
DeKalb Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met May 6

Webp 9

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met May 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, May 6, 2024, in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium in Sycamore, Illinois. Chair Rukisha Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those members present were Meryl Domina, Joe Marcinkowski, Michelle Pickett, Chris Porterfield, Amber Quitno, and Chair Rukisha Crawford. A quorum was established with six members present and one absent. Savannah Ilenikhena arrived at 6:37 p.m.

Others present included DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center (DCRNC) Administrator Bart Becker, Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada, County Administrator Brian Gregory, Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan, and County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb.


Chris Porterfield moved to approve the agenda as presented. Amber Quitno seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.


Joseph Marcinkowski moved to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2024 committee meeting, Amber Quito seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Kay Riley of Sycamore voiced her support of establishing the Community Liaison position at the DCRNC. She stated the position will likely pay for itself many times over and she encouraged the committee to move forward in establishing this position.

Anna Wilhelmi expressed her support of establishing the Community Liaison position at the DCRNC and emphasized that a bachelor’s or master’s degree should be added to the position requirements.

Steve Duchrow asked the committee if there is a text-based version of the Jordan Healthcare plan available for review. He suggested that this text serve as a playbook as efforts move forward in improving the DCRNC operation. Duchrow also asked the committee to provide dates of when the insurance company agreements lapsed and suggested that it is unfair to conclude that the DCRNC is falling behind when insurance plans are not currently in place.

Janet Berkes of DeKalb stated that establishing the Community Liaison position is a wonderful start and stressed the need for intake and finance roles in the DCRNC operation. She suggested that specific educational requirements be added to the Community Liaison position and that the job description be reviewed and condensed before final approval.

Joyce Klein of Sycamore stated that educational requirements should be added to the DCRNC Community Liaison job description. She added that more details of the Jordan Healthcare plan are needed in the form of a narrative and that an accountant position should be added to the operation to ensure success.


Resolution R2024-0065 – A Resolution Awarding Grant Year 2025 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding.

Committee members reviewed various methods for determining Senior Service Tax Levy funding awards. Deanna Cada reminded committee members that there is a balance in the Senior Services Fund that can be allocated as a supplement to the recurring funding.

Committee members discussed the Senior Services Fund balance spend-down options and concerns were raised regarding the growing senior population in the county and meeting future funding needs. The committee agreed to recommend that the County Board approve a one-time allocation of additional funds to the agencies equating to approximately one-third of the Senior Services Fund balance.

The committee identified the need to review the current agency application process to ensure receipt of critical information used in determining agency funding awards. Cada suggested the committee schedule an August review of the agency application process.

Committee members reviewed the agency funding requests that were presented during the previous two meetings. The committee determined the following agency allocation recommendations:

Barb City Manor $32,400

DeKalb County Community Gardens $22,000

Elder Care Services $70,000

Family Service Agency $70,000

Fox Valley Older Adult Services $60,500

Hope Haven of DeKalb County, Inc. $34,000

Kishwaukee Family YMCA $3,000

Opportunity House, Inc. $33,000

Prairie State Legal Services $4,000

Voluntary Action Center $227,000

Amber Quitno motioned to forward the funding proposal to the full county board, Michelle Pickett seconded the motion, and the motion was carried.

Resolution R2024-066 – A Resolution Authorizing the Reallocation of Grant Year 2024 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding.

Deanna Cada outlined that the resolution authorizes the reallocation of the remaining Grant Year 2024 funds to the YMCA’s senior scholarship program, as the original award was to fund the YMCA’s Silver Sneakers and Insurance Discount Programs that are no longer in place.

Chris Porterfield motioned to forward the resolution to the full county board. Joe Marcinkowski seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Resolution R2024-0067 – A Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Community Liaison Position at the DCRNC.

Brian Gregory outlined that Jordan Healthcare recommended the DCRNC create a Community Liaison position and that the position would oversee the coordination of the day-to-day census in the building as well as publicizing the availability of beds to the larger community. He added that the position was not included in the original business plan, but that it is anticipated that this position will pay for itself multiple times over via an increase in the number of admissions to the DCRNC.

Committee members emphasized the importance of adding educational requirements to the position. Michelle Pickett motioned to add the requirement of a bachelor’s degree to the position and to forward the modified resolution to the full county board. Chris Porterfield seconded the motion and the motion passed via roll call vote with all members voting yes.

Resolution R2024-0068 – A Resolution Directing the DCRNC to Issue a Request for Proposal for Consulting & Billing Services.

Brian Gregory reviewed the details of the resolution, stating that with the consulting and billing issues at the DCRNC no longer being considered emergent, and in consideration of the annual expenditures for Jordan Healthcare’s services, staff is recommending that the DCRNC issue a Request for Proposal for billing and consulting services. He added that this action is in compliance with policy and procurement law.

Following some discussion, Savannah Ilenikhena motioned to forward the resolution to the full county board. Amber Quitno seconded the motion and the motion passed.




Committee members engaged in general discussion regarding the concern raised during Public Comments relative to how the county can better articulate DCRNC goals and objectives.


It was moved by Quitno and seconded by Ilenikhena to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried, and the meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
