
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Oct. 3

Webp 2

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Highway Committee met Oct. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Chairman Deutsch called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Ms. Richardson called the roll. Committee members present were Ms. Emmer, Mr. Haier, Ms. Hoffman, Vice Chair Luebke and Chairman Deutsch. Ms. Ilenikhena and Mr. Marcinkowski were absent. The County Engineer Mr. Schwartz was via remote, Support Services Manager Ms. Richardson and one guest were also in attendance at the start of the meeting, one guest walked in while the meeting was in progress.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the October 3, 2024 Agenda made by Emmer; seconded by Hoffman; Motion carried by voice vote.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the September 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes made by Luebke; seconded by Haier; Motion carried by voice vote.

Public Comments – None

Resolution R2024-103 - A Resolution Approving Local Agency Intergovernmental Agreements for the provision of joint salt purchasing through DeKalb County.

This Resolution is to necessitate Intergovernmental Agreements with local agencies that desire DeKalb County to participate with the State of Illinois through the CMS solicitation for the rock salt joint purchase master contract. This will authorize executing those IGA’s received to date. Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that the County purchases bulk rock salt through the State with other local agencies piggy-backing on the County’s contract. The IGA’s are a written version of the handshake agreement that has existed for decades. It requires the County to maintain the contract with the State and order salt for the local agency. The 13 presented were received after the first 15 were previously approved in June by the County Board.

It was moved by Haier, seconded by Emmer, and was carried by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending its approval.

Resolution R2024-104 - A Resolution Approving a Supplemental Preliminary Engineering Agreement with Engineering Resource Associates of Warrenville, Illinois for the Pritchard Road Bridge Project, Section #19-17129-00-BR in the amount of $15,250.00.

This Resolution is for supplemental engineering service necessary to modify the project design and PS&E for adjustment of the structure for revisions to the proposed easements.

This is a supplemental agreement for Engineering services with ERA; they designed the bridge which is currently under construction. Mr. Schwartz explained that when the paperwork was ready for bid there was a hiccup in acquiring additional ROW based off plans started a year ago. This covers expenses to update design, work with IDOT on the plan changes and extra to be able to consult with them during construction.

It was moved by Luebke, seconded by Hoffman, and was carried by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending its approval.

Resolution R2024-105 - A Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Firm Crawford, Murphy & Tilly of Aurora, Illinois for the Plank Road Realignment Project, Section #95-00173-00-EG in the amount of $553,452.00.

This Resolution is for Phase I Engineering Services associated with the Plank Road realignment from east of North Grove/Lindgren Road to east of Lukens Road.

Mr. Schwartz informed the committee that the Plank Road Study is about complete with the realignment as the best option. While finishing the study, we want to start the Phase I Engineering work. This cost of over $550,000 is in line with the overall 12–14 million dollar realignment cost. Phase I will take a couple of years. The Phase II engineering will be just as costly. Funding sources for construction will be sought through federal grants, safety grants, local funding and DSATS. This is still a viable, very much needed, worthwhile project for all the issues on Plank Road.

It was moved by Luebke, seconded by Emmer, and was carried by voice vote to forward the Resolution to the full County Board recommending its approval.

Considerations/Discussion Items - None

Chair’s Comments – No comments at this time.

County Engineer’s Comments

• Monthly Update on Projects

Mr. Schwartz went through several of the projects on the monthly Transportation Improvement Program, the items highlighted in red are those having updates.

Item #1 – Anderland Road Bridge – The contractor will begin October 7th, should reopen the road by the end of November.

Item #2 – Chicago/Rollo/W Suydam Roads HMA project of $2,522,000 is now complete. Federal and TARP Funds were used with no local construction dollars necessary. This will be an 80,000-pound truck route from LaSalle County and also to Lee County truck routes.

Item #7 – Glidden Road HMA project will begin next week for this 6.5-mile paving project of Glidden Road, from Rt 64 to Rt 72. This $2,477,234 project will also have paved safety shoulders also using Federal and TARP Funds with no local construction dollars needed.

Item #9 – Howison Road Bridge’s Preliminary Engineering Agreement was passed in April for engineering services for the replacement of the existing bridge with a concrete box culvert.

Item #10 – Misc. Traffic Signal Upgrades - Several intersections will get upgrades included in the scope is the intersection of Peace and Barber Greene, downtown City of Sycamore, and the City of DeKalb’s Dresser & Annie Glidden intersection. Work should be done in 2025.

Item #11 – Peace Road Bridge & Road Widening project plans are ready for a fall letting with a construction start in early 2025 but carry over into multi-year construction schedule. While one half of the bridge is built all lanes of traffic will be shifted to one side then repeat other half.

Item #14– Perry Road Bridge project is underway. Project to be completed by mid-November.

Item #15 – Plank Road was discussed already with the Resolution presented.

Item #16 – Plank Road Roundabout – was discussed earlier during the Plank Road Study which Mr. Schwartz reminded the committee that he received Safety Grant Funding awarding 90% of the construction costs with local matching of 10% in this $2.7-million-dollar project.

* Public outreach for the Roundabout and Realignment is being planned for November.

Item #17 – Pritchard Road Bridge – Work is progressing, once concrete cures then set the beams, pour the deck etc., to be open before the end of the year.

Item #22 – Road District Paving projects will be finished this week.

• Legislative Update

Nothing to report as most legislators are doing their local politicking.

• DSATS Update

DSATS has begun doing their own traffic counts in the DeKalb, Sycamore, and Cortland area. It will take about 4-6 weeks to collect the data, analyze and put the report together.

• Other Miscellaneous Updates

Annual Highway Tour is Tuesday, October 8th.

Old Business - None

New Business – Mr. Schwartz asked if the committee would consent to allow the member of the public that entered during the meeting to speak; all consented. Mr. Santos Diaz presented himself as the homeowner of 38100 Glidden Road and asks the Committee and County Engineer to respond and help resolve the issue involving the pavement at his horseshoe driveway. Mr. Schwartz responded he would call Mr. Diaz and meet with him to address more of his questions next week upon his return from the Conference he is currently attending.

Adjournment at 7:11 pm

Committee Action to Adjourn: Moved by Haier, seconded by Luebke; motion carried by voice vote.
