
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met May 6

Webp 8

Scott Campbell, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Scott Campbell, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met May 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Minutes from April 8, 2024

4. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

5. Resolutions

a. Resolution R2024-065—A Resolution Awarding Grant Year 2025 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding.

Voters of DeKalb County approved a .025% tax levy referendum in 1997 to be dedicated for Senior Services. The funds are for the prevention of the premature institutionalization of seniors, keeping seniors out of nursing homes and hospitals which ultimately results in an aggregate cost savings for the taxpayer. Funds are used to pay for services provided by local nonprofit organizations with a portion of funds utilized by the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board (DCCMHB) to offset administrative costs.

With the assistance of Deanna Cada, Executive Director of the DCCMHB, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee solicits applications by agencies that provide these services. The HHS Committee reviews the applications and interviews each agency that requests funding before making a recommendation to the County Board as to how to allocate this year’s funds.

The FY24 Budget includes an allocation of $479,992 for contributions to the agencies that provide these services. Ten agencies submitted requests and the HHS Committee will conduct interviews on April 1st and April 8th. The HHS Committee will discuss the allocation later in this agenda and take action on a recommendation to the County Board at the May HHS Meeting.

Last year, the HHS Committee recommended a one-time contribution to agencies of $50,550 from the available fund balance or available ARPA Funds. At the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the County Board made the decision to utilize available ARPA funds for the one-time contribution in place of the Senior Services Fund balance in FY23.

In prior years, the HHS Committee has recommended that additional funds be provided to agencies effort to spend down the Senior Services Fund balance ($202,695). The HHS Committee is being asked to make a recommendation for the allocation of Senior Tax Levy Funding up to the budget allocation, as well as whether to utilize a portion of the fund balance.

b. Resolution R2024-066—A Resolution Authorizing the Reallocation of Grant Year 2024 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding.

In May of 2023, the County Board awarded Kishwaukee Family YMCA $1,650 in Senior Tax Levy Funds to fund the YMCA’s Silver Sneakers and Insurance Discount Programs in Grant Year 2024. As of May 1, 2024, the YMCA has terminated their contracts with the insurance providers. The YMCA has requested that the County Board authorize the reallocation of the remaining GY2024 funds to their senior scholarship program. The Senior Scholarship program offers scholarships for low-income seniors in the form of membership fees.

c. Resolution R2024-067—A Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Community Liaison Position at the DCRNC.

Jordan Healthcare Group (JHG) has recommended the DCRNC create a Community Liaison Position. This position would oversee the coordination of the day-to-day census in the building as well as publicizing the availability of beds to the larger community. This position would work with the residents and their families directly pre-admission and will ensure that all necessary documentation is completed in order to facilitate the billing response and increase the collection efforts. This position was not budgeted for or included in the original JHG Business Plan but JHG anticipates that this position will result in 3-5 times the number of admissions the building will see in a given month.

The DCRNC Oversight Board has discussed the position and provided input to the County Board’s Human Health & Services Committee Representative Member to bring forward to the Committee. The Health & Human Services Committee is being asked to provide further input on the position and make a recommendation to the County Board. The County Board is the approving body for all personnel matters for the DCRNC.

d. Resolution R2024-068—A Resolution Directing the DCRNC to Issue a Request for Proposal for Consulting & Billing Services.

Jordan Healthcare Group (JHG) began working with the DCRNC in 2022 to provide billing services for the facility’s Business Office. The scope of services that JHG provides for the DCRNC has grown significantly over time to include regular consulting services, the formulation and implementation of a business plan, and assistance with State & Federal compliance matters.

JHG was originally brought on under emergent circumstances in 2022 due to the severity of the billing issues the facility was facing. Due to the circumstances at the facility no longer being considered emergent, the current scope of services, and the annual expenditures for JHG’s services, staff is recommending that the contract be put out to bid in compliance with the DeKalb County Procurement Policy. JHG currently provides the following services for the DCRNC:

• All Medicare and Medicaid Billing (current & past).

• Posts monthly resident room and board charges.

• Preparation of Resident billing statements.

• Posts Symbria Rehab Charges.

• Works with the DCRNC’s Restorative Nurse and Insurance Providers for Med B approvals.

• Provides Business Office Staff with the Medicare allowable rates for billing.

• Preparation of Admission Packets for new Medicaid residents.

• Weekly check-in meetings with Business Office Staff.

• Weekly check-in meetings with Administrator.

• Preparation of Grant Report Submissions.

• Review of resident diagnoses sheets for billing purposes.

• Review of Vendor, Insurance, and other contracts.

• Assistance with financial decisions and reports.

• Advise and assist with facility financial decision making and planning.

• Assists with Social Services training and task segmentation.

• Assist facility staff with compliance oversight.

• Available for regularly scheduled on-site work.

• Available to assist the administrator on an emergency basis.

• Provides additional training and long-term care industry related consulting as needed.

The DCRNC Oversight Board has discussed the matter and provided input to the County Board’s Human Health & Services Committee Representative Member to bring forward to the Committee. The Health & Human Services Committee is being asked to provide further input on the position and make a recommendation to the County Board. The County Board is the approving body for all expenditures over $30,000.

6. Old Business

7. New Business

8. Adjournment
