
DeKalb Times

Friday, February 21, 2025

City of Sycamore City Council met Aug. 19

Webp 1

Steve Braser, Mayor | City of Sycamore

Steve Braser, Mayor | City of Sycamore

City of Sycamore City Council met Aug. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Braser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Alderpersons present were Jeff Fischer, Pete Paulsen, Virginia Sherrod, Chuck Stowe, Alan Bauer, Ben Bumpus, Nancy Copple, and Alicia Cosky. Attorney Kevin Buick was also present.

INNVOCATION led by Alderperson Virginia Sherrod

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderperson Virginia Sherrod


Mayor Braser amended the agenda by adding a presentation from Alderperson Alicia Cosky to Presentation of Petitions, Communications, and Bills


Alderperson Sherrod motioned to approve the agenda as amended and Alderperson Cosky seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.


Gary Panttila, 870 Krpan Drive, applauded the Juday family and Ideal Industries for the donation of the land, the new park, and all the improvements being made and said that he is not opposed to a new fire station, just opposed to the location for several reasons including noise, sirens, parking, and traffic. He asked for the site to be moved further to the south.

Kevin McDowell, 1011 Meadow Lane, thanked Fire Chief Bart Gilmore and City Manager Michael Hall for being so responsive to him. He said that he wants a new fire station but is just opposed to the location due to the traffic dangers and parking. He suggested some stop signs and additional crossing guards.

Kathleen Valde, 1020 Krpan Drive, doesn't deny that a new fire station is needed, but takes issue with the location of the new station. She said the video filmed looked pastoral and is misleading as the site is in a residential neighborhood, next to a park, next to a walking path, and next to the elementary school which will interfere with student learning. She is also concerned with traffic and said there are better locations for the station.

Ron Moran, 707 Borden Avenue, agreed with the previous speakers and said, being a resident across from the school for 26 years, has seen the traffic increase each year. He would like to see a traffic survey conducted on Borden Avenue as he estimates 500-600 cars per day. He asked to consider very carefully this decision and look at alternative places.

John Horn, 1819 Perry Court, regarding the concrete sidewalk work being done in his neighborhood, said they haven't had a lot of advance notice with only one flyer being placed at their door. He said with the markings on the walks, the work seemed to be a piecemeal approach and asked to do it right.

Bill Schofield, 215 Wilkins Road, reviewed his previous experience of a trailer being parked in front of his house violating the Municipal Code and all the other violations around town. Tonight, he asked what the recourse is for the taxpayers when the city violates their own ordinances and what the acceptable timeframe is for fixing them. He said the city is picking and choosing what they address and feels he is being targeted.

Doug Scott, 815 Vaughn Court, said fire station locations are generally remote away from housing which seems to be a trend. He asked why Sycamore is ignoring this trend now when they followed it with placing the second fire station out by Jewel.


A. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of August 5, 2024.

B. Payment of the Bills for August 19, 2024, in the amount of $613,346.92.


Alderman Bauer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda Alderman Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Cosky, Fischer, Paulsen, Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Bumpus, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.



Presentation by Alicia Cosky regarding the Beautification Committee

Alderperson Cosky presented a $100 check to Sycamore High School student Anna Aska who designed the Beautification Committee logo. Anna explained her process and about the experience.

A. Presentation by Robert W. Baird & Co. Regarding Sycamore GO Bond Analysis and Schedule for New Fire

Station 1.

Stephen Roberts, Baird & Company, spoke about the municipal bond process and timetable following the handouts included here within.

City Manager Michael Hall said that the next steps are hiring a construction manager in September, bid package in November or December, Capital Budget approval in December, GO Bonds, and start of construction in April/May 2025.


A. Monthly Financial Report

City Manager Michael Hall said that the city is under budget and has brought in an additional $2.4 million over expenditures.

City Engineer Mark Bushnell reported that Somonauk Street will be paved Tuesday, August 20th and to plan accordingly for delays but said the plan is to have it completed before school starts.


Finance - Alan Bauer - no report Public Safety - Pete Paulsen - no report

Public Works - Chuck Stowe - no report



A. Ordinance No. 2024.13 - An Ordinance Approving a Request by Brian Grainger of Old Mill Park, LLC, for an

Amendment to a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for Approximately 18.6 acres Located at the Northeast Corner of IL Route 23 and Mt. Hunger Road in Sycamore, Illinois (PIN number 06-29-427-027), in Accordance with Article 4.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this came before the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) previously in two workshops and is now coming for approval from the PZC with a vote of 8-1. He reviewed the four main issues at the PZC as per the agenda including density, distance between buildings, building setbacks, and traffic. The density is increasing 1.7 units per acre. The distance between buildings would be equal to or greater than the south phase. Due to the large size of the new buildings, the setbacks on the east side would change requiring a variance for three buildings (however, the petitioner is working with staff to meet the minimum standards). Lastly, the traffic study showed that traffic backups are not consistent but may become regular. When the turn lane becomes necessary in the future, it would be the city's responsibility for all costs associated with the design and construction as per the agenda.

Alderman Fischer said the buildings are really nice, but he always goes back to density as he sees it in other towns. Cities need to have density rules in place and said that the PZC and Council really need to look at the design of a development and how that design looks and feels within the community. Density is his issue with this.

Alderperson Copple agreed that density is the issue for her and said that they have set the parameters a long time ago and they need to be consistent.

Alderperson Sherrod said that she is concerned about the density.

Alderman Bumpus said that he is not as concerned about the density which came from listening to feedback from residents at the PZC meetings. He agrees with setting the parameters but said the density for this doesn't cross that threshold.

Alderperson Cosky confirmed that these are the same 1,100 square foot plans that were approved for his DeKalb site and asked how many of the 1,100 square units he is currently planning for in DeKalb.

Brian Grainger said that he doesn't know off the top of his head.

Alderperson Cosky said that is critical information and asked what the smallest units are and how many are in Somerset Farms and how many are in Genoa. With Mr. Grainger saying that there were four more smaller units added to Somerset, she is struggling for the lack of evidence of the need for these smaller units. She is concerned about them only having one window on the wall with no natural light in the other rooms. She also expressed concern for the long walk for the 1,400 square foot units from the garage to the back and front doors, with groceries or packages.

Alderman Bauer said that he has no comments right now.

Alderman Paulsen said he has no concerns with density and if Grainger starts building six-unit buildings and they aren't selling, he's going to come back and ask to go back to four- units - the market will determine what sells.

Alderman Stowe said he is concerned about the density as he was halfway concerned with the original plan. He has been on the council long enough to see the mistakes they have had made in the past and said that this is a taking a step backwards.

Brian Grainger said he has been doing this for 29 years and understands the confusion as it relates to density, but it relates to the amount of people. He has been involved with six age-restricted communities and the average density per home is 1.4. people. The densities of his communities have been 5.5, 6, and 4.5 to now 6.24 units per acre and backs up to a community that is 12 units per acre. Their 16 units faces 40 units, so he also sees those mistakes. He, however, doesn't think this is the case as the occupant load is not very high. For the study mentioned, people would call him because he has met with hundreds of people who are requesting smaller homes in a nice, safe community. The median price for a home in Sycamore is $300.000 and they want to have homes that start at that price point.


Alderman Bumpus motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.13 and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Cosky, Fischer, Paulsen, Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Bumpus, and Copple voted aye. Motion carried 8-1.


Alderman Paulsen motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.13 and Alderman Bumpus seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Paulsen and Bumpus voted aye while

Alderpersons Cosky, Fisher, Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, and Copple voted nay. Motion failed 2-6.






Alderman Stowe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m. and Alderman Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 8-0.
