City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook
City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook
City of Dekalb City Council met Oct. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of DeKalb, Illinois, held a Regular meeting on October 14, 2024, in the Yusunas Meeting Room of the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak Street, DeKalb, Illinois.
Mayor Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Recording Secretary Ruth Scott called the roll, and the following members of the City Council were present: Alderman Barb Larson, Alderman Tracy Smith, Alderman Greg Perkins, Alderman Andre Powell, Alderman Mike Verbic, Alderman John Walker, and Mayor Cohen Barnes. Alderman Carolyn Zasada was absent.
Others in attendance included City Manager Bill Nicklas, Assistant City Manager Bob Redel, and City Attorney Matt Rose.
Shadow Gentry led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Alderman Walker.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
1. Recognizing Public Works Director Bryan Faivre’s 34 Years of Service to the City of DeKalb.
Mayor Barnes and City Manager Nicklas recognized and complimented Public Works Director Faivre on his service to the City of DeKalb, which started on October 8, 1990.
Mayor Barnes, the City Council, and City Manager Nicklas then presented Public Works Director Faivre with a plaque and a street sign.
Public Works Director Faivre expressed his gratitude to the City of DeKalb.
2. Proclamation: Community Planning Month – October 2024.
Mayor Barnes read the proclamation in its entirety and presented it to Planning Director Dan Olson and Community Services Coordinator Jennifer Yochem.
There was none.
Mayor Barnes read the following reappointments for the record:
1. Reappointing Scott Carlson, Matt Duffy, and Bernard Pupino to the Airport Advisory Board, Each for a Four-Year Term Beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2028.
2. Reappointing Sam Finch to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for a Three-Year Term Beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.
3. Reappointing Melissa Beck, Jeanine Holcomb, Helen Umbdenstock, and Ellingsworth Webb to the Citizens’ Community Enhancement Commission, Each for a Three-Year Term Beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.
4. Reappointing Kelli Meserole and India Washington to the DeKalb Public Library Board, Each for the Completion of a Three-Year Term from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026.
5. Reappointing Tom Teresinski to the Finance Advisory Committee for the Completion of a Four Year Term from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2027.
6. Reappointing Trixy O’Flaherty and Bill McMahon to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Each for a Five-Year Term Beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2029.
MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the appointments; seconded by Alderman Verbic.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 6-0-1-1 roll call vote. Aye: Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Abstained: Larson. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
Mayor Barnes read the items on the Consent Agenda by title only:
1. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 23, 2024.
2. Accounts Payable and Payroll through October 14, 2024, in the Amount of $5,180,195.37.
3. Investment and Bank Balance Summary through August 2024.
4. Year-to-Date Revenues and Expenditures through August 2024.
5. Crime Free Housing Bureau Report – September 2024.
MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Alderman Smith.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
There were none.
There were none.
1. Resolution 2024-099 Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of DeKalb and Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Union Local #813 from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.
Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Verbic.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
2. Resolution 2024-100 Approving the Purchase of a 2024 Ford Bronco through Morrow Brothers Ford for the DeKalb Fire Department in an Amount Not to Exceed $42,388 Using Funds Awarded by the DeKalb County Community Foundation (DCCF) from the Howard and Mildred Eychaner Fund.
Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Larson.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
Mayor Barnes commented on the services provided by DCCF to DeKalb and the surrounding communities.
Dan Templin, DCCF’s Executive Director, expressed his gratitude to the community and local service providers for their generous support.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
3. Resolution 2024-101 Approving a Restaurant/Low Alcohol By Volume Liquor License for Flamingo Restaurant & Ice Cream, Inc., Located 1029 Pleasant Street.
Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Perkins.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
4. Resolution 2024-102 Approving a Bar Liquor License with Supplemental Licensure for Video Gaming for TE & OP LLC, d/b/a Athena’s Palace, 1704 Sycamore Road.
Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Powell.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
5. Resolution 2024-103 Authorizing the Award of a Construction Services Contract to Swallow Construction Corporation in the Amount of $175,000 for Watermain Replacement Along the Block of 300 E. Lincoln Highway, with Staff Authority to Approve Change Orders for a Not to Exceed Total of $190,000.
Mayor Barnes read the resolution by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Alderman Verbic.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
There were none.
1. Ordinance 2024-047 Amending Ordinance 2024-033 Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or By Any Other Method Within a Certain Area in the City of DeKalb (1334 E. Lincoln Highway).
Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Verbic.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
MOTION: Alderman Perkins moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Powell.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
2. Ordinance 2024-048 Approving the Rezoning of Property Located at the Northwest Corner of W. Hillcrest Drive and Blackhawk Road from the “LC’ Light Commercial District to the “PD-C” Planned Development Commercial District and Approval of a Final Plat of Resubdivision to Accommodate the NIU Center for Greek Life (NIU Real Estate Foundation).
Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Powell moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Larson.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Powell.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
Matt Streb, Northern Illinois University’s (NIU) Chief Strategy Officer/BOT Liaison, stated he’s excited about the project, adding it will be transformational for not only NIU, but for the neighborhood as well. He also spoke of the upcoming NIU Homecoming block party scheduled for October 17, 2024, in downtown DeKalb and thanked the City for its partnership.
Mayor Barnes noted his appreciation and partnership with NIU.
3. Ordinance 2024-049 Amending Chapter 23 “Unified Development Ordinance”, Article 5 “Zoning District Regulations”, as it Pertains to Single-Family Attached Dwellings Having a Common Wall Along a Lot Line (City of DeKalb).
Mayor Barnes read the ordinance by title only.
MOTION: Alderman Verbic moved to approve First Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Smith.
City Manager Nicklas gave an overview of this item based on the information provided in the agenda packet.
There were no questions or comments from the Council.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to waive Second Reading of the ordinance; seconded by Alderman Powell.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed.
1. Council Member Reports.
Alderman Walker reported that he will be hosting a Ward 7 meeting on October 24, 2024, at the Red Roof Inn. He reminded those that may attend to be respectful, or they wouldn’t be welcome.
Alderman Verbic wished NIU a happy homecoming.
Alderman Larson asked residents to be patient with slow moving farm equipment. She also reminded residents to be sure the stormwater drain in front of their homes (if any) is clear of leaves and other debris. Closing her report, Alderman Larson encouraged residents to buy locally to keep tax dollars in the area.
Mayor Barnes reported on recent meetings and events he’s attended, including an open house regarding the proposed South Fourth Street TIF district, a meeting with Greek organizations regarding the upcoming tugs event, a State of the City report he made at a DeKalb Women’s Club meeting, a meeting he attended with Community Services Coordinator Yochem with the University Village Collaborative, the Volunteer Action Service (VAC) golf outing, Barbed Wire Weekend events, the WLBK radio show, and the DeKalb Corn Classic/Taste of DeKalb.
2. City Manager Report.
City Manager Nicklas had no report.
Mayor Barnes read the following Executive Session exceptions for the record:
Approval to Hold an Executive Session in Order to Discuss Executive Session Minutes as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21), and Worker’s Compensation as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(12).
MOTION: Alderman Smith moved to recess for Executive Session; seconded by Alderman Perkins.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed and recessed the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
Following adjournment of the Executive Session, Mayor Barnes opened the meeting to the public at 7:04 p.m.
MOTION: Alderman Larson moved to adjourn the Regular meeting; seconded by Alderman Perkins.
VOTE: Motion carried by a 7-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Larson, Smith, Perkins, Powell, Verbic, Walker, Barnes. Nay: None. Absent: Zasada. Mayor Barnes declared the motion passed and adjourned the Regular meeting at 7:04 p.m.