
DeKalb Times

Friday, February 21, 2025

City of Sycamore City Council met Sept. 16

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Steve Braser, Mayor | City of Sycamore

Steve Braser, Mayor | City of Sycamore

City of Sycamore City Council met Sept. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Braser called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and City Clerk Mary Kalk called the roll. Those Alderpersons present were Virginia Sherrod, Chuck Stowe, Alan Bauer, Nancy Copple, Alicia Cosky, Jeff Fischer, and Pete Paulsen. Alderman Ben Bumpus was absent. Attorney Kevin Foster was also present.

INNVOCATION led by Alderperson Virginia Sherrod

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderperson Virginia Sherrod



Alderperson Cosky motioned to approve the agenda and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Ted Strack, 1370 Windfield Drive, thanked City Engineer Mark Bushnell for contacting the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) inquiring about the possibility of reducing the Letter of Credit amount for the ongoing maintenance for the Old Mill Park stop light at Mt. Hunger Road and Route 23. IDOT looked into this and reduced it from $50,000 to $10,000. He thanked Mark for what he did to get the letter of credit reduced for Old Mill Park.


A. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of September 3, 2024.

B. Payment of the Bills for September 16, 2024, in the amount of $880,556.71.


Alderman Bauer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda Alderman Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.



A. A Proclamation Declaring October 6th through October 12th, 2024, as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Sycamore, Illinois.

B. Presentation by City Manager Michael Hall Regarding the 2025 Preliminary Budget.

City Manager Michael Hall gave a presentation from the PowerPoint included here within.


A. Monthly Financial Report

City Manager Michael Hall said the city is under budget except for the Finance Department because of the postage of the rebates being mailed and some contractual payments.




A. Ordinance No. 2024.17 – An Ordinance Approving the Request of Bruce Cain and Bonnie Cain, Trustees of the Yvonne Wolfenberger Trust No. 102, for a Resubdivision of Six Parcels Located at or Near 550 and 556 West State Street (PINS: 06-32-181-048, 06-32-181-047, 06-32-181-003, 06-32-181-004, 06-32-181-041, 06-32-181- 042) in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is clean-up in resubdividing six properties into two lots located at 550 & 556 West State Street. Both properties are zoned R-3, multi-family but the 550 property is occupied with a multi-tenant commercial building and parking lot, which is a non-conforming use (discussed in the next ordinance). The 556 property is occupied with a two-story residence, yard, and driveway which is a permitted use. Cleaning up of the slim parcels of properties into two parcels makes more sense, and it comes with a favorable recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC).


Alderman Fischer motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.17 and Alderperson Copple seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderman Fischer motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.17 and Alderperson Sherrod seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.

B. Ordinance No. 2024.18 – An Ordinance Approving a Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation of a Request by Bruce Cain and Bonnie Cain, Trustees of the Yvonne Wolfenberger Trust No. 102, for a Zoning Map Amendment for the Property Located at 500 West State Street from the Current Zoning of R-3, Multi-Family Residence District to C-2, Central Business District, in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said first that this ordinance needs to be corrected for the typo that should be 550 W. State Street. This needs to be changed to a C-2, Central Business District as it has housed a multi-tenant commercial building and parking lot for a long time.

Alderman Bauer confirmed that this ordinance only pertains to the one lot and that the other lot will remain residentially zoned.


Alderperson Sherrod motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.18 for 550 W. State Street and Alderman Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderperson Sherrod motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.18 for 550 W. State Street and Alderman Bauer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.

C. Ordinance No. 2024.19 – An Ordinance Approving a Final Plat of Krpan’s Parkside Estates Unit Four Resubdivision of Lots 190, 191, and 192 (PINS: 09-04-154-005, 09-04-154-004, and 09-04-154-00. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that this is for a resbdivision of three lots into two equally sized lots and it comes with a favorable recommendation by PZC.


Alderman Fischer motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.19 and Alderperson Sherrod seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderman Fischer motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.19 and Alderperson Sherrod seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.

D. Ordinance No. 2024.20 – An Ordinance Granting a Request by National Energy Contractors, Inc. on Behalf of Lowell and Melanie Chavin, for a Variation from Article, R-1, One Family Residence, of the Sycamore Unified Development Ordinance Permitting a Setback Encroachment to Allow Construction of an Attached Three Season Room Located 13.13’ from the Rear Property Line at 909 Nottingham Road (PIN: 09-05-229-008) in the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said that the house is currently situated 25.33’ from the property line but the proposed three-season room would encroach the setback 12’. It, however, backs up to a pond so they are not encroaching upon another resident. The staff has no concerns about this request and recommends moving it forward.

Community Development Director John Sauter, when asked why this won’t set a precedent, said that each variation request is weighed on its own merit. These are very unique circumstances as there is nothing behind the house but a pond. If there were a house behind them, then the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council would have to factor that in.


Alderperson Copple motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.20 and Alderman Stowe seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0. MOTION

Alderman Bauer motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.20 and Alderperson Cosky seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.

E. Ordinance No. 2024.21 – An Ordinance Amending Title 1, “Administration,” Chapter 5, “Mayor,” in the City Code of the City of Sycamore, Illinois. First and Second Reading.

City Manager Michael Hall said as the council approved eliminating the Standing Committees for Ad Hoc committees, there was an unintended consequence as the Finance Committee Chairperson would act as mayor for absences, resignation, or death. This ordinance changes it so that the mayor can select his designee for absences. For resignation or death, the council would select an interim until the next election.


Alderman Stowe motioned to waive First Reading for Ordinance 2024.21 and Alderman Fischer seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a voice vote to approve the motion. All Alderpersons voted aye. Motion carried 7-0.


Alderman Stowe motioned to adopt Ordinance 2024.21 and Alderman Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.



A. Consideration of a Multi-Family Concept Plan by Randy Yoch at 1235 Hathaway Drive (PIN: 09-06-201-009).

City Manager Michael Hall said that this came before the PZC last week as a conceptual plan workshop. Randy Yoch is here tonight because before he moves forward with engineering he is looking for “nods” that this plan makes sense. His plan would require a zoning change from commercial to residential and his development plan is 4.65 acres with 13 townhome buildings ranging from 2-4 units for 40 total units.

Community Development Director John Sauter read off all the commercial uses that are not permitted at this location.

Randy Yoch, 38W304 Deerpath Road, Batavia, said that they were at council last January for 40 units, but they have changed the site plan with five units fronted on Hathaway Drive. They have varied the units with duplexes, three-plex, and four-plex units and they have two-story units which will be beneficial screening off from Farm & Fleet. They also have a new business partner in Ridgefield Homes.

Jay Dulla, Ridgefield Homes, 903 Lakewood Drive, Barrington, gave his background of being in the home building business for over 35 years. He reiterated that the plan has three floorplan types, all two-story units with 40 total units on 4.62 acres. One plan has the primary bedroom on the first level and another has the primary bedroom on the second level. Units range from 1,700 to just under 2,000 square feet and will range from $350,000 to $375,000 plus any upgrades. He added that 65% of the 40 units are end units. He showed elevations reviewing all the elements saying that the units are all two-stories, helping screen off from Farm & Fleet. The streets and drives are all private, maintenance free as that would be maintained through the homeowner’s association. The storm water flows into a detention basin that was established by Farm & Fleet.

Randy Yoch mentioned that staff noted three areas of setbacks that are a bit under the requirement but said they can address those positively to make compliance with the 25-foot setbacks.

Alderman Fischer asked if there will be a sidewalk and if it will go around over to the existing subdivision. He also asked if the streets are wide enough for two cars and extra parking. He also asked for the calculations on density.

Jay Dulla said as was suggested at the PZC meeting, there will be a sidewalk that will connect. The streets fit two cars being 27 feet wide and they met the extra parking accommodating 16 guest spots (13 required). Each home will have two-car garages with the ability to have two cars on the driveway.

City Manager Michael Hall said that the density is calculated at 8.62 units per acre, the subdivision to the east is 11.6 units per acre, and the hotel is on the west side.

Alderman Bauer said regarding density, that they walked away from a density of 6.62 units per acre and asked how they consider 8.62 units per acre.

Community Development Director John Sauter said the plan that was discussed previously was medium density with 6.42 units per acre with a maximum at 6 units per acre. This is being proposed as high density which is 6-9 units per acre. The development to the east is 11.66 units per acre and the hotel to the west doesn’t compare apples to apples. It seems reasonable to consider this a high-density development and that’s why the 8.62 units per acre would work.

Alderman Stowe said the density with this one is up against Farm & Fleet and a big parking lot. He is glad this going in and said that, even with the density, this makes sense in being up against a commercial property with lights on all the time and cars through the parking lot.

Community Development Director John Sauter said he, the staff, and the developers are looking for direction conceptual only – no action- just asking anything to address, questions, or any feedback.

Alderman Fischer said it would be ideal if the four buildings on the north could be two buildings but turned. Otherwise, he said that his is fine with the building of it.

Alderperson Copple thanked Mr. Yoch, appreciates his interest, and loves this idea.

Alderman Stowe said this is a good use of the property.

Alderman Paulsen said to proceed.

Alderman Bauer said the plan as he sees it fits well because before it was mixed-use still needing a buffer from Farm & Fleet. He said it fits despite the zoning.

Alderperson Cosky said that she is delighted with the developer for taking on this challenge and with the design said it will be quite an improvement. Based on what was presented, she gave the green light to move forward.

B. Consideration of a Request by Habitat for Humanity to Move the Small House Located on the Property at 1730 North Main Street to a Site Located in DeKalb, Illinois.

Community Development Director John Sauter said it is a city ordinance to get approval to move a house. They have worked out all the details with the requestor and it should go smoothly.


Alderman Bauer motioned to approve the Consideration and Alderman Paulsen seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.

C. Consideration of an Administrative Recommendation to Enter into a Contract with MetroNet for Phone and Internet Services.

City Manager Michael Hall spoke from and explained from the handout included here within. He noted that in the research, he found that the city had not been paying Syndeo for internet service for the over two decades. He doesn’t know why and Syndeo doesn’t know why but they would now charge for it. Changing to MetroNet will save over $14,000 for a locked-in price for five years providing all new phones and virtual phones. It will also provide redundancy.


Alderman Paulsen motioned to approve the Consideration and Alderperson Cosky seconded the motion.


Mayor Braser called for a roll call vote to approve the motion. Alderpersons Sherrod, Stowe, Bauer, Copple, Cosky, Fischer, and Paulsen voted aye. Motion passed 7-0.




Alderman Stowe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and Alderman Paulsen seconded the motion.

