
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Sept. 16

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Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Meryl Domina, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Sept. 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to order

2. Agenda - review and approval

3. Minutes - approval of minutes for 8/19/2024

4. Agency Presentation - DeKalb County Community Gardens

5. Director's Report

6. Community Input/Public Comment

7. Finance Reports

a. Monthly Budget Report: August 2024

b. Claims: Agency and office for September 2024- Action Needed

8. Executive Committee

a. Foundant Shared Service Update

b. Psychiatry Level Setting Survey

c. Executive Director Out of Office plan

9. Finance Committee

a. AID/KEC Grant Funding Request - Action needed

b. Grant Year 2024 Grant Reconciliation Report

c. Updated Claims Policy & Procedure - Action needed

d. Updated Purchasing Policy & Procedure, Executive Director spending amount – Action needed

e. New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Funding Requests - Action needed

f. Vision Grant Requests - Action Needed

i. OpenDoor

ii. Family Service Agency

10. CEBiB Committee

a. Meeting: September 10, 2024

11. Impact Committee - Updates

12. Ad Hoc Young Child Behavioral Healthcare Committee

a. IRIS Partner Meeting October 23, 2024

13. Old Business

a. Board Retreat Debrief

b. One-year & Three-year Plan Updates

c. Strategic Plan Review

14. New Business

15. Adjournment- Next Board Meeting

October 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. - Agency Presentation: Youth Outlook
