
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

DeKalb County Planning, Zoning & Development Committee met June 5

Webp 6

Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County

Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Planning, Zoning & Development Committee met June 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Minutes

a. April 24, 2024

4. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the Committee for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

5. Ordinances

a. Ordinances O2024-06 —Ordinance approving a Special Use Permit request for a 5-megawatt Commercial Solar Energy System located on the west side of Somonauk Road, in Squaw Grove Township. (P.I.N.s 15-34-300-005 & 15-33-400-004)

Shenandoah Solar, LLC has filed a petition for a Special Use Permit to allow for the construction and operation of a 5-megawatt Commercial Solar Energy System, on approximately 49.1-acres of the 95.733- acre property west side of Somonauk Road

DeKalb County Hearing Officer Dale Clark conducted a public hearing on May 16, 2024 regarding the petition. The petitioner presented evidence and testimony in support of the application. Members of the public spoke and submitted correspondence against the petition. The Hearing Officer has forwarded his Findings of Fact and Recommendation, and has recommended that the petition be approved, with conditions, as shown in his Findings of Fact and Recommendation. (Petition SQ-24-02)

b. Ordinances O2024-07 —Ordinance approving a Special Use Permit for an E-Commerce Business on property located at 8262 Baseline Road, Kingston Illinois in Mayfield Township (P.I.N. 05-04-100- 006)

Joshua Wollman has filed a petition for a Special Use Permit to allow for the operation of an E-Commerce Business, on the property located at 8262 Baseline Road, Kingston Illinois 60145.

DeKalb County Hearing Officer Dale Clark conducted a public hearing on May 23, 2024 regarding the petition. The petitioner presented evidence and testimony in support of the application. One member of the public spoke and asked questions at the Public Hearing however no support or opposition was offered.

The Hearing Officer has forwarded his Findings of Fact and Recommendation, and has recommended that the petition be approved, with conditions, as shown in his Findings of Fact and Recommendation. (Petition MY-24-03)

c. Ordinances O2024-08 —Ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the DeKalb County Code regarding State of Illinois adopted Energy Codes.

Planning, Zoning and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board has considered updated building codes recommended for adoption by the County Building Development Official, and has recommended that the updated building codes be updated and adopted by the County Board affirming that DeKalb County has adopted the 2021 edition of the Illinois Energy Conservation Code (IECC) compliant with the State of Illinois mandate by having the most recent energy code adopted for the citizens of DeKalb County.

6. Resolutions

7. Considerations/Discussion Items

8. Old Business

9. New Business

10. Adjournment
