
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met Aug. 14

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Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Emergency Telephone System Board met Aug. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Leverton called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.

a. Board Members Present:

Byrd, Leverton, Plote, Rood, Senne, Willis, Winters.

b. Board Members Absent:

Bomar, McAllister, Thomas

c. Guests Present:

Sean Woyna, DeKalb Police Dept

d. Also Present:

Becky Springer, DeKalb County Treasurer; Heather Butler, 9-1-1 Coordinator

2. Agenda

a. Chairman Leverton asked for any amendments to the agenda. A motion was then made by Byrd to approve the updated agenda, seconded by Rood. The motion passed.

3. Approval of the Minutes:

a. A motion to approve the minutes of the July 10th, 2024, meeting minutes was made by Plote and seconded by Byrd. The motion passed

4. Public Comment- None

5. Treasurer’s Report

a. Treasurer’s Report

i. Report presented by Treasurer Springer. She reported that soon the capital funds that don’t appear to need to be marked as capital will be moved to general. She will be working with finance to clean up the budget on the software side and present an amended budget soon.

ii. Special distribution was received in July and will be on the September meeting agenda for discussion.

iii. Leverton shared the draft strategic plan budget that will affect the amended budget being worked on.

iv. A motion to approve the July 2024 monthly report made by Byrd and seconded by Senne. Motion passed

b. Approval of August 2024 Bills –

i. Bills were presented by Butler. A motion to pay the August 2024 bills as presented minus the duplicate CAD bill to City of DeKalb and the addition of 2 missing for City of DeKalb overtime and M.Criscione APCO expenses was made by Byrd, seconded by Senne. A roll call vote was taken Byrd – Y, Plote- Y, Rood – Y, Senne – Y, Willis – Y, Winters – Y, Leverton - Y. Motion passed.

6. Strategic Planning Committee

a. Leverton advised the committee is working on a draft RPF for a consultant, made a list of what we want covered. Plote questioned how long the process would take the consultant, committee to discuss putting a deadline in the RFP. Budget for the consultant to be discussed at September meeting.

7. Grant Status –

a. Butler advised we got the official work the grant was approved and since our invoices were already submitted, we should see the funds in September or October.

8. NG911 Update –

a. Butler advised they are testing RTT and hopefully they will be successful today.

9. Legislation –

a. Butler advised at the last SAB Rule 1325 was presented and this is a huge re-write. Currently under review with the legislative committee, we expect to have a town hall to discuss. The next SAB meeting has been cancelled. Should have one in September.

b. CESSA – SAC, RAC, and all committees to begin meeting again in September.

10. Participating Agency Request- None

11. Coordinator’s Report –

a. Butler advised she met with Leverton and Springer to work amended budget.

b. APCO conference was well attended, larger with more vendors than NENA. Visited a few more CAD vendors. TC’s who attended a session held at both conferences on Zero Suicides brought back info for a program they wish to start, working with MH board and TC’s on getting this started.

c. CAD Committee will be meeting tomorrow and start looking to schedule demos. d. Hosted training this week with Dr. Michelle Lilly on Burnout in 9-1-1, 19 of our dispatchers attending and 46 from other agencies.

e. Butler thanked the TC’s who helped at NNO while she was at APCO.

f. Butler also advised she has been asked to attend NENA JCM in October to lead a session on data collection for call processing times. This will be in Kansas City.

12. Old Business- None

13. New Business- 2025 Budget committee time, will be added to September agenda.

14. ADJOURNMENT- Bryd moved to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was seconded by Rood. The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.
