
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee will meet Jan. 25

Webp 7

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee will meet Jan. 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Minutes from November 30, 2023

4. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

5. Presentations / Discussions

a. Monthly Reports of the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District

6. Considerations

a. IDNR Annual Request for Chronic Wasting Disease Management

On an annual basis, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources requests the consent of the Operations Committee of the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District to conduct a controlled hunt within the County’s Forest Preserves as a management tool for Chronic Wasting Disease in local deer populations. The IDNR’s goal is to reduce disease transmission rates by lowering densities in infected areas, to reduce environmental contamination from infected deer, and to remove sick deer from the population at a higher rate than deer are becoming newly-infected.

7. Executive Session

a. Land Acquisition per 5ILCS120/2(c)(5)

8. Old Business

9. New Business

10. Adjournment
