Sarah Brenner, President | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website
Sarah Brenner, President | Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Website
Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met Oct. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District #100, Boone, McHenry, DeKalb Counties, Illinois met in a regular meeting October 21, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. at the Districts Central Office, located at 1201 Fifth Avenue, Belvidere, Illinois, which is within the boundaries of said District.
A. Opening Items
Call to Order:
The President called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Roll Call:
Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Herrera, Ms. Maville, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.
Member absent was Mrs. Houk.
B. Administer Oath of Office to the Newly Elected Board of Education Members:
President Maville administered the Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Board of Education member appointed by the Regional Office of Education on October 8, 2024. Member Diestelmeier recited the following Oath of Office:
I, (name of member of candidate), do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of office of member of the Board of Education of Belvidere Community Unit School District 100, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability.
I further swear that:
I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the School District’s assets;
I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow Board members and others who seek a hearing before the Board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;
I shall recognize that a Board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public Board meeting;
I shall abide by majority decisions of the Board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels;
As part of the Board of Education, I shall accept the responsibility for my role in the equitable and quality education of every student in the School District;
I shall foster with the Board extensive participation of the community, formulate goals, define outcomes, and set the course for Belvidere Community Unit School District100;
I shall assist in establishing a structure and an environment designed to ensure all students have the opportunity to attain their maximum potential through a sound organizational framework;
I shall strive to ensure a continuous assessment of student achievement and all conditions affecting the education of our children, in compliance with State law;
I shall serve as education's key advocate on behalf of students and our community's schools to advance the vision for Belvidere Community Unit School District 100; and
I shall strive to work together with the District Superintendent to lead the School District toward fulfilling the vision the Board has created, fostering excellence for every student in the areas of academic skills, knowledge, citizenship, and personal development.
C. Closed Executive Session of the Board of Education from Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act
The meeting adjourned to closed executive session at 5:35 P.M. for the following:
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representative – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), and student disciplinary cases – 5 ILCS 120/2(C)(9).
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to adjourn to closed executive session. The President called the question, and the following members voted.
YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
D. Reconvene in Open Session
Open session meeting reconvened at 6:15 P.M. with the Pledge to the American Flag.
Roll Call:
Members present were Mr. Bucher, Mr. Diestelmeier, Mr. Herrera, Mrs. Maville, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Mr. Zickert.
Member absent was Mrs. Houk.
Approval of Agenda
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any items amended or moved from the agenda.
Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on October 21, 2024, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
E. District Celebrations
1. Physics Teacher of the Year
On behalf of the executive council of the Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Elizabeth Gonzalez was awarded the associations Physics Teacher of the Year award for the 2023-2024 school year.
2. ASBO International Accents Highlight
Jo Ann Armstrong, Chief Financial Officer for District 100 was spotlighted in the latest edition of ASBO International Accent.
3. Board Shout Outs
The following people were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond in District 100.
• Jessica Ferguson – Perry Elementary School
• Kelly Dunn and Cooper White – Washington Academy
• Leslie Pascolla - Central Middle School
• Tim Brooks, Lisa DeJong, Scott Ramsby, and Hannah Rognstad – South Middle School
• Rob Wesselhoff – Belvidere High School
• Frank and Marci Oldani – Belvidere North High School
• Megan Zanocco, Jessica Graefe, and Jan Juric – Central Office
• Collin Crull, Martin Ayala, Eric Verhagen, and Matt Pantoja – Maintenance
F. Student Council Reports
Joslyn Cnota from Belvidere High School reported on what has been happening at Washington Academy, Meehan Elementary School, South Middle School, Belvidere High School, and Everest High School.
Leilani Mora from North High School reported on what has been happening at Belvidere North High School, Belvidere Central Middle School, Seth Whitman, Perry, Lincoln, and Caledonia Elementary Schools.
G. Board of Education Committee Reports
1. Facilities and Long Range Planning Committee Meeting – September 19th
Facilities and Long Range Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 5
• Facilities Update
• Facilities Master Plan Update and Look Ahead
• Boilers at Belvidere High School
• School Tour of Everest High School
2. Business Services Committee Meeting – October 1st
Business Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 5
• PAC Sunday Use Request – The Studio, LLC
• BYB Sunday Facility Use Request
• Belvidere Bandits Wrestling Sunday Facility Use Request
• Intergovernmental Agreement between Winnebago CUSD 323 and Belvidere CUSD 100
• Fuel Bid
• Excess Property Disposal
• Annual Maintenance Grant
3. Educational Services Committee Meeting – October 2nd
Educational Services Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• District Scorecard Update - Goal 1 & 2
• Playworks Update
• Early College Credit Report
• Proposed High School Course Catalog Changes
• Stronger Connections Grant
• K-5 ELA Curriculum Review Pilot
• 2024-2025 School Scorecard
• Middle School Success Criteria Proposal
• AI Guidance Committee Proposal
• Other Matters
4. Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – October 2nd
Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 3
• Vaping Intervention Program
• Review of District Handbook – Sections 1 & 2
• District 100 Discipline Guide
• Bullying and Harassment Policy and Data
• Family Possip Survey Review - September
• 5 Essentials Survey Results 23-24
• Future Topics
5. Facilities and Long Range Planning Committee Meeting – October 17th
Facilities and Long Range Committee minutes were submitted for review and included the following:
• Strategic Plan Update for Goal 5
• Facilities Update
• Facilities Master Plan Priority Projects
• Kishwaukee Next Steps
H. Presentations
1. Financial Audit Presentation
Cory Cowan of Groenz and Associates, Ltd. Presented the highlights from the Financial Audit for the District.
I. Hearing of Visitors
Members of the public and employees of District #100 were able to make comments or ask questions of the Board. The following individuals wished to address the board.
Robert Hauser regarding test scores, Perry Elementary School and board vacancy. Colin Clausen regarding Policy 2:265 Title IX Grievance Procedure
Hearing no one else wished to address the Board, President Maville closed the hearing of visitors.
J. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
2. Minutes
3. Personnel Report
4. Financial Reports
5. Bills
6. Fuel Bids
7. Excess Property Disposal
8. Annual Maintenance Grant
9. Intergovernmental Agreement between Winnebago CUSD 323 and Belvidere CUSD 100
10. Belvidere Bandits Wrestling Sunday Facility Use Request
11. PAC Sunday Use Request – The Studio, LLC
12. Overnight Field Trip Requests
13. Request for Fundraisers
14. Donations
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any items removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Zickert seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items #2-14, as presented.
President Maville recognized the following donation:
• $100 from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories for Belvidere Central Middle School
• 2007 Honda Ridgeline from James Ongtengco for Belvidere High School Automotive Department
The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Zickert, Bucher, Diestelmeier, Whitcomb, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
K. Roll Call Action Items
1. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
2. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 2:265 Title IX Grievance Procedure
3. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 5:100 Staff Development Program
4. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
5. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
6. Revision to Existing Board of Education Policy 7:215 Conditional Probation / Holding Expulsion in Abeyance
President Maville inquired if any Board members wished to have any revisions to existing Board of Education policies removed from the Roll Call Action Items for separate consideration.
Hearing none, Member Herrera made a motion and Member Maville seconded the motion to approve the revisions to existing Board of Education policies 1-6, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Maville, Bucher, Diestelmeier, and Zickert
NAY: Whitcomb
Motion passed.
7. Belvidere High School Stadium Building Name
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Zickert seconded the motion to approve the naming of the Belvidere High School Stadium Building the Mike Hearn Stadium Building, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Zickert, Diestelmeier, Bucher, Whitcomb, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
8. Proclamation for American Education Week – November 18-22, 2024
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Zickert seconded the motion to adopt the Proclamation for American Education Week – November 18-22, 2024, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Zickert, Diestelmeier, Whitcomb, Bucher, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
9. Facilities Master Plan Update
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Maville seconded the motion to approve the Facilities Master Plan Update, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Maville, Diestelmeier, and Bucher
NAY: Zickert and Whitcomb
Motion passed.
10. AI Guidance Committee Proposal
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Diestelmeier seconded the motion to approve the AI Guidance Committee Proposal, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Diestelmeier, Bucher, Zickert, Whitcomb, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
11. Middle School Success Criteria Proposal
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Zickert seconded the motion to approve the Middle School Success Criteria Proposal, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Zickert, Whitcomb, Bucher, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
12. 2024-2025 School Scorecards
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Bucher seconded the motion to approve the 2024-2025 School Scorecards, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Bucher, Whitcomb, Zickert, Diestelmeier, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
13. Stronger Connections Grant
Member Herrera made a motion and Member Diestelmeier seconded the motion to approve the Stronger Connections Grant, as presented. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Herrera, Diestelmeier, Zickert, Bucher, and Maville
NAY: None
ABSTAIN: Whitcomb
Motion passed.
14. Notice to Remedy for Employee 102124-A
Member Bucher made a motion and Member Herrera seconded the motion to table the Notice to Remedy for Employee 102124-A. The President called the question, and the following members voted:
YEA: Bucher, Herrera, Diestelmeier, Whitcomb, Zickert, and Maville
NAY: None
Motion passed.
L. Board Discussion
The following items were discussed by the Board of Education:
1. Proposed High School Course Catalog Changes
Annually, administration prepares a summary of all planned changes to the high school course catalog. This summary includes any proposed new courses or course changes that will require the approval of the Board of Education. New course proposals come directly from our teacher departments and are developed in consideration of providing students with high-quality course experiences aimed at the state standards and the attainment of skills needed to successfully complete all high school graduation requirements. The Board of Education will be asked to approve the High School Course Catalog at the November regular meeting.
2. Upcoming Contract Renewals & Reports
m. Administration Reports
The following items were presented to the Board of Education:
1. Superintendent Comments
2. Strategic Plan Update
3. School Activity Reports for all District 100 Schools
4. Department Highlights
5. A Look Ahead to Upcoming District Events
• Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting - October 24
• Business Services Committee Meeting – November 5
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – November 6
• Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting - November 6
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - November 18
• Triple I Conference in Chicago - November 22-24
• Business Services Committee Meeting – December 3
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – December 4
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - December 16
• Business Services Committee Meeting – January 7
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - January 21
• Business Services Committee Meeting – February 4
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – February 5
• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – February 5
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - February 18
• Business Services Committee Meeting – March 4
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – March 5
• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – March 5
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - March 17
• Business Services Committee Meeting – April 1
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – April 2
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - April 21
• Business Services Committee Meeting – May 6
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – May 7
• Parent Teacher Advisory Committee Meeting – May 7
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - May 19
• Business Services Committee Meeting – June 3
• Educational Services Committee Meeting – June 4
• Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - June 16
N. Adjournment
Having no further business to conduct, Member Herrera made a motion and member Bucher seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The President called the question, and the motion passed on a voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 P.M.$file/10-21-2024%20Minutes.pdf