
DeKalb Times

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met Sept. 23

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Mike Constant, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Mike Constant, Trustee | Village of Hinckley Website

Village of Hinckley Committee of the Whole met Sept. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

CALL BOARD MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Interim Village President Quirk at 7:22 PM. Roll call was taken showing the following:

Present: Trustees Michael Constant, Alyssa Prickett, Sarah Quirk, Russell Kula, and Jennifer Klambauer. Quorum Established.

Absent: Trustee Steve Gayhart.

Also Present: Attorney Tait Lundgren, Treasurer Maroo, and Members of the Public.




Approval: Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from 09/09/24

Trustee Constant moved to approve the minutes from September 9, 2024, and Trustee Kula seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Constant-Aye, Prickett-Aye, Klambauer-Aye, Quirk-Aye, Kula-Aye. Motion carried.


No report.


No report.


No report.



No report.

Public Safety

For Discussion: Fire Hydrant Updates

Prickett stated that she had no information on this item. Quirk informed the Board that there had been another water main break due to fire departments using “unauthorized” hydrants to fill tankers to fight a fire in rural Big Rock. She stated that 18 departments responded to help fight the fire and keep a propane tank from exploding. She stated that the extra minutes required for departments to get to the “approved” hydrant are critical in these situations and that water main size is an issue. Prickett asked if there is grant money to help defray any costs and asked about the two taxing bodies contributing. Attorney Lundgren stated that water mains and hydrants within the corporate boundaries are municipal assets and therefore, municipal responsibilities.

Prickett asked about recent studies assessing the cost to upgrade and Quirk stated that it has been quite some time. Constant does not recall ever seeing such an estimate. Prickett does not want the Village to be held responsible for a “full burn” like just happened in Oswego (due to a water main break). Quirk and Gayhart are not in favor of signage, particularly due to the negative message it would send to residents and prospective buyers. Constant would like to see multiple hydrants dispersed throughout town that could be used to fill tankers.

For Discussion: IML Conference Report

Prickett stated that the three days were full of interesting sessions. She attended the grant writing session and gained a valuable contact from Rockford. She also attended a railroad safety session, which resulted in another good contact for safety village presentations. She also came away with information regarding records management and processes for compliance. She will email out pertinent information over the next few weeks.

Streets & Alleys

No report

Buildings, Grounds & Parks

No report.

Water & Sewer

No report.

Finance & Economic Development

No report.


Quirk led a discussion regarding parkway maintenance. She stated that trees are still being planted in the parkway and that a notice will be put in the next water bill to remind residents to keep obstructions out of the parkway. Quirk and Kula will work together on the wording for the notice.

Klambauer asked for status on View Street drainage and Quirk stated that it is being handled based on Illinois drainage law and Village ordinance.

Kula stated that Safe Step will be out next week to assess the sidewalks.

Klambauer stated that Larry Peppers (former HBR soccer coach) is the most winning soccer coach in Illinois and the field at the high school will be dedicated to him Friday night as part of the homecoming ceremony.

Prickett stated that she is having a meeting with Safe Built regarding code enforcement on October 10th and invited interested Board members to attend. Klambauer stated that she had already talked to them and the Board had indicated that they were not interested in changing companies. Quirk stated that October is the time to revisit the B&F contract.


Larry Menz, 270 Miller, stated that the tires and rocks in the parkway along the bus routes impede the ability of the children to enter and exit the bus safely.


Klambauer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 PM and Prickett seconded the motion. Voice vote: all in favor. Motion carried. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2024, immediately following the Regular Board Meeting.
