
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Dekalb City Council will meet June 24

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City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook

City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook

City of Dekalb City Council will meet June 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:










1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 10, 2024.

2. Accounts Payable and Payroll through June 24, 2024, in the Amount of $3,303,207.17.

3. Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) Report – May 2024.

4. Resolution 2024-068 Authorizing a Workers’ Compensation Lump Sum Petition and Order in the Amount of $44,069.41 (Ramain Schaeffer-Carrington).


1. Public Hearing: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Program Year 2023 (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024).

City Manager’s Summary: As Community Services Coordinator Jennifer Yochem writes in her background memorandum, the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and must be submitted within 90 days of the close of the program year. The CAPER provides information on the City’s accomplishments under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program during the previous twelve-month federal program year (April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024).

A copy of the CAPER executive summary for CDBG Program Year 2023 and the full CAPER Report are attached. The full CAPER document was made available for a 30-day comment period starting May 24, 2024. Any comments received during the public comment period or at this Hearing will be included in the CAPER Report before it is submitted to HUD.

The CDBG financial transactions for the 2023 federal program year are summarized below:





2022 Administration/Planning



2022 Rehab (Program Delivery)



2022 Public Facilities-Street Improvements – Ridge Drive



2022 Public Services



2022 Homeowner Rehab Program






*Additional expenditures were made after the end of the fiscal year. Those expenses will be included in Fiscal Year 2024/2025.

Notice of this public hearing has been published according to federal and state statutory guidelines. The CAPER is an informational document that does not require action by the City Council. (click here for additional information)




1. Resolution 2024-069 Approving the Sale of the Property at 509 Davy Street to Jose Barrera Nieves in the Amount of $7,000.

City Manager’s Summary: In November 2021, the property at 509 Davy Street was demolished with the support of the Illinois Housing Development Authority's (IHDA) Strong Communities Program. The small lot and brick cottage were once part of a neighborhood colloquially known as “Brickville” which was developed after World War II. The lasthomeowner, Sandy Sosnowski, had left the home vacant for several years, resulting in significant disrepair. Despite the City's numerous attempts to contact her, Ms. Sosnowski remained unresponsive.

The property had a damaged roof, animals residing inside, and a flooded basement due to a burst water pipe. On occasion, to limit the deleterious impact of the failed property on the neighborhood, the City abated yard nuisances. Once the property was condemned and demolished with funds from the IHDA, neighbors used the newly vacant lot, but it became a City responsibility to mow, and its sidewalk had to be snow-shoveled by the Street Division. Although neighbors adjacent to the property showed interest in controlling the lot for a community garden, they were not interested in paying the reduced market price for the privilege. A prospective buyer, Jose Barrera Nieves, has arisen and he plans to construct a new single-family home.

A real estate contract is appended to this Agenda. City Council approval of the sale of the property at 509 Davy in the amount of $7,000 is recommended. (click here for additional information)

2. Resolution 2024-070 Authorizing the Renewal of an Airport Hangar and Office Building Lease Agreement with Commonwealth Edison.

City Manager’s Summary: Commonwealth Edison has been a tenant in the Airport’s former maintenance building since June of 2021. Their current lease agreement expired June 15, 2024. Commonwealth Edison would like to remain at DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport for an additional eight and a half years.

The DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport is centrally located in Com Ed’s largest service area. The company has a contract with Rogers Helicopters which provides them with helicopter services to monitor power line construction, power line pole setting, and power line condition, and also to provide crew transport and related services. The Commonwealth Edison line crews and Rogers Helicopters’ pilots work side by side as a team to ensure power will be delivered to all Commonwealth Edison customers in the region.

The initial Airport Hangar and Office Building lease agreement generated a base rent of $2,475 per month for the initial term of three years, with an annual COLA adjustment of 3%. The proposed agreement will generate $3,000 per month in the first year of the lease, $3,240 per month in the second year, and thereafter an escalating rent with an annual COLA increase up to 5%.

The total annual income for the first year of the lease renewal will be $36,000 (as compared with the $29,700 in 2021).

Fuel sales from helicopter use have brought an additional estimated $14,000 to $15,000 in net annual income to the airport for the past two years. Fuel sales for 2024 have already generated a net income of approximately $9,500.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)

3. Resolution 2024-071 Approving a Restaurant-Full Liquor License for Floga LLC, d/b/a The Flame, 209 E. Lincoln Highway (Salvador Castro Arellano).

City Manager’s Summary: Salvador Castro Arellano is in the process of purchasing The Flame Restaurant, located at 209 E. Lincoln Highway. Since liquor licenses issued by the City of DeKalb are not transferable, Mr. Arellano has submitted an application for a “Restaurant-Full” liquor license, which means the restaurant can serve a full variety of alcoholic liquors. If approved, the license will be considered “conditional” until the requirements laid out in the resolution are met, which includes receipt of a State of Illinois liquor license, receipt of a City of DeKalb Fire Life Safety license, and approval of the required background investigation for the owner by the DeKalb Police Department. If approved, the City will receive an initial issuance fee of $5,659. Non-refundable fees for the liquor license application, background investigation, and the Fire Life Safety application in the amount of $716 have already been paid.

The licensing term for a “Restaurant-Full” liquor license begins on May 1 and ends the following April 30 with an annual renewal fee of $3,735.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)

4. Resolution 2024-072 Authorizing Central Square to Rehost OneSolution Public Safety and Justice Applications for the DeKalb Police Department in an Amount Not to Exceed $30,000.

City Manager’s Summary: Central Square OneSolution Public Safety and Justice applications are used by the DeKalb Police Department to track critical information relating to all aspects of the DeKalb Police Department. These applications are run on a series of servers that are hosted on-premises in the DeKalb Police Department data center. There are seven virtual servers that control the applications and data for the DeKalb Police Department software.

These servers need to be upgraded to the latest versions of OneSolution and Windows since the current versions are considered “end of life” by the software providers.

This item is budgeted in the 2024 Capital Fund (Line item 400-00-00-86100). City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)

5. Resolution 2024-073 Authorizing the Amendment of Resolution 2023-045 that Awarded a Contract to Curran Contracting, Inc. for Annual Street Maintenance with a Revised Total Amount of $2,603,000.

City Manager’s Summary: The annual Council resolution awarding the City’s street maintenance contract has to be in sync with the City’s reporting to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) when state motor fuel tax funds are used. In 2023, the general maintenance portion of the annual street program was significantly funded by motor fuel tax funds. The awarding resolution (2023-045) identified a not-to-exceed budget of $2,560,000, which included a contingency of about 5% ($115,993.73). The actual cost was $2,603,000 and covered additional expenses to rebuild sections of streets which had failed beyond the value of re-surfacing. As a result, the actual contingency cost ($158,994) was about 6.5%. The differential has been paid, but IDOT requires an amended resolution identifying the ultimate project cost.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)




1. Ordinance 2024-027 Approving the Rezoning of Property Located at 1104-1124 S. Fourth Street from the “GC” General Commercial District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District (A.H. Auto Repair).

City Manager’s Summary: As Planning Director Dan Olson writes in his background memorandum, A.H. Auto Repair represented by Halmar Rodriguez, is requesting approval of the rezoning of four properties at 1104-1124 S. Fourth Street from the “GC” General District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District (see attached aerial exhibit). Mr. Rodriguez currently has his vehicle repair business at 1211 S. Fourth Street and has been located there for eight years. The petitioner is proposing to move to the subject site because it will provide additional space and better visibility.

The PD-C zoning will accommodate the proposed vehicle service and repair facility and a hair salon in the building at 1106 S. Fourth Street. The building previously contained automotive related uses and an electrical contractor. In addition, the proposed zoning will allow the existing single-family home at 1124 S. Fourth Street and permit the re-establishment of the home at 1110 S. Fourth Street, which has become a non-conforming use. Mr. Rodriguez plans to offer the home for rent. Exceptions to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) are requested for a Planned Development under two acres and the allowance of two dwelling units in a commercial zoning district that are not above the ground floor.

The existing parking lot contains about 18 parking spaces. The parking lot along S. Fourth Street will be re-stripped along with the addition of a handicap space. The number of required parking spaces for the vehicle repair and service facility as well as the hair salon is 15 per the UDO. There is an ATM machine for the First National Bank of Omaha along S. Fourth Street.

A special use permit was granted for the ATM in 1999 and it will remain on the site. There is a designated drive-up lane for the ATM, which will be re-striped.

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding the rezoning petition at their meeting on June 17, 2024. By a vote of 4 to 0 (Commissioners Maxwell, Wright and Pena-Graham were absent), the Commission recommended City Council approval of the rezoning of the subject site at 1104-1124 S. Fourth Street from the “GC General Commercial District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District subject to the conditions and development standards listed below:

1. The parking lot and drive-through lane for the ATM shall be re-striped and a handicap space shall be added within 90 days of approval of the Ordinance per the requirements in the UDO.

2. The driveways from Tyler Street leading to the three service bays on the east side of the building at 1106 S. Fourth Street shall be paved within 90 days of approval of the Ordinance granting the rezoning per the requirements in the UDO and the approval of the City Engineer.

3. The remaining driveways from Tyler Street to the building at 1106 S. 4th Street shall be paved within one year of approval of the Ordinance granting the rezoning per the requirements in the UDO and approval of the City Engineer.

City Council approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation is requested. (click here for additional information)

2. Ordinance 2024-028 Approving the Final Plat of the Algus Subdivision at 200 Peace Road (Mereo Capital Partners).

City Manager’s Summary: Mereo Capital Partners submitted a subdivision application and plat for the re-subdivision of the lot at 200 Peace Road (Algus Packaging). The parcel is Lot 55 of the M.D. Shipman’s Farm Subdivision which was recorded in 1906. The intent is to sell the southern portion of the lot for development, although there is no proposal at this time.

The total site area is 24.4 acres, with the proposed Lot 1 comprising 16.2 acres and the proposed Lot 2 comprising 8.2 acres. A 40-foot-wide ingress and egress easement is shown on the Plat for the benefit of Lot 2 to have access to the existing drive off Peace Road. Once a development is submitted for Lot 2, the proposed access will be further reviewed by the City Engineer. The Plat has been reviewed by City staff and the staff at the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District. All comments have been addressed. The City Engineer will provide some additional language for the Plat that will modify the access easement to account for potential shifts in access per IDOT plans.

At the June 17, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted 4 to 0 (Commissioners Maxwell, Wright and Pena Graham were absent) to recommend approval of the Final Plat of the Algus Subdivision dated June 12, 2024, prepared by ARC Design and labeled as Exhibit A subject to conformance with all staff comments prior to the recording of the Plat.

City Council approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation is requested. (click here for additional information)

4. Ordinance 2024-029 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule B “Through Streets, Stop Intersections, and Yield Intersections”, to Establish Yield Conditions for Birchwood Lane at Each of its Intersections.

City Manager’s Summary: As City Engineer Zac Gill writes in his background memorandum, recent traffic patterns along the two-block stretch of Birchwood Lane in the Tilton Park neighborhood have prompted residents to ask for the installation of yield signs at Ilehamwood Drive, E. Dresser Road, and Regal Drive. Because traffic on Birchwood is “minor” in relation to that on the intersecting collector streets, yield signs will restrict the traffic on Birchwood. The attached exhibit illustrates this action.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)

5. Ordinance 2024-030 Amending Chapter 51 “Traffic”, Schedule B “Through Streets, Stop Intersections, and Yield Intersections”, to Establish a Three-Way Stop Condition for Knolls Avenue South as it’s Intersected by Knolls Street West.

City Manager’s Summary: The City Engineer has also been contacted by residents of the Knolls subdivision who have been concerned about the “Wild West” conditions where Knolls Street West intersects with Knolls Avenue South. After studying the movement of traffic at this key intersection, the City Engineer recommends a three-way stop.

City Council approval is recommended. (click here for additional information)


1. Council Member Reports.

2. City Manager Report.


1. Approving to Hold an Executive Session in Order to Discuss Worker’s Compensation as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(12).

2. Approval to Hold an Executive Session in Order to Discuss the Purchase or Lease of Real Property as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).

