
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met April 8

Webp 4

Laurie Emmer, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Laurie Emmer, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met April 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, April 8, 2024, in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium in Sycamore, Illinois. Chair Rukisha Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Those members present were Savannah Ilenikhena, Michelle Pickett, Chris Porterfield, and Chair Rukisha Crawford. A quorum was established with four members present and three absent. Meryl Domina, Joe Marcinkowski and Amber Quitno were absent.

Others present included DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker, Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada, Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan, and County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb.


Michelle Pickett moved to approve the agenda as presented. Chris Porterfield seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.


Chris Porterfield moved to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2024 committee meeting, Michelle Pickett seconded the motion and the motion carried.


There were no public comments.


Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada reviewed that four agencies will be presenting during the meeting and that committee members can determine when further award discussion will occur.


Chair Rukisha Crawford opened the Senior Tax Levy Hearings at 6:05 p.m.

Elder Care Services – Deanna Cada introduced Tara Russo, Executive Director and Colleen Parks, Clinical Director of Elder Care Services. Russo presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $90,000. She provided an overview of changes in theirstaffing structure, including the addition of a clinical director. Russo reviewed that Elder Care Services is opening a senior “drop-in” center that will facilitate access to multiple services. She added that Elder Care Services has experienced an increase in the number of seniors for which they are providing assistance. Russo outlined that in support of this effort, they are making modifications to their facility and that the grant funding will help with these improvements.

Opportunity House – Deanna Cada introduced Tom Matya, Executive Director of Opportunity House. Matya presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $32,931. Matya introduced Director Johanna Blocker, Coordinator Austin Schroeder, and Director Carol Parsons. The Opportunity House representatives reviewed that the agency is closing one older home and opening two new group homes in Genoa. They outlined that the senior population is growing, and that the agency has doubled the size of their day services program.

Hope Haven – Deanna Cada introduced Michael Whitehead, Coordinator for Hope Haven. Whitehead presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $33,363. He reviewed that the funding would help to pay for a case manager position.

Voluntary Action Center – Deanna Cada introduced Chief Executive Officer Nate Kloster and Chief Development Officer Ellen Rogers for the Voluntary Action Center. Kloster and Rogers presented the agency’s Senior Tax Levy proposal that includes a funding request for $227,000. Koster and Rogers reviewed that the agency has experienced an increase in demand for services and a sharp increase in costs. Rogers added that the funding will help ensure assistance is provided to a very vulnerable segment of the county’s population.

Chair Rukisha Crawford closed the Senior Tax Levy Hearings at 7:14 p.m.


Discussion of Allocation of Senior Tax Levy Funds

Deanna Cada provided additional notes relative to the four agencies that presented proposals. She emphasized the need to explore more effective ways to approach the application process and suggested the committee consider scheduling this discussion.

Committee members concluded that award discussion will occur during the May meeting, as only four of the committee members were currently present.

DCRNC Operational Update

DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker provided an operational update of the center, outlining that although the first quarter performance reflects a net loss, the financial situation is much improved. He added that the census remains off-target at 106, versus the desired number of 118.

Becker reviewed that that the contract with United Healthcare begins May 1st, and that the DCRNC is considering contracting with a company that will assist with managed-care contracts. He added that agency expense continues to drop, and that progress has been made in the collection of delinquent accounts.

Becker stated that work continues with the Transitional Care Unit and that progress is being made on the remaining items needed for completion. He reviewed that plans of corrections are in process in response to the tags assigned by the Illinois Department of Public Health and following the recent Life Safety inspection. He added that no fines were assessed in connection with any of the tags.


Ordinance O2024-04 – An Ordinance to provide Public Transportation in DeKalb County, Illinois. Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan outlined that the ordinance is a component of the 5311 Grant application which will allow the Voluntary Action Center’s TransVAC program to secure federal and state funding.

Chris Porterfield moved to advance Ordinance O2024-04 to the full County Board. Michelle Pickett seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.


Resolution R2024-061 – A Resolution Awarding the DCRNC Linen Services Contract to Vestis Services, LLC. Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan reviewed the resolution that represents a savings of approximately $1.7 million over the five-year contract term.

Chris Porterfield moved to advance Resolution R2024-061 to the full County Board. Savannah Ilenikhena seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously via roll call vote.






It was moved by Chris Porterfield and seconded by Savannah Ilenikhena to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried, and the meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
