
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Committee of the Whole met Aug. 14

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Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Committee of the Whole met Aug. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Committee of the Whole of the DeKalb County Board met in Sycamore, Illinois on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Chair Ellingsworth Webb called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Those Members present were Tim Bagby, Scott Campbell, Mary Cozad, Patrick Deutsch, Laurie Emmer, John Frieders, Benjamin Haier, Rhonda Henke, Laura Hoffman, Savannah Ilenikhena, Kathy Lampkins, Maureen Little, Terri Mann-Lamb, Jerry Osland, Michelle Pickett, Roy Plote, and Chris Porterfield. A quorum was established with eighteen Members present, six absent. Amber Quitno, Stuart Ogilvie and Rukisha Crawford were absent at the time of the Roll Call and arrived at 7:02pm, 7:12pm and 7:18pm respectively.


Porterfield moved to approve the agenda as presented. Emmer seconded the motion and the motion was approved via voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.


It was moved by Cozad, seconded by Deutsch and it was carried by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative, to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting.


Anna Wilhemi addressed the Committee to express her excitement regarding the Grand Opening of the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center’s Transitional Care Unit.


Chair Webb expressed his remorse over the resignation of Brian Gregory’s resignation from the position of County Administrator. He thanked Gregory for his work with the County and expressed that his leadership will be missed.


Presentation from the DeKalb County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau

Courtney Strohacker, Katherine Mclaughlin, and Brad Hoey of the DeKalb County Convention & Visitors Bureau (DCCVB) provided the Committee with an overview of the organization, their accomplishments, current initiatives that the Bureau is undertaking, as well as future initiatives of the organization.

County Administrator Brian Gregory commended the DCCVB for the work that they do and their presence within the community.

Reports from Appointed Boards & Commissions

Laurie Emmer provided a report from the DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board. She stated that the DCCMHB is working on strategic planning for future initiatives, as well as undergoing training on how to become a more cohesive team.

Roy Plote provided a report from the County’s E911 Board. He explained that they are currently testing a real time text system for dispatching emergency services.

Rukisha Crawford stated that she recently attended the DeKalb County Career Fair and commended the organizations that organized the event.

Chair Ellingsworth Webb informed the Committee that the Illinois Association of County Board Members will be hosting a meeting of representatives from all the publicly owned nursing homes in the State of Illinois on August 22nd and he has invited County Staff to attend.

Reports from Committee Chairs

Terri Mann-Lamb, Chair of the Planning, Zoning, and Development Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded Ordinance O2024-09—An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit Request for a 5-Megawatt Commercial Solar Energy System Located on the Northwest Corner of John Huber Parkway and Twombly Road in DeKalb Township. (P.I.N. 19-35-300-020)

Patrick Deutsch, Chair of Highway Committee, shared that the Committee has forwarded two Resolutions: Resolution R2024-084—A Resolution Approving a Supplemental Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc, of Dixon, Illinois for the Perry Road Bridge Project, Section 18-00050-02-BR in the Amount of $24,496.00 and Resolution R2024-085—A Resolution entering into a Joint Funding Agreement for Federally Funded Construction on State Letting through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), State of Illinois, for Section 19-00088-02-RS Glidden Road.

Rukisha Crawford, Chair of Human Health & Services Committee, reported that the Committee did not forward any actionable items to the County Board.

Michelle Pickett, Chair of the Facilities & Technology Committee, reported that the Committee did not forward any actionable items to the County Board.

Kathy Lampkins, Chair of Law & Justice Committee, reported that the Committee did not forward any actionable items to the County Board.

Scott Campbell, Chair of Finance & Administration Committee, reported that the Committee has forwarded four Resolutions: R2024-089—A Resolution Appointing Timothy Neubert as DeKalb County’s Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent, R2024-090—A Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chair to Execute a Deed of Conveyance for Parcel Number 07-23-329-007, Located in Malta, Illinois, to the Village of Malta, in the Amount of $805.00, R2024-091—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for July 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging, and R2024-092—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for August 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging. Campbell also took the opportunity to thank Mr. Gregory for his service to the County but also for including innovative concepts into the upcoming FY2025 budget.

Vice-Chair Frieders shared that the Executive Committee has forwarded Resolution R2024-086— A Resolution Appointing Derek Hiland as the Interim County Administrator to the County Board for approval. Additonally, following this meeting, the Executive Committee would be considering five Resolutions: R2024-087—A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Nursing Facility Hospice Services Agreement with Hospice Advantage LLC on behalf of the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center, R2024-088—A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Residential Hospice Care Agreement with Transitions Hospice LLC on behalf of the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center, R2024-093—A Resolution Authorizing the Extension of the Special Use Permits Granted to Owens Creek Solar, LLC for Projects MY-21-13, MY-21-14, MY-21-15, MY-21-16, SG-21-17, MY-21-18, MY-21-19, MY 21-20, & MY-21-21 in Mayfield and South Grove Townships, and to Red Maple Solar, LLC, for Projects AF-21-06, AF-21-07, AF-21-08, AF-21-09, AF-21-10, AF-21-11, & AF-21-12 in Afton Township, R2024-094—A Resolution Approving a Letter of Support for the Village of Lee’s Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant Application, and R2024-095—A Resolution Authorizing the Execution and Amendment of the Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement.


County Administrator Brian Gregory shared that the “red hand” tag on the DCRNC’s medicare.gov page has been removed. This will allow the facility to gain more traction towards growing census and gaining contracts with additional hospice and insurance providers.

Additionally, the DCRNC has hired an individual as their Community Liaison. The individual started on August 5th and already has established relationships with Kishwaukee Hospital through her previous position. Staff is excited and is hopeful that she can quickly get up to speed and start working with the Hospital to bring in additional residents.

Next, Gregory explained that the DCRNC Billing & Consulting Services Request For Proposal has been published. Sealed proposals will be opened on August 30th and will be brought to the County Board for approval during the September cycle.

The County’s Painter is continuing to paint portions of the DCRNC. One hallway and associated rooms have been completed at this time. Staff is hoping to have a second hallway completed in the near future.

The DCRNC’s Transitional Care Unit (TCU) officially opened on July 10th. The Grand Opening event, which will be held in conjunction with the Sycamore, DeKalb, and Genoa Chambers of Commerce, will take place on August 15th from 3:00 to 7:00pm. Gregory announced that WLBK will be doing a live broadcast from the event. Additionally, Gregory thanked the Nursing Home Foundation for their generous donation of fourteen sets of new room furniture for the TCU.

Next, Gregory noted that the Administration Building Bathroom Remodeling Project is nearing completion. Major Construction is now complete. At this time, the tile, toilets, partitions have been installed. The remaining items include the installation of sinks and small fixtures such as paper towel & toilet paper holders.

Gregory went on to tell the Committee that after the County Board approved the procurement of insurance from CIRMA at the June Board Meeting, County Staff has been working with CIRMA to implement the new insurance program and we are making some changes to our internal processes. The next steps include working with the Broker to procure liability insurance for the DCRNC, which is already covered for property and workers comp insurance through CIRMA.

Finally, Gregory noted that the FY2025 Budget is on pace with the budget calendar. He explained that the Finance & Administration Committee will be receiving a recommendation on the entire budget at their September meeting. This will include recommendations for department staffing and line items. Additionally, Gregory reviewed EAV figures from within the County to explain the significant impact that the industrial projects in DeKalb have on the County. Additionally, Gregory took the opportunity to explain that the township multiplier does not equate to the increase in tax rates. He explained that taxing bodies, unless they are home-rule, are unable to increase their tax rate by more than 5% or CPI, whichever is lessor.


Chair Webb asked Derek Hiland to provide an update on the solar panel installation at the Community Outreach Building. Hiland stated that the panels are currently being installed and the County hopes to have the project completed soon.


There were no New Business items.


Quitno moved to adjourn the meeting. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
