
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Aug. 19

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Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Rukisha Crawford, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board met Aug. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board Members Present: Perry Maier, Lana Haines, Meghan Cook, Jennie Geltz, Marilyn Stromborg, Sue Plote Board Members -Absent: Jane Smith, Robert Cook, Laurie Emmer

Other Persons Present: Quentin Ingram -Intern at Centennial, Tara Russo, Executive Director & Collen Parks, Clinical Director - Elder Care Services

Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Heaven Allen

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the President, Meghan Cook, at 6:00 pm.

2. Agenda

Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.

Agency Presentation - Tara Russo, Executive Director & Collen Parks, Clinical Director - Elder Care Services

3. Minutes

Mr. Maier moved to approve the minutes of the 07/19/2024 Board Retreat meeting minutes, seconded by Ms. Geltz. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.

4. Announcements


5. Director's Report

Ms. Cada announced the board received their 4th distribution of $52,176.26 - the board is expecting the next distribution of over 1,000,000. We currently have an amount of $1,843,501.36

Ms. Cada shared thank you notes from Hope Haven and the DeKalb Area Alano Club

Ms. Cada gave an update that Ben Gordon is moving forward with repairs such as the Bathrooms. Dr. Stromborg asked if it was possible to tour Ben Gordon facilities. Ms. Cada shared that may be a possibility along with having a meeting there

Ms. Cada shared updates of the Richard J. Schulter Award Recipients; RAMP completed their purchase of equipment and shared training on QuickBooks has been helpful. V AC is working with a consultant at NIU for fundraising and helping to understand budgets

Ms. Cada shared she was invited to work with a prep group for possible migrants in the area, it is a community group the DeKalb Migrant Aid group

Ms. Cada shared she met with Dan Kenny and Maureen Butane regarding the Homeless population and a possible tiny house village to be built in DeKalb

Ms. Cada gave an update on Foundant shared services, after meeting with the attorney and straightening everything out, by October 1st the Community Foundation will take over services. Ms. Cada will bring to the board for final approval

Ms. Cada shared the Agency Directors Meeting went well and very insightful

Ms. Cada informed the board that Brian Gregory the County Administrator is leaving. Derek Hiland will act as interim

6. Community Input

7. Finance Reports

A. Monthly budget report: July 2024

B. Claims

August 2024 Claims were discussed

Ms. Plote moved to approve the August 2024 Agency claims in the amount of $270,501.44, seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg - Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines - Yes

Ms. Haines moved to approve the August 2024 Office claims in the amount of $3,053. 76, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg - Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz- Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines- Yes

8. Executive Committee

9. Finance Committee

a. FY2025 DCCMHB Budget - Action Needed

Mr. Maier moved to approve the FY2025 Budget, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg - Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines - Yes

10. CEBiB Committee

a. Meeting July 23, 2024 - Ms. Cada shared the committee was able to select the logo design and info sheet

b. Ms. Cada shared that the Kick- off Event for the 12-Month Community Wellness Series on Sept 7th in the New Hope Parking lot from 1 lam-2pm. New Hope is requesting support of Food Truck for $1,500 which allows for 100 meals. Request will go to Finance Committee in Sept

11. Impact Committee -

a. Mr. Maier discussed what he talked about at the Agency Director's Meeting. Mr. Maier discussed current quarterly reports and hope to work on a process for new reporting

12. Ad Hoc Young Child Behavioral Healthcare Committee -

a. Meeting on July 17, 2024

b. The meeting went well, the committee is looking into way to utilize Iris, there is another Quarterly meeting coming up and they will discuss how to proceed with utilizing Iris

13. Old Business

a. Board Development - Ms. Cada shared highlights from the board retreat and welcomed feedback of how it went. Ms. Cada will review more with the executive board during their next meeting of how to incorporate concepts learned at the retreat

b. One-year & Three-year Plan Updates Ms. Cada discussed there the Board currently stands in each category of our initiatives. Ms. Cada highlighted meeting the community where they are, supporting grass root services and looking at new opportunities for professional development and grants

c. Strategic Plan Review - Ms. Cada went through the goals the board has accomplished and what is currently in the works

14. New Business

a. Vision Grant- DeKalb Behavioral Foundation/NM -Action Needed

Ms. Cook moved to approve the vision grant/or DeKalb Behavioral leadership retreat/or $5,000, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines - Yes

b. Elder Care Services - Advanced Payment Request - Action needed

Mr. Maier moved to approve the advanced Payment Request/or $100,000, seconded by Ms. Plote. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg- Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines - Yes

c. Recover-Con 2024 Request - Action needed

Ms. Cook moved to approve the pledge to Recover-Con/or, $7,500, seconded by Dr. Stromborg. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Dr. Stromborg - Yes, Ms. Cook- Yes, Ms. Geltz - Yes, Mr. Maier-Yes, Ms. Plote- Yes, Ms. Haines - Yes

d. AID KEC Program Funding Request - Action needed - Tabled

15. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm.

a. Next Meeting September 17, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
