
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met Aug. 5

Webp 9

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Mary Cozad, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met Aug. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board was scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 5, 2024, in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium in Sycamore, Illinois. Chair Rukisha Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Those members present were Michelle Pickett, Chris Porterfield, and Chair Rukisha Crawford. A quorum was not established, as three members were present and four were absent. Meryl Domina, Savannah Ilenikhena, Joe Marcinkowski, and Amber Quitno were absent.

Others present included DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center (DCRNC) Administrator Bart Becker, Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada, Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan, and County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb.


No action due to lack of quorum


No action due to lack of quorum




Senior Tax Levy Process and Application Overview

Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada referenced prior Health & Human Services Committee discussion regarding potential revisions to the current senior tax levy application process. Cada provided a review of the process and mentioned discussion and consideration of the process can happen on a future date.

Cada outlined that for the last several years, the online system maintained by the Mental Health Board has been used for the senior tax levy application process. She stated that following a cost analysis, it was determined that it is more cost effective to contract with the DeKalb County Community Foundation to utilize their software for the senior tax levy application process. Cada added that this move also affords an opportunity to make process improvements.

Cada provided an overview of the senior tax levy funds application timeline and mentioned that the funding applications are due the last Monday of February. She stated that in March, the Health & Human Services Committee will receive the fund allocation worksheet and will be provided an opportunity to review the organizations’ applications. Cada added that agency hearings will take place in April, with final allocation recommendations made to the County Board in May.

Cada outlined that the senior tax levy process requires that organizations have an annual audit performed by accountant. She stated that this is costly and that in consideration of the state’s recent relaxation of the law pertaining to audits, the DeKalb County Mental Health Board has modified their requirements, allowing an agency with under $300,000 in funds to provide a letter from their accountant vs. requiring a full audit. Cada suggested to the Health & Human Services Committee that they consider a similar change for the senior tax levy process.

Cada recommended the Health & Human Services Committee review the current application requirements and consider revising the fund allocation worksheet to improve its clarity. Cada added that any changes to the application will need to be made by December 1st.

Michelle Pickett expressed an interest in having a needs assessment completed and in gathering additional information that would assist in ensuring adequate future funding in support of the senior community.

DeKalb County Mental Health Board Annual Report

Cada provided a summary of the DeKalb County Mental Health Board Annual Report and stated that the report is very comprehensive. She shared highlights of the report, including fund balances related to facility maintenance and the several types of training that is provided by the Mental Health Board.


Resolution R2024-087 – A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Nursing Facility Hospice Services Agreement with Hospice Advantage LLC.

No action due to lack of quorum

Resolution R2024-088 – A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Residential Hospice Care Agreement with Transitions Hospice LLC.

No action due to lack of quorum




County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb mentioned that a network of counties managing nursing homes has been established through the Illinois Association of County Board Members. Webb added that a meeting has been scheduled to share information and resources to help ensure the success of the remaining county-run nursing homes.

DCRNC Administrator Bart Becker outlined that the Transitional Care Unit’s grand opening celebration is scheduled for August 15th, and he mentioned that all are welcome.


The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.