
DeKalb Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DeKalb County Board met Jan. 17

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Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Board met Jan. 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Chair Willis called the meeting to order, and the Clerk called the roll. Those present were Board Members Joe Marcinkowski, Stewart Ogilvie, Jerry Osland, Michelle Pickett, Roy Plote, Chris Porterfield, Amber Quitno, Tim Bagby, Scott Campbell, Mary Cozad, Rukisha Crawford, Patrick Deutsch, Meryl Domina, Vice-Chair John Frieders, Ben Haier, Rhonda Henke, Savannah Ilenikhena, Kathy Lampkins, Maureen Little, Jim Luebke, Terri Mann-Lamb, and Chair Suzanne Willis. Ellingsworth Webb and Laurie Emmer were absent. There was a quorum established with twenty-two Members present and two absent.

Marcinkowski led in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.



It was moved by Mann-Lamb and seconded by Deutsch to approve the agenda as presented. Voice Vote

A voice vote was taken on the agenda as presented. The motion carried.



Luebke moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2023 County Board Meeting. Porterfield seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair asked for a voice vote on the approval of the minutes. The motion carried.


Employee Service Awards – January 2024

The Board recognized and congratulated the following County Employees for their service to DeKalb County Government: Ten Years: Aaron Ralls – Sheriff’s Office; Forty Years: Dennis Miller – Coroner.

County Administrator Brian Gregory shared the following words: “I am very happy tonight to recognize Dennis Miller for 40 years of service to the DeKalb County Government. Denny has committed his career to the County as both Coroner and ESDA Director. He is a respected public servant that has impacted countless people over the past four decades.

Denny was first appointed Coroner in January, 1984, to fill the unexpired term of Bill Sullivan. To put it into context, at that time Apple introduced its Mcintosh personal computer with ads during the Super Bowl.

Denny was then elected to a full term in November of 1984. That was the same election that Ronald Reagan became President. He was appointed the County ESDA Director in November of 1990. That year the DOW Jones Index closed over 10,000 for the first time.

During the time Denny has served the County, our country has had seven different Presidents, people now carry computers in their pockets, and the DOW Jones is inching toward a 38,000 closing. With all that change, the County has been fortunate to have a constant in Denny Miller, an even keeled professional that has handled numerous disasters and coordinated responses to help the people of DeKalb County. He has carried out the duties of Coroner with dignity, respect and integrity.

How many of you know that Denny served as Sheriff from November 26,1984 to March 20, 1985? It turns out that there is a provision in the law that outlines that the Coroner serves as County Sheriff when there is a vacancy in that office.

It is not surprising that Denny stepped into the role when called on to do so. Throughout his career he has stepped up whenever he was needed. He has been a staple in the DeKalb County Government.

Tonight, we recognize Denny's forty years of service and thank him for dedicating himself to DeKalb County!”

Gregory presented Miller with a certificate. Miller expressed his gratitude to his family and to the County Board and Department Heads past and present.


Deb Peterson, Sandwich Township, stated that she is a volunteer and not an official spokesperson for United Sovereign Americans. The organization is asking for an end-to-end audit of the 2022 General Election from registration through certification. Peterson and multiple individuals presented a Resolution to the County Board for consideration. The Resolution clarifies in simple terms the voting system. State by state, United Sovereign Americans demonstrates how inaccuracy and excuses have replaced the robust oversight process required under the law for the system to deserve trust. They identify the critical system controls and demand five immediate remedies.

Michelle Peterson stated that she is a volunteer and not an official spokesperson for United Sovereign Americans. She read aloud the first part of the Resolution that was presented by the United Sovereign Americans. (See Attached)

Brenda Pearson, Sandwich Township, stated that she is a volunteer and not an official spokesperson for United Sovereign Americans. She read aloud the second part of the Resolution that was presented to the Board by the United Sovereign Americans.

Chris Burkett stated that he is a volunteer and not an official spokesperson for United Sovereign Americans. He read aloud the last part of the Resolution that was presented by the United Sovereign Americans.

Ken Zitko, stated that he was a volunteer and Director of the Illinois Chapter United Sovereign Americans. He requested that the Board pass the Resolution that was presented to them which contained five firm requests. He also encouraged individuals to visit their website, Unite4Freedom.com, to learn more.

Chuck Rose, Sycamore Township, recognized and acknowledged Dennis Miller’s many achievements over his 40 years of service to DeKalb County as Coroner and ESDA Director.

Janet Berkes, DeKalb Township, reviewed that the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee for the DCRNC Oversight Board should be open and transparent in respects to who has applied and who may ultimately be recommended to be appointed. Nothing should be hidden, she expressed.

Steve Duchrow, DeKalb Township, additionally called for transparency surrounding the DCRNC Oversight Board’s Ad Hoc Nominating Committee. He shared that the applications received by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee should be open and available to the public.



Resolution R2024-001: A Resolution Awarding Two (2) Tandem Axle Cab & Chassis Trucks to CIT Trucks of Loves Park, Illinois in the Amount $315,912.00


Deutsch moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby approve the lowest bid meeting specifications to CIT Trucks of Loves Park, Illinois, for two new T480 Kenworth Tandem Axle Cab & Chassis Trucks with three available warranty options in the total amount of $315,912.00. Plote seconded the motion as presented.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.


Resolution R2024-008: A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Northwestern Medicine Post-Acute Care Network Affiliation Agreement


Crawford moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby authorize the County Administrator to execute the Northwestern Medicine Post-Acute Care Network Affiliation Agreement. Ilenikhena seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chair Willis called for a voice vote on the motion as presented. The motion carried.


Resolution R2024-002: A Resolution Abating the Entire Property Tax Levy for the 2023 Tax Year for the 2017 Jail Expansion Bond Issue


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the $1,633,356.26 property tax levy for the 2023 Tax Year (payable in 2024), which was levied for the retirement of the debt of the County of DeKalb, Illinois General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2017 (i.e. the Jail Expansion Bonds), is hereby abated in its entirety in the amount of $1,633,356.26, and that a certified copy of this Resolution should be filed with the DeKalb County Clerk within fifteen days. Porterfield seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-003: A Resolution Abating the Entire Property Tax Levy for the 2023 Tax Year for the 2020 Nursing Home Expansion Bond Issue


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the $900,000 property tax levy for the 2023 Tax Year (payable in 2024), which was levied for the retirement of the debt of the County of DeKalb, Illinois General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2020 (i.e. the Nursing Home Expansion Bonds), is hereby abated in its entirety in the amount of $900,000, and that a certified copy of this Resolution should be filed with the DeKalb County Clerk within fifteen days. Crawford seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-004: A Resolution Abating the Entire Property Tax Levy for the 2023 Tax Year for the 2020A Refunding Bond Issue


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the $1,195,600 property tax levy for the 2023 Tax Year (payable in 2024), which was levied for the retirement of the debt of the County of DeKalb, Illinois General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2020A (i.e. the Refunding Bonds), is hereby abated in its entirety in the amount of $1,195,600, and that a certified copy of this Resolution should be filed with the DeKalb County Clerk within fifteen days. Mann Lamb seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-005: A Resolution Abating the Entire Property Tax Levy for the 2023 Tax Year for Recapture Revenues


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the $88,706 property tax levy for the 2023 Tax Year (payable in 2024), which was levied under 351LCS 200/18-233 for "Recapture Revenues", is hereby abated in its entirety in the amount of $88,706, and that a certified copy of this Resolution should be filed with the DeKalb County Clerk within fifteen days. Pickett seconded the motion as presented.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-006: A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for December 2023, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging in the Amount of $27,255,336.08


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the payment of claims for December 2023, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $27,255,336.08. Deutsch seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve the December 2023 claims. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-007: A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for January 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging in the Amount of $7,413,733.60


Campbell moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the payment of claims for January 2024, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $7,413,733.60. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve the January 2024 claims. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Reports of County Officials


Campbell moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:

1. Cash & Investments in County Banks – December 2023

2. Public Defender’s Report – December 2023

3. Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – December 2023

4. Pretrial Report – December 2023

5. Sheriff’s Jail Report – December 2023

6. Building Permits & Construction Reports – December 2023

Ilenikhena seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials as presented. The motion carried.

Local Government Decennial Reports


Campbell moved and Mann-Lamb seconded to accept and place on file in the County Clerk’s Office the following Decennial Reports:

Sycamore Community Fire Protection District

Sandwich Public Library District

Voice Vote

The Chair requested a voice vote to accept and place the Decennial Reports on file in the County Clerk’s Office. The motion carried.


Resolution R2024-009: A Resolution Approving of AFSCME Council, 31, Local No. 3537 DCRNC Labor Contract


Vice-Chair Frieders moved that DeKalb County Board does concur in the recommendation of its negotiators and does hereby ratify the labor contract with AFSCME Council 31, Local 3537 representing the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center for the period of January 1, 2024 through December 31,2026 as stipulated on Exhibit A to this Resolution and does direct the Chair to execute the contract as prepared by the County's Labor Attorney. Luebke seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.

Resolution R2024-010: A Resolution Establishing Bylaws for the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Oversight Board


Vice-Chair Frieders moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby approve the attached Bylaws of the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Oversight Board with an effective date of February 1,2024. Campbell seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Campbell moved to amend the motion by striking the word "govern" in Article III OVERSIGHT AUTHORITY Section 1. POWERS and replace it with the word "oversee". He additionally moved to amend ARTICLE IX ADJUNCT ORGANIZATIONS by striking the entire second sentence. Bagby seconded the amendments.

Voice Vote on Amendments

Chair Willis called for a voice vote to approve the amendments as presented. The motion carried. Roll Call Vote

Chair Willis called for a roll call vote to approve the motion as amended. Those voting aye were Board Members Marcinkowski, Ogilvie, Osland, Pickett, Plote, Porterfield, Quitno, Bagby, Campbell, Cozad, Crawford, Deutsch, Domina, Vice-Chair Frieders, Haier, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Little, Luebke, Mann-Lamb, and Chair Willis. The motion carried 22-0-2.



It was moved by Mann-Lamb and seconded by Quitno to approve the following appointments: Board of Review - Alternate:

Robert Carlson appointed to fill a one-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and expiring May 31, 2024.

DCRNC Oversight Board:

• Health & Human Services Committee Member - Rukisha Crawford appointed to fill an initial two year term expiring December 31, 2024.

• Finance & Administration Committee Member- Jerry Osland appointed to fill an initial two-year term expiring December 31, 2024.

• County Board Member at Large - Rhonda Henke appointed to fill an initial two-year term expiring December 31, 2024.

• Resident Council Member - Abdul El-Jamal appointed to fill an initial two-year term expiring December 31, 2024.

Ad Hoc Nominating Committee for the DCRNC Oversight Board:

• Savannah Ilenikhena, Kathy Lampkins, Chris Porterfield and Amber Quitno appointed to serve on the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee for the DCRNC Oversight Board as set forth in the Oversight Board Bylaws.

Voice Vote

The motion was carried by voice vote with abstentions from Crawford, Osland, Henke, Ilenikhena, Lampkins, Porterfield, and Quitno.





Mann-Lamb moved to adjoum the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Cozad seconded the motion. Voice Vote

The motion to adjoum the meeting carries




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