
DeKalb Times

Saturday, September 21, 2024

DeKalb County Board met Sept. 18

Webp 7

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

Tim Bagby, County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Board met Sept. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes:

a. August 21, 2024 Regular County Board Meeting

5. Communications & Proclamations:

a. Employee Service Awards – September 2024

b. Declaration of Vacancy for County Board District-1

6. Public Comments

Any member of the public may address the County Board for up to 3 minutes on any topic of their choosing. There will be no yielding of time to other members of the public and agenda time for public comments is limited to 30 minutes in total.

7. Approval of Appointments for this Month:

DeKalb County Public Building Commission

• Ellingsworth Webb re-appointed for a five-year term beginning October 1, 2024 and expiring September 30, 2029.

Kane, Kendall, DeKalb Workforce Development Board

• LaCretia Konan re-appointed for a two-year term beginning October 1, 2024 and expiring September 30, 2026.

• Joe Barbic re-appointed for a two-year term beginning October 1, 2024 and expiring September 30, 2026.

Regional Planning Commission

• Carter Moran (Sycamore) appointed for a three-year term beginning April 1, 2024 and expiring March 31, 2027.

Regional Planning Commission - Alternate

• John Sauter (Sycamore) appointed for a three-year term beginning April 1, 2024 and expiring March 31, 2027.

Malta Community Fire Protection District

• Mitch Meares appointed for a three-year term beginning May 1, 2024 and expiring April 30, 2027.

8. Reports of Standing Committees with Ordinances & Resolutions


No Actionable Items


No Actionable Items


a. Resolution R2024-098—A Resolution Awarding the DCRNC Billing & Consulting Services Contract to Jordan Healthcare Group.

Jordan Healthcare Group (JHG) began working with the DCRNC in 2022 to provide billing services for the facility’s Business Office. The scope of services that JHG provides for the DCRNC has grown significantly over time to include regular consulting services, the formulation and implementation of a business plan, and assistance with State & Federal compliance matters.

JHG was originally brought on under emergent circumstances in 2022 due to the severity of the billing issues the facility was facing. Due to the circumstances at the facility no longer being considered emergent, the current scope of services, and the annual expenditures for JHG’s services, the County Board approved Resolution R2024-068 which directed staff to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Skilled Nursing Facility Billing & Consulting Services. The RFP pricing included an hourly rate alternative and a flat monthly rate alternative for billing and consulting services.

The public bid opening was held on Friday, August 31, 2024 at 10:30am. The DCRNC received one proposal submission from Jordan Healthcare Group. Based on their familiarity with the facility, JHG proposed an accounting services category in addition to the billing and consulting services line items. The pricing submitted as part of JHG’s proposal is as follows:

Hourly Alternative Fixed Rate Alternative

Hours Blended Rate Total Hourly Cost Hours Monthly Cost

Billing Services 50 $235 $11,750 Billing Services 50 $11,750 Consulting Services 50 $275 $13,750 Consulting Services 50 $12,000 Accounting Services* 35 $250 $8,750 Accounting Services* 35 $8,000 Monthly Total 135 $34,250 Monthly Total 135 $31,750 Annual Total 1620 $411,000 Annual Total 1620 $381,000

The FY2025 Budget Preliminary Assumptions and Recommendation includes a balanced budget for the DCRNC which was prepared by JHG as part of the update to the JHG Business Plan. The Budget includes a Professional Services Budget (611-3980-62100) of $369,135 for the fiscal year. As of July 31, 2024, JHG’s services account for approximately thirty-one percent (31%) of the expenditures from that line item in FY2024.

Staff has engaged representatives of JHG in discussions regarding their proposal, their anticipated future needs of the facility and their historic usage rate. JHG has analyzed utilization of their services by the County that for billing and consulting services rendered between January and August 2024, they have invoiced the County for an average of approximately 59 hours per month (35 hours per month spent on billing and 24 hours per month spent on consulting). This equates to an average monthly cost of $15,603.91 with an average hourly rate of $264.05 per hour between billing and consulting services. Following this discussion, JHG has submitted the following revised proposal:

Hours Blended Rate Total Hourly Cost Hours Monthly Cost Billing Services 45 $263 $11,835 Billing Services 45 $11,000 Consulting Services 30 $263 $7,890 Consulting Services 30 $7,750 Monthly Total 75 $19,725 Monthly Total 75 $18,750 Annual Total 900 $236,700 Annual Total 900 $225,000If the County Board were to approve Resolution R2024-098, staff is recommending that that the County Board proceed with the hourly rate alternative from the revised proposal with a contract expiring on December 31, 2025.

Committee Action: The Health & Human Services Committee considered Resolution R2024-098 on September 9th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-099—A Resolution Authorizing the DCRNC Administrator to Execute the Hospice Services Agreement with Sanctuary Hospice of Rockford, Illinois on behalf of the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center.

Resolution R2024-099 authorizes the DCRNC to enter into a Hospice Services Agreement with Sanctuary Hospice. This agreement has been reviewed by Staff and the State’s Attorney’s Office. This Resolution would approve the agreement pending final legal review.

Committee Action: The Health & Human Services Committee considered Resolution R2024-099 on September 9th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.


No Actionable Items


No Actionable Items


a. Resolution R2024-096—A Resolution Placing the FY2025 Budget on File for Public Inspection.

The FY2025 Budget Preliminary Assumptions & Recommendations has been assembled for review by the Finance & Administration Committee, the other Standing Committees, and members of the public. This Resolution places the budget on file for public inspection in the DeKalb County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Website, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (the Sandwich City Hall and the Office of the Genoa City Clerk). A County Board Question & Answer Forum will be held on September 18th at 5:45PM.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-096 on September 4th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-097—A Resolution Approving the Payment of County Claims for September 2024, and Off-Cycle Claims Paid During the Previous Month, Including All Claims for Travel, Meals, and Lodging, in the Amount of $8,494,997.65.

Committee Action: The Finance & Administration Committee considered Resolution R2024-097 on September 4th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

c. Reports of County Officials: Accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials.

Cash & Investments in County Banks – August 2024

Public Defender’s Report – August 2024

Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – August 2024

Pretrial Report – August 2024

Sheriff’s Jail Report – August 2024

Building Permits & Construction Reports – August 2024

DCRNC Monthly Report – August 2024


a. Resolution R2024-100—A Resolution Authorizing the Procurement of General Liability Insurance for the DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center from Columbia Casualty Company.

On June 26th, the County Board approved the procurement of general liability and worker’s compensation for the County from Counties of Illinois Risk Management Agency. While this policy was inclusive of worker’s compensation insurance for the DCRNC, it did not provide general liability coverage for the business activities of the facility. Staff has engaged with Gallagher Risk Management Services, the same insurance broker that the county utilized previously, to seek proposals for general liability coverage for the DCRNC. After going to market on the County’s behalf, Gallagher has brought forward two proposals for consideration by the County Board. Both proposals include general liability, professional liability, and employee benefits liability coverage for the DCRNC.

The first proposal was submitted by Columbia Casualty Company. Columbia Casualty Company’s proposal has an annual premium of $262,522.00. The deductibles for this proposal are as follows:

The second proposal was submitted by Bridgeway Insurance Company. Bridgeway Insurance Company’s proposal has an annual premium of $270,240.00. Under this proposal, the County will need to retain the services of a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) to process claims at an additional expense. The Self-Insured Retention (SIR) and Deductibles for this proposal are as follows:

Gallagher Bassett has recommended that the County Board approve the proposal from Columbia Casualty Company with an effective coverage date of October 1, 2024.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-100 on September 11th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

b. Resolution R2024-101—A Resolution Awarding a Three-Year Contract for Professional Cleaning Services for the County Health Department and Community Outreach Buildings to On The Spot Janitorial Maintenance of DeKalb, Illinois in the Amount of $234,006.

Consistent with the DeKalb County Procurement Policy, the DeKalb County Health Department has gone out to bid for professional cleaning services for the County Health Department and Community Outreach Building Facilities. The public bid opening took place on Monday, September 9th. The County received one Bid from On The Spot Janitorial Maintenance.

Committee Action: The Executive Committee considered Resolution R2024-101 on September 11th and forwarded the Resolution to the County Board with a favorable recommendation by a voice vote, with all votes cast in the affirmative.

9. Old Business

10. New Business & Referral of Matters to Committee

11. Adjournment
