fences not being allowed past the front of a house per the UDO. Mr. Olson explained the applicant would like to screen a portion of her neighbors’ backyard, which is 220 S. 10th St.

Mr. Olson informed the Commission the City looked at the point along her neighbor’s (220 S. 10th St.) lot where they would be able to place a 6-foot-high privacy fence to determine how far the 6-foot-high privacy fence could be extended on the petitioner’s lot. He went on to state the applicant has a hardship due to the lot layout in relation to her neighbor at 220 S. 10th St. and the fact the placement of the 6-foot-high privacy fence will not block the view of the front of the adjacent home.

Planning Director Olson conveyed this request meets the findings of fact and the City recommends approval of the variance. He mentioned the public input which has been received including letters of support from Cynthia Nelson of 1028 Grove St., Lynn Sieck Fifer of 1004 Grove St., Dawn Nelson of 214 S. 10th St., and Katrina Lindgren Larson of 1023 Franklin St.

Chair Maxwell asked if there were any questions or comments from the public in which there were none.

Chair Maxwell asked if there were any questions or comments from the Commission members.

All of the commission members agreed this request looks good and meets the criteria for a variance.

Ms. O’Flaherty moved that based on the submitted petition, testimony presented and findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning approve a variance to Article 7.06.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to allow a 6-foot-high privacy fence in a portion of the front yard for the home at 1015 Franklin St. as shown on Exhibit A of the Staff Report dated November 2, 2023.

Ms. Pena-Graham seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken. Mr. Becker – Yes, Ms. O’Flaherty – Yes, Ms. Pena Graham – Yes, Ms. Stoker – Yes, Mr. McMahon – Yes, Chair Maxwell – Yes. Mr. Wright was absent. Motion passed 6-0-1.


Planning Director Olson announced the next Commission meeting is set for Monday, November 20th at the Police Department with two hearings currently scheduled. He stated the first hearing is for a variance for a medical office building at Bethany Rd. and Commerce Dr. regarding setbacks. Mr. Olson said the other hearing is for a special use permit for a retail tobacco store in a unit in the building at 650 Peace Rd and also to amend the Planned Development Ordinance for the site to remove some prohibited uses. He went on to discuss the December 4th Commission hearing date which will include rezoning seven parcels owned by the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District. Mr. Olson said the City Council approved the Wessels rezoning (2023 Sycamore Road) and annexation petition and the text amendments for signage.


Mr. McMahon motioned to adjourn, Mr. Becker seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote. The Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:12 PM.
