
DeKalb Times

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met Feb. 26

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Russell Kula, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Russell Kula, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met Feb. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Interim Village President Quirk at 7:07 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following:

Present: Trustees Sarah Quirk, Jennifer Klambauer, Alyssa Pricket, Russell Kula, Steve Gayhart, and Mike Constant. Quorum Established.

Absent: None.

Also Present: Deputy Clerk Michaels, Police Chief Gettemy, Ceneca Wagner, Dale Youngers, Village Attorney Tait Lundgren, Brandon Kramer (EEI) and Members of the Public.




Approval of Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from 02/12/24

Trustee Constant moved to approve the minutes from February 12, 2024, and Trustee Gayhart seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Quirk-Aye, Klambauer-Abstain, Prickett-Aye, Kula-Aye, Gayhart Aye, and Constant-Aye. Motion carried.


For Discussion: TEST, Inc. Contract

Trustee Constant stated that he appreciates the relationship between us and TEST, Inc. He understands that there needs to be an increase, but this is a 15% increase in the first year. We need to have something more reasonable. A 2% to 3% increase and testing costs at 20% over 5 years. That could be our starting point. This is our single largest operating expense. We can email Chris and see if he gets back to us before the next Committee of the Whole Meeting. Dale Youngers asked if Chris should attend the next meeting. The board agreed it wouldn’t be a bad idea but hopefully we will hear back from him sooner. Trustee Constant did ask Dale Youngers if they charge overtime hours if there is a water main break or something larger. Dale stated they have never charged the Village for overtime.

For Discussion: Light Pole at 531 Prairie View Lane

Ceneca Wagner stated that he dug up the yard and it was the fence company that hit the wires. Attorney Lundgren stated that he can send a letter to the fence company. Trustee Kula advised Attorney Lundgren that Ceneca has pictures and video. Attorney Lundgren asked Ceneca what he thought the cost would be. Ceneca stated the cost could be anywhere from $3000.00 to $10,000.00. He also said that Com Ed will need to be involved.

For Discussion: 84 Lumber Annexation

Attorney Lungren stated he was involved in a conference call regarding 84 Lumber annexing property. They are looking at filing a petition regarding zoning and annexation. They will be attending the Planning Commission Meeting on March 4, 2024. Attorney Lundgren advised Interim Village President Sarah Quirk he will be sending a Public Hearing Draft to her by Wednesday and then to 84 Lumber by Friday. 84 Lumber also advised they want Water and Sewer hook-up. Trustee Constant stated there were issues regarding the elevation of the sewer. EEI would have to look over the plans to see if there are any issues.

For Discussion: Building Permit Company

Trustee Quirk stated that the Village is very frustrated regarding B & F Construction. There have been lots of errors on their end along with them having a lot of employee turnover. We have had two situations that have brought it all the way to the board. Trustee Constant asked if there is a situation going on and why doesn’t B & F email the Village if there is a problem. Trustee Quirk stated that we need to research the cost and customer service of other building inspection companies in the meantime. Trustee Kula stated that he could set up a meeting with the owner of B & F Construction. Trustee Constant stated to be very blunt with what you want. Trustee Kula and Trustee Prickett stated that they would set up a meeting with them.


No Report.


No Report.



No Report.

Public Safety

Police Chief Gettemy stated that the Village could get “No Soliciting” signs and if a Solicitor shows up to a door with a sign in their window, they could be ticketed with an Ordinance Fee. We would need to update the Solicitor’s Ordinance. Police Chief Gettemy stated he has a copy of the Sandwich Ordinance. It is only 2 sentences. Attorney Lundgren stated he will investigate that and get the Draft Ordinance ready for the next Regular Board Meeting on March 11, 2024.

Streets & Alleys

No Report.

Buildings, Grounds & Parks

No Report.

Water & Sewer

No Report.

Finance & Economic Development Report

No Report.


Bob Prichard stated a good source to go to for inspectors would be Derrick Hiland with DeKalb County. If the board would like, he would get that information. The board agreed to have Bob talk to him.




Trustee Klambauer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 PM and Trustee Gayhart seconded the motion. Voice vote: all in favor. Motion carried. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2024, immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.
