
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Board met Aug. 21

Webp 6

Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County

Suzanne Willis, DeKalb County Board Chair | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Board met Aug. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes:

a. June 26, 2024 Regular County Board Meeting

5. Communications & Proclamations:

a. Employee Service Awards – July & August 2024

6. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the County Board for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

7. Approval of Appointments for this Month:

South Grove Cemetery Association

• Richard Tindall re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• Larry Driscoll re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• Jason Yakey re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

Somonauk Cemetery Association

• Reid McAllister re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• Scott Thorpe re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• Michael Mortell re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• A. A. Burgin re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

• Dennis Stahl re-appointed for a six-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2030.

Drainage Districts

• Shabbona Milan Union: Robert Mullins re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Victor-Adams #1: Brian Miller re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Victor-Clinton #14: Stephen Hunt appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Squaw Grove #1: Bill Pfau re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Somonauk-Victor: Wayne Nelson re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Clinton-Shabbona #1: Robert Buchholz re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Coon Creek: Ed Engel appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Normal #13: Scott Drake re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

• Union #4: Alan Wiesbrook re-appointed for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2024 and expiring August 31, 2027.

Regional Planning Commission

• Brandy Williams (Cortland) reappointed for a three-year term beginning April 1, 2024 and expiring March 31, 2027.

• Joe Hengels (Kingston) appointed to fill a three-year term beginning April 1, 2023 and expiring March 31, 2026.

• Malerie Schumaker (Malta) appointed to fill a three-year term beginning April 1, 2022 and expiring March 31, 2025.

Regional Planning Commission - Alternate

• Cheryl Aldis (Cortland) appointed for a three-year term beginning April 1, 2024 and expiring March 31, 2027.

• Brenda Jergens (Malta) appointed to fill a three-year term beginning April 1, 2022 and expiring March 31, 2025.

8. Reports of Standing Committees with Ordinances & Resolutions


a. Ordinance O2024-09—An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit Request for a 5- Megawatt Commercial Solar Energy System Located on the Northwest Corner of John Huber Parkway and Twombly Road in DeKalb Township. (P.I.N. 19-35-300-020)

PSE Twombly Solar, LLC has filed a petition for a Special Use Permit to allow for the construction and operation of a 5-megawatt Commercial Solar Energy System, on approximately 35.50-acres of a 153.45-acre located on the northwest corner of John Huber Parkway and Twombly Road, in DeKalb Township

DeKalb County Board Agenda Page 2 of 9

DeKalb County Hearing Officer Dale Clark conducted a public hearing on June 27, 2024 regarding the petition. The petitioner presented evidence and testimony in support of the application at which the petitioner presented evidence, testimony, and exhibits in support of the requested Special Use Permit, wherein three members of the public asked questions concerning the project. The Hearing Officer has forwarded his Findings of Fact and Recommendation, and has recommended that the petition be approved, with conditions, as shown in his Findings of Fact and Recommendation. (Petition DK-24-04)

Committee Action: The Planning, Zoning & Development Committee considered Ordinance O2024-09 on July 24th and forwarded the Ordinance to the County Board with a favorable recommendation with conditions by a roll call vote, with six votes cast in the affirmative and one opposed.


a. Resolution R2024-084—A Resolution Approving a Supplemental Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc, of Dixon, Illinois for the Perry Road Bridge Project, Section 18-00050-02-BR in the Amount of $24,496.00.

This supplemental service is to modify the project design and PS&E for adjustment of the structure for revisions to the proposed easements.

Committee Action: The Highway Committee considered R2024-084 on August 1st and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-085—A Resolution entering into a Joint Funding Agreement for Federally Funded Construction on State Letting through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), State of Illinois, for Section 19-00088-02-RS Glidden Road.

This Resolution is to necessitate an agreement with the State of Illinois for the use of federal STR & Tarp Funds for construction and construction engineering for certain improvements to Glidden Road from IL Rte 72 to IL Rte 64 (omitting Baseline Road intersection). This project is for the resurfacing paving of the existing roadway, placing 3 ft safety shoulders, aggregate shoulders and final striping.

Committee Action: The Highway Committee considered R2024-085 on August 1st and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.


No Actionable Items


No Actionable Items


No Actionable Items


a. Resolution R2024-089—A Resolution Appointing Timothy Neubert as DeKalb County’s Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent.

As an IMRF participating employer, DeKalb County is authorized to appoint an Authorized Agent who has certain statutory powers and duties related to IMRF. The County Administrator has traditionally served as the IMRF Authorized Agent for DeKalb County. With the establishment of a formal Human Resources Department in 2024, it is recommended that Timothy Neubert, the County’s Human Resource Manager, be appointed as the IMRF Authorized Agent.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-089 on August 7th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-090—A Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chair to Execute a Deed of Conveyance for Parcel Number 07-23-329-007, Located in Malta, Illinois, to the Village of Malta, in the Amount of $805.00.

The County of DeKalb, as Trustee for the Taxing Districts therein, has undertaken a program to collect delinquent taxes and to perfect titles to real property in cases in which the taxes on such real property have not been paid, pursuant to 35ILCS 200/21-90. These proposed resolution(s) are to authorize the Chairman of the Board to execute such deeds of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be for the following one (1) Resolution(s) to be paid to the Treasurer of DeKalb County Illinois, to be disbursed according to law.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-090 on August 7th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

c. Resolution R2024-091—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for July 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging, in the amount of $6,727,376.88.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-091 on August 7th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

d. Resolution R2024-092—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for August 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging, in the amount of $8,471,769.34.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-090 on August 7th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

e. Reports of County Officials: Accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials.

Cash & Investments in County Banks – June & July 2024

Public Defender’s Report – June & July 2024

Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – June & July 2024

Pretrial Report – June & July 2024

Sheriff’s Jail Report – June & July 2024

Building Permits & Construction Reports – June & July 2024

DCRNC Monthly Report – June & July 2024

DCRNC Quarterly Financial Report – 2nd Quarter 2024

Circuit Clerk’s Six-Month Report (ending June 30, 2024)

County Clerk’s Six-Month Report (ending June 30, 2024)

f. Reports of Local Government Decennial Reports:

On June 10th, 2022, Governor JB Pritzker signed the Decennial Committee on Local Government Efficiency Act (50 ILCS 70). This new law requires Illinois Townships, Road Districts and Multi Assessment Districts, and all taxing bodies (except counties and municipalities) to convene a committee to study and generate a report on local government efficiency that shall be provided to the administrative office of each County Board.

While not required under the law, it is recommended in the spirit of transparency that the County Board take action to accept and place on file the following reports:

DeKalb Township

DeKalb Township Road & Bridge

Earlville Library District

Genoa Public Library District

Genoa Township

Genoa Township Road & Bridge

Genoa-Kingston Fire Protection District

Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District

Malta Township

Malta Township Road & Bridge

Malta-Milan Multi-Township Assessment District

Maple Park Public Library District

Sandwich Township

Sandwich Township Road & Bridge

Squaw Grove Township

Squaw Grove Township Road & Bridge


a. Resolution R2024-086—A Resolution Appointing Derek Hiland as the Interim County Administrator.

The incumbent County Administrator has provided notice of his intention to resign effective August 21, 2024. The Executive Committee has made a recommendation that Derek Hiland be appointed to the position of Interim County Administrator. The appointment of the Interim County Administrator will be effective as of August 22, 2024 and will end with the starting date of the new County Administrator.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-086 on July 31st and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-087—A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Nursing Facility Hospice Services Agreement with Hospice Advantage LLC on behalf of the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center.

Resolution R2024-087 authorizes the DCRNC to enter into a Residential Hospice Care Agreement with Transitions Hospice LLC. This agreement has been reviewed by Staff and the State’s Attorney’s Office. This Resolution would approve the agreement pending final legal review.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-087 on August 14th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

c. Resolution R2024-088—A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Residential Hospice Care Agreement with Transitions Hospice LLC on behalf of the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center.

Resolution R2024-088 authorizes the DCRNC to enter into a Residential Hospice Care Agreement with Transitions Hospice LLC. This agreement has been reviewed by Staff and the State’s Attorney’s Office. This Resolution would approve the agreement pending final legal review.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-088 on August 14th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

d. Resolution R2024-093—A Resolution Authorizing the Extension of the Special Use Permits Granted to Owens Creek Solar, LLC for Projects MY-21-13, MY-21-14, MY-21-15, MY-21- 16, SG-21-17, MY-21-18, MY-21-19, MY-21-20, & MY-21-21 in Mayfield and South Grove Townships, and to Red Maple Solar, LLC, for Projects AF-21-06, AF-21-07, AF-21-08, AF 21-09, AF-21-10, AF-21-11, & AF-21-12 in Afton Township.

On November 17, 2021, the County Board approved Ordinances O2021-12 and O2021-13, which granted nine (9) Special Use Permits to Owens Creek Solar, LLC and seven (7) Special Use Permits to Red Maple Solar, LLC respectively, subsidiaries to Leeward Renewable Energy, LLC, on behalf of itself and the participating landowners. Ordinance O2021-12 is proposing to build and operate a 500MW solar farm, said solar farm will be spread out over forty-one (41) separate parcels, said properties being zoned A-1, Agricultural District, and covering approximately 3,557.51-acres, in Mayfield and South Grove Townships. Ordinance O2021-13 is proposing to build and operate a 300MW solar farm, said solar farm will be spread out over twenty-two (22) separate parcels, said properties being zoned A-1, Agricultural District, and covering approximately 1,839.49-acres, in Afton Township.

The position DeKalb County has taken is to place time limits on all the Special Uses with the understanding that if the developer chooses not to move forward as proposed within that timeframe, then the permit would expire.

Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) and PJM (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland) control the local and regional grid systems for all of DeKalb County and challenges and delays by both agencies have made it challenging for larger Solar Energy System projects to enter the queue for construction. Without any fault of the developers, the largest of the County’s projects are finding that the original Special Use Permits approved by the County Board are now set to expire in the next few months. Because of this, Owens Creek Solar, LLC and Red Maple Solar, LLC, have requested an extension of the Special Use Permits issued under Ordinances O2021-12 and O2021-

13. The Planning, Zoning, & Development Committee has considered this request and forwarded it to the Executive Committee for approval. Resolution R2024-093 grants a twenty-four (24) month extension on the Special Use Permits for these projects.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-093 on August 14th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

e. Resolution R2024-094—A Resolution Approving a Letter of Support for the Village of Lee’s Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant Application.

The Village of Lee has announced their intention to apply for the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant. This Grant would provide the Village with the opportunity to enhance the Community’s public spaces, promote outdoor recreation, and improve the overall quality of life for their residents. The Village has requested that the County’s endorsement of their application in the form of a letter of support.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-094 on August 14th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

f. Resolution R2024-095—A Resolution Authorizing the Execution and Amendment of the Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement.

Resolution R2024-095 authorizes and directs the County Administrator of DeKalb County to execute and file a Downstate Public Transportation Operating Assistance Agreement with the State of Illinois and amend such Agreement, if necessary Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement (DOAP), if approved, provides funding for the County’s rural transportation services such as TransVac and MedVac. The County has been applying for these funds for the past twenty years and these funds are used for services outside of the DeKalb/Sycamore/Cortland areas. When the grant funds are approved, they are passed through the County to the Voluntary Action Center along with all responsibilities and liability. The proposed DOAP Agreement is for State funds. The grant amount for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 was for an estimated $1,284,000.00.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-095 on August 14th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

9. Old Business

a. County Administrator Selection Process 10. New Business & Referral of Matters to Committee 

11. Adjournment
