
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met Aug. 5

Webp 5

Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Bill Littlebrant - Ward 1 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich City Council met Aug. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Audience Comments

5. Consent Agenda:

Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as a whole. (All matters listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately).

A. Approval of Regular Council Meeting of Minutes for July 15, 2024

B. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2024

6. Mayor’s Report: Todd Latham

7. Attorney’s Report:

Attorney Cassandra Gottschalk / Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group

8. City Clerk’s Report: Denise Ii

9. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

10. City Administrator’s Report: Geoff Penman

11. City Department’s Reports

A. EMA Report – Tony Eberle

B. Police Chief Senne

C. Engineering – Curt Dettmann

D. EMA Report – Tony Eberle

12. Council Reports

Alderman Adam Arnett

Alderwoman Karsta Erickson

Alderman Bill Fritsch

Alderwoman Rebecca Johnson

Alderman Fred Kreinbrink

Alderman Bill Littlebrant

Alderman Rich Robinson

Alderman Rick Whitecotton

13. Old Business

A. Ordinance 2024-08 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Chapter 54 "Peddler and Solicitors", Article II, "Canvassers and Solicitors", Section 54-21 "Hours of Solicitation" of the City of Sandwich Municipal Code" presented for passage.

14. New Business

A. Authorize the mayor to enter into a contract with Xylem of Mokena, IL as a sole source provider to furnish and install multi-smart upgrades to the Fairwinds and Fritsch lift stations at a cost of $49,535.57 to be paid from Sewer Reserve Fund Line item 350.0000.90.6800

B. Authorize the mayor to purchase a new John Deere 410J loader backhoe using the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchase Contract 032119-JDC through Westside Tractor of Naperville at a cost of $154,628.07 less a $30,000 trade-in allowance for the 2009 John Deere 410J for a final cost of $124,628.07 to be paid from Line item 010.0000.85.5815.

C. Annexation of Permanent Index Number 19-36-227-006 city owned property on E. Route 34.

D. Approval of July 15 Bills in the amount of $498,657.93

E. Approval of Bills in the amount of $1,248,996.27

15. Executive Session

16. Announcements

17. Adjournment
