
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met July 15

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Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Members | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board Members | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website

Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met July 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #100, Boone, McHenry, DeKalb Counties, Illinois met in a regular meeting July 15, 2024, at 5:45 P.M. at the Districts Central Office, located at 1201 Fifth Avenue, Belvidere, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District.

A. Opening Items

Call to Order:

The President called the meeting to order at 5:45 P.M.

Roll Call:

Members present were Mrs. Brenner, Mr. Bucher, Mr. Herrera, Ms. Maville, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.

Member absent was Mrs. Houk.

B. Closed Executive Session of the Board of Education from Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act

The meeting adjourned to closed executive session at 5:46 P.M. for the following:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), and student disciplinary cases – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9).

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Brenner seconded the motion to adjourn to closed executive session. The President called the question, and the following members voted.

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, and Maville

NAY: None


Motion passed.

C. Reconvene in Open Session

Open session meeting reconvened at 5:57 P.M. with the Pledge to the American Flag.

Roll Call:

Members present were Mrs. Brenner, Mr. Bucher, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Maville, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.

Member absent was Mrs. Houk.

President Maville pointed out the Board approved Meeting Norms and Board Protocol.

Approval of Agenda

President Maville inquired if any Board member wished to amend or move any items on the agenda.

Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Brenner seconded the motion to approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on July 15, 2024, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, Whitcomb, Zickert, Bucher, and Maville NAY: None


Motion passed.

D. Public Hearing Regarding District 100s Remote Learning Days (E Learning) on Emergency/Snow Days

A Public Hearing was held regarding amending District 100’s Remote Learning Days (E-Learning) on Emergency/Snow Days.

Dr. Johnson went over the draft of District 100’s Remote Learning Plan, and members of the audience were able to make comments and address the board. Six members to include District employees and parents addressed the board regarding the Remote Learning Plan.

Hearing no one else wished to address the Board, President Maville closed the public hearing.

E. District Celebrations

1. Board Member Celebrations / Positive Highlights

Board Members recognized the following celebrations and/or positive district highlights.

• Member Brenner – Shout out to the great job teaches and staff are doing with Summer School.

• Member Maville – Present Sarah Brenner with a gift of appreciation for her time and dedication during her service on the Board of Education from 2023-2024.

F. Board of Education Committee Reports

1. Policy and Personnel Committee – July 9th

Policy and Personnel Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:

• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 4

• Policy 2:160 Board Attorney

• Policy 4:70 Resource Conservation

• Policy 4:80 Accounting and Audit

• Policy 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

• Policies Reviewed from PRESS – Legal and Cross References Updated

• Policies Reviewed from PRESS – No Changes

• Policy 4:60 Purchases and Contracts

• Policy 7:215 Conditional Probation/Holding Expulsion in Abeyance

• Employee Interest of Non-Resident Students to Enroll in D100 Schools Follow Up

• District 100 Discipline Guide

• Licensed Practical Nurse

2. First Reading of Policy 2:160 Board Attorney

3. First Reading of Policy 4:70 Resource Conservation

4. First Reading of Policy 4:80 Accounting and Audits

5. First Reading of Policy 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction

6. Business Services Committee Meeting – July 9th

Business Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:

• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 5

• District 100 and Boone County Community Foundation Partnership

• Impact Fees Update

• Technology Replacement Plan

• Staff Laptop

• Nutanix Data Center Replacement

• Student Information System (SIS) Evaluation

• Boiler Installation Contingency

• Facility Use Policy Update

• Sub Rate Increases for Teachers and Paras

• Insurance Renewals

• FY25 Copy Paper Bid

• Excess Property Disposal

• SY 2024-2025 Food Service Update

• Policy 4:60 Purchases and Contracts

• RFP Respondents for Tennis Courts

G. Hearing of Visitors

Members of the public and employees of District #100 were able to make comments or ask questions of the Board. The following individuals wished to address the board.

Wendy Taylor regarding allowing children of employees who live outside the district to attend D100 schools.

Hearing no one else wished to address the Board, President Maville closed the hearing of visitors.

H. Approval of Consent Agenda Items

1. Minutes

2. Personnel Report

3. Financial Reports

4. Bills

5. Staff Laptop Purchase

6. SchooLinks 3 Year Contract

7. Nutanix DataCenter Replacement

8. FY25 Copy Paper Bid

9. Excess Property Disposal

10. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings

11. Executive Session Minutes to be Released to the Public

12. Request for Fundraisers

President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any items removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.

Member Whitcomb requested to pull agenda item #10. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings for separate consideration.

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #2-9, and #11-12, as presented.

The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Zickert, Whitcomb, Maville, and Brenner

NAY: None


Motion passed.

Member Whitcomb made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item #10. Destruction of Closed Session Recordings, and #11-12, as presented.

The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, and Maville

NAY: Whitcomb, Bucher, and Zickert


Motion failed.

I. Roll Call Action Items

1. Revisions to Existing Board of Education Policy 2:40 Board Member Qualifications

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Brenner seconded the motion to approve the revisions to existing Board of Education Policy 2:40 Board Member Qualifications, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, and Maville

NAY: Zickert, Whitcomb, and Bucher


Motion failed.

2. Employees Interest of Non-Resident Students to Enroll in D100 Schools

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Maville seconded the motion to approve employees non-resident students to enroll in D100 schools. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: None

NAY: Herrera, Maville, Zickert, Bucher, Brenner, and Whitcomb


Motion failed.

3. Insurance Renewal

Member Whitcomb made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the renewal of the District’s insurance policies for FY 2025, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Whitcomb, Herrera, Bucher, Zickert, Brenner, and Maville

NAY: None


Motion passed.

4. Boiler Installation Contingency

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Brenner seconded the motion to approve the contingency for the District 100 boiler installation in the amount of $200,000, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, Bucher, Zickert, and Maville

NAY: Whitcomb


Motion passed.

5. Facility Use Policy Update

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Brenner seconded the motion to approve the Facility Use Policy Update, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Brenner, Zickert, Bucher, Whitcomb, and Maville

NAY: None


Motion failed.

6. Sub Rate Increases for Teachers and Paras

Member Whitcomb made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to approve the Sub Rate Pay increases for Teachers and Paras, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Whitcomb, Herrera, Brenner, and Bucher

NAY: None

ABSTAIN: Zickert and Maville


Motion passed.

7. Possible Action to Approve the 2024-25 Administrative Contract for 10- Month Administrator / Belvidere South Middle School Special Education Assistant Principal

Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the 2024-25 Administrative Contract for 10-Month Special Education Assistant Principal at Belvidere South Middle School for Scott Rambsy in the amount of $83,500, effective July 1, 2024, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:

YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Brenner, Zickert, and Maville

NAY: None


Motion passed.

J. Board Discussion

The following items were discussed by the Board of Education:

1. Facilities Master Plan

Administration provided updates on next steps regarding the Facilities Master Plan, and Special Meetings for the Board of Education were established to meet regularly to continue discussions.

2. SY 2024-2025 Food Service Update

Mrs. Armstrong provided two updates for the 2024-2025 school year surrounding our food service program to include the Community Eligibility Provision and Coffee Bars.4-2025 Board Meeting Dates

3. 2024-2025 Board Meeting Dates

Based on feedback at the June Regular Meeting of the Board, the dates for tentative Special Board Meetings have been updated to the first Thursday of the month with the exception the exception of four.

4. Remote Learning Days

School Districts submit Remote Learning Plans to the ROE and ISBE by September for approval for the school year. The Board continued their discussion after hearing from the Public at the Public Hearing held at 6:00 P.M., and will bring back for vote in August.

5. District 100 Discipline Guide

Administration shared a copy of the District 100 Discipline Guide they have been working on in order to promote clarity and consistency in how we define, respond to, and document behavior incidents. This guide will be presented to the Parent Teacher Advisory Committee in August prior to bringing it back to the Board for approval.

6. Request for Belvidere High School Athletic Stadium Building Name

Belvidere High School wishes to name their Athletic Stadium Building after Coach Hearn, and President Maville inquired if any Board Members would be interested in serving on the committee. Members Bucher and Zickert expressed interest.

7. Policy 7:215 Conditional Probation / Holiday Expulsion in Abeyance Policy

The Board’s attorney, Adam Dauksas joined the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education via live stream to discuss this policy, answer any questions, and provide advice on next steps.

8. Upcoming Contract Renewals & Reports

K. Administration Reports

The following items were presented to the Board of Education:

1. Superintendent Comments

2. Strategic Plan Update

3. Financial Updates

4. Special Education Department Updates

5. School Activity Reports

• Belvidere High School

• Belvidere North High School

• Everest High School

• Belvidere Central Middle School

• Belvidere South Middle School

6. Department Highlights

7. FOIA Log

8. A Look Ahead to Upcoming District Events

• Boone County Fair & District 100 Booth - August 6-10

• Educational Services Committee Meeting - August 7

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – August 7

• Business Services Committee Meeting – August 13

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - August 19

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - September 16

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – October 2

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - October 21

• Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting - November 6

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - November 18

• Triple I Conference in Chicago - November 22-24

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - December 16

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - January 21

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – February 5

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - February 18

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – March 5

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - March 17

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - April 21

• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – May 7

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - May 19

• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - June 16

L. Adjournment

Having no further business to conduct, Member Herrera made a motion and member Bucher seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The President called the question, and the motion passed on a voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 7:52 P.M.
