
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee met April 25

Webp 3

Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Forest Preserve Operations Committee met April 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Forest Preserve Operations Committee of the DeKalb County Board met at the Legislative Center’s Freedom Room in Sycamore, Illinois on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Chair Roy Plote called the meeting to order at 6:01pm. Those Members present were Mary Cozad, Meryl Domina, Terri Mann-Lamb and Stewart Ogilvie. A quorum was established with five Members present and two absent. Member Benjamin Haier arrived at 6:27pm, which brought the Committee to six Members present and one absent.

Forest Preserve Superintendent Terry Hannan and County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb were also present.


Mann-Lamb moved to approve the agenda as presented. Ogilvie seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.


It was moved by Cozad, seconded by Mann-Lamb and was carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2024 Forest Preserve Operations Committee Meeting.


There were no public comments.


Mr. Hannan provided a summary of the Forest Preserve District Spring 2024 Events. Within the past month, there was the Spring Equinox Hike, NatureFest, and the Sycamore Lions Club Great Western Trail Clean up. Upcoming events will be the Kishwaukee Kiwanis DeKalb/Sycamore Trail Clean-up, Wildflower Walk, Mother’s Day Wildflower Walk, and Spring Bird Migration Walk. Mr. Hannan reported the Somonauk Lions Club will be planting trees along the Somonauk Trail which connects the Village of Somonauk to Sannauk Forest Preserve. Mr. Hannan also mentioned that Ms. Domina, along with Forest Preserve Natural Resource Staff Austin Coleman and Cole Heyden, set up an information table at the Egyptian Theater in downtown DeKalb, Illinois in celebration of Earth Week. About 200 people attended the event to see the displays from many local conservation groups.

RESOLUTION FP-R2024-006—A Resolution Approving Year-End Amendments to the FY2023 Budget.

Resolution FP-R2024-006 brings forward a number of Year-End Budget Amendments. The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Superintendent and the County Comptroller have reviewed the Year-End FY2023 account balances and have identified accounts with deficits and surpluses and have brought forth the requested amendments as a means to balance the FY2023 Budget. While they are not a requirement, staff believes that the requested amendments are necessary to demonstrate fiscal responsibility and transparency by aligning with the “best practices” of public finance.

It was moved by Mann-Lamb, seconded by Domina and approved unanimously to forward FP R2024-006 to the Forest Preserve District Board. Those voting yea in a roll call vote were Cozad, Domina, Mann-Lamb, Ogilvie, and Chair Plote. None were Opposed. Motion carried unanimously.


Mann-Lamb moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Land Acquisition per 5ILCS 120/2(c)(5) at 6:17pm. Ogilvie seconded the motion. Those voting yea were Cozad, Domina, Mann-Lamb, Ogilvie, Chair Plote, County Board Chair Webb and Forest Preserve Superintendent Hannan. None were Opposed. Motion carried unanimously.

The Committee entered back into their Open Meeting at 6:59pm.






Haier moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:01pm. Ogilvie seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
