
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

DeKalb County Committee of the Whole met May 8

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Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Committee of the Whole met May 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Committee of the Whole of the DeKalb County Board met in Sycamore, Illinois on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Chair Ellingsworth Webb called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Those Members present were Tim Bagby, Scott Campbell, Rukisha Crawford, Mary Cozad, Patrick Deutsch, Meryl Domina, Laurie Emmer, John Frieders, Benjamin Haier, Rhonda Henke, Laura Hoffman, Savannah Ilenikhena, Kathy Lampkins, Terri Mann-Lamb, Stewart Ogilvie, Jerry Osland, Michelle Pickett, Roy Plote, Chris Porterfield, and Amber Quitno. A quorum was established with twenty-one Members present, three absent.


Deutsch moved to approve the agenda as presented. Pickett seconded the motion and the motion was approved via voice vote.


It was moved by Cozad, seconded by Haier and it was carried by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative, to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting.


Becky Ost addressed the Committee to discuss issues related to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation being granted sovereignty over the 128 acres of land that they own in Southern DeKalb County, particularly in regards to the lack of education for residents, clouded land titles and with the way the Nation maintains the property.

Keith Haag also addressed the Committee to urge the Board not to approve Resolution R2024-071 which congratulates the Nation on regaining sovereignty over their lands in Southern DeKalb County.

Anna Wilhelmi spoke in favor of the addition of the Community Liaison Position at the DCRNC and in favor of Resolution R2024-071.

Kay Riley also spoke in favor of adding the Community Liaison Position and asked that the Board not micromanage the job description for the position.

Evan Shive stated that he works for a tech start up company that specializes in fiber optic infrastructure. He requested that the County Board Members consider allowing his firm to apply for Connect Illinois Grant on the County’s behalf.


Chair Webb introduced the members of the Hometown Leaders program, which is organized by the University of Illinois Extension Board. The program aims to allow young people who have been nominated for their leadership qualities to have the opportunity to learn about County Government. This program was organized by Mike Delaney, Kathy Dombek, and Nicole Groezinger. Delaney explained that the program is composed of three sessions: an Introduction to County Government Class, attending a County Board meeting and touring County Facilities and learning about each department. Delaney explained that each of the participants are high school students who were nominated by their respective schools because they displayed leadership qualities that would allow them to leave a positive impact in their communities. The students are as follows:

Brooklyn Hulmes, Indian Creek High School

Jonah Keck, DeKalb High School

Stryder McIntosh, DeKalb High School

Amelia Simone, Sycamore High School

Chair Webb expressed that his participation in similar programs as a youth inspired him to want to become a leader in this community and he hopes that the same is true for these students.

Bagby requested that the students be allowed to participate in the meeting during the latter part of the agenda so that they may ask questions about the meeting procedures and the items that are being discussed. The Committee reached a consensus to allow the students to participate in the meeting so that they may ask questions.


Legislative Update from Chairman Rupnik of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation

Joseph Rupnik, the Chairman of the Tribal Council of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, provided the Committee with a legislative update regarding the Nation’s lands in the southern part of the County. Chairman Rupnik provided a brief summary of the historical events that led to 1,280 acres of land being given to Chief Shab-eh-ney and the Nation, the subsequent sale of that land, and the Nation’s repurchasing of 128 acres within the boundary of the lands that were once owned by the Nation.

Chairman Rupnik explained that on April 19, 2024, the United States Department of Interior has announced their decision that the Nation has sovereignty over the 128 acres that they own in the southern part of the County. This decision upheld the Nation’s claim to their historic land, making it the first federally recognized Reservation in the State of Illinois. He explained that the creation or abolition of reservation land requires an act of the United States Congress and the Department of Interior’s power to decide to uphold previous treaties and agreements. He stated that the Department of Interior decision was to uphold the agreement that originally provided the land to Chief Shab-eh-nay.

Rupnik explained that the decision does not grant the Nation automatic ownership rights to the land within the boundaries of the original reservation. Additionally, there is still federal legislation in Congress that would clear the titles for the properties located within the boundaries of the original reservation. He explained that the Nation now has civil jurisdiction over the lands and will follow that the nation is still subject to federal regulations for gaming. Lastly, he stated that Nation wants to be good neighbors with the community surrounding the reservation.

Frieders asked Chairman Rupnik how many homes currently have clouded titles. Rupnik stated that there are thirty homes with clouded titles. Osland asked if the nations intends to move to the reservation in the immediate future. Rupnik explained that that is not in discussion yet due to the shabbona wastewater treatment plant being at capacity. When addressing concerns over the use of the property, Rupnik explained that the land will remain under the same use, which is currently a farm. Finally, when asked whether the decision by the Department of Interior changes anything within the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Nation and the County, Rupnik stated that the dynamic has changed and the agreement will need to be looked at again.

DCRNC Update from DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker

DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker provided an overview of the following report: https://dekalbcounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/fn-rpt24apr-dcrnc.pdf

Becker also provided an operational update, first stating that April had the highest net gain of FTEs so far this year. Additionally, provided an update on the opening of the Transitional Care Unit. He also stated that County Board Member Roy Plote donated a table for the conference room in the TCU and thanked him for the donation.

Reports from Appointed Boards & Commissions

Roy Plote reported that the E911 Board handed out Telecommunicator awards and thanked the two telecommunicators who stepped up to help provide additional coverage following the loss of Deputy Musil. Additionally, the 911 Board will now be paying for uniform items for telecommunitors and the CAD system for dispatch is now ten years old so options for replacement will need to be investigated.

Chair Webb shared that he is a member of the IACBM Legislative Committee and will be attending their meeting the following week. He asked that County Board Members forward legislative issues to him for him to bring forward at their Legislative Committee meeting.

Reports from Committee Chairs

Terri Mann-Lamb, Chair of the Planning, Zoning, and Development Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded Ordinance O2024-05—An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Planned Development Industrial Zoning District located at 100 Gletty Road, in Sandwich Township. (P.I.N. 19-35-300-020).

Patrick Deutsch, Chair of Highway Committee, shared that the Committee did not have any actionable items and did not meet during the April County Board Cycle.

Rukisha Crawford, Chair of Human Health & Services Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded four resolutions: R2024-065—A Resolution Awarding Grant Year 2025 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding, R2024-066—A Resolution Authorizing the Reallocation of Grant Year 2024 Senior Service Tax Levy Funding, R2024-067—A Resolution Authorizing the Creation of a Community Liaison Position at the DCRNC, R2024-068—A Resolution Directing the DCRNC to Issue a Request for Proposal for Consulting & Billing Services.

Michelle Pickett, Chair of the Facilities & Technology Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded two Resolutions: R2024-069—A Resolution Approving the Annual Renewal of CrowdStrike Antivirus Software from GovConnection, Inc. of Merrimack, NH in the Amount of $50,374.15 and R2024-070—A Resolution Authorizing the Procurement of Mobile Computers for Use by the County Board.

Kathy Lampkins, Chair of Law & Justice Committee, reported that the Committee did not have any actionable items during the April County Board Cycle.

Scott Campbell, Chair of Finance & Administration Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded two Resolutions: R2024-063—A Resolution Approving Year-End Budget Amendments for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023 and R2024-064—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for May 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging.

Vice-Chair Frieders shared that following this meeting, the Executive Committee would be considering Resolution R2024-071—A Resolution Congratulating the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation on Regaining Sovereign Lands in DeKalb County.


Mr. Gregory started by stating that Public Service Recognition Week is this week and thanked all of the public servants at DeKalb County for their hard work and dedication. Next, he announced that the County’s new Human Resource Manager, Tim Neubert, started with the County on April 29th. He is currently getting his bearings and his bearings and meeting one on one with department heads to assess needs and familiarize himself with the County’s Operations. Tim will be introduced at a future Committee of the Whole meeting to so that he has time to get settled.

Next Gregory provided an update on the Administration Building Bathroom Remodel Project. Demolition and concrete cutting for the project was wrapped up earlier this week. The contractor will begin plumbing work and replacing concrete next week. Expected completion date is in late June.

Staff has received one quote for insurance for the County and is expecting to receive a second formal quote prior to the June Finance & Administration Committee meeting. The County has received preliminary figures for the second quote and they are competitive.

Based on feedback that staff received from the Board at the April Meeting, the finance office has worked with BS&A to produce a Claims Report that is sorted by department. The report that is sorted by Vendor will also remain available for additional transparency.

Gregory went on to give a Finance Office update, stating that Baker Tilly, the County’s Auditor, is wrapping up the FY23 Audit process. The County expects to bring that forward during the June County Board cycle. Additionally, as the County wraps up the FY23 Audit process, we are beginning to look forward by starting the FY25 budget process. The Finance & Administration Committee will be provided with the FY25 budget calendar during their June meeting.

Lastly, Gregory again thanked Plote for his generous donation of the conference table.

Old Business

Chair Webb asked Derek Hiland to provide an update on the solar panel installation at the Community Outreach Building. Hiland stated that the panels are currently being installed and the County hopes to have the project completed soon.

New Business

There were no New Business items.


Lampkins moved to adjourn the meeting. Crawford seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
