
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met Sept. 11

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Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met Sept. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order / Roll Call

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of the Minutes

4. Public Comments

5. Treasurer Report

a. Approval of Monthly Report

b. Approval of Bills

6. Strategic Planning Committee

a. Consultant RFP and Budget

7. Special Distribution Allocation

8. Grant Status

9. NG 9-1-1 Update

10. Legislation

11. Participating Agency Requests

12. Coordinator’s Report

13. Old Business

14. New Business

15. Adjournment

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Any member of the public may address the Board for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing.
